Feeling old yet? Vol. Back/Knee Pains

Sep 16, 2003
Messed my knees up from years of skateboarding. Can hear a quiet crackle sometimes when I get up from kneeling down. Knee popped out when I went to grab the ball off balance during a bball game I felt a sensation in my knee them next thing i know ive fallen over for no apparent reason.(knee popped out). Its almost slipped out a few times after that hella embarrassing. I've had back pains from working in a mail room but it went away from properly lifting techniques and stretching twice a day.
hell yea. im 25 and i have a permanently bad ankle from spraining it skateboarding and never getting it looked at. When i work a lot wiht my hands they tend to lock up like carple tunnel. top of everything else ive always had the thickest black hair ever and now it seems to be falling out in the front. wouldnt have called this at 18!
Originally Posted by 0 Xm 0

hell yea. im 25 and i have a permanently bad ankle from spraining it skateboarding and never getting it looked at. When i work a lot wiht my hands they tend to lock up like carple tunnel. top of everything else ive always had the thickest black hair ever and now it seems to be falling out in the front. wouldnt have called this at 18!

Mine was sprained for over a year id say. I eventually got it looked at and the doctor said i stretched the tendons out. He gave me something for it, I dont even remember what it was suppose to do but eventually it went away. Actually Id say it feel as good as new. All that because of a bad ledge landing.
hurt each knee these last 2 summers. went through physical therapy this time around for both. ill need braces or tape for any sort of physical activity from now on.
I am thankful that i have not hurt anything seriously, but i have bad knees. I love playing basketball and they get tired easily. My back has been giving me aches recently when playing basketball.
I'm 19 btw.
My knee's used to hurt a couple years ago and I was guessing it was from all the And 1 mixtape moves of bouncing the ball off my knees
  I've been working out my legs since and anytime a thread like this pops up, I can never recommend a foam roller enough.  I'm completely pain free now in the knee's.  As far as my back goes, it'll start to hurt if/when I stop going to the gym for about a month so I know it's time to stop slackin'
My knees left knee constantly cracks and my right knee has pains under the knee cap and gets stiff very easily. 29 years old.
Left ankle starts getting a shooting pain after about 6 games (sprained two months ago bad). I get what it feels like "gummy calfs" but I have never had them looked at, but it also doesn't often happen much either. As I am typing I am lying down stiff as a pole from a neck injury which feels like a whiplash in a car accident. Some dude fouled me pretty hard cause I blew past him and got pushed into a wallmat 
 Im 21 btw.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

My knee's used to hurt a couple years ago and I was guessing it was from all the And 1 mixtape moves of bouncing the ball off my knees
  I've been working out my legs since and anytime a thread like this pops up, I can never recommend a foam roller enough.  I'm completely pain free now in the knee's.  As far as my back goes, it'll start to hurt if/when I stop going to the gym for about a month so I know it's time to stop slackin'
please elaborate on this foam roller.
Had an incomplete spinal cord injury at the age of 19 from a tumor. Left me paralyzed. Got back on my feet and don't plan on ever using a wheelchair. But after 20+ surgeries including one open back surgery I feel like I'm 95. Fortunately when I tell people how I feel they don't really believe it because I "look" so good minus a slight limp. Hell, I'll take it.

Make sure ya'll work out and keep it moving. A body in motion stays in motion.

I always thought it was a myth that the cold makes people hurt. Shyyytttttt. The weather change is definitely true.
Originally Posted by BaldGrill

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

My knee's used to hurt a couple years ago and I was guessing it was from all the And 1 mixtape moves of bouncing the ball off my knees
  I've been working out my legs since and anytime a thread like this pops up, I can never recommend a foam roller enough. I'm completely pain free now in the knee's. As far as my back goes, it'll start to hurt if/when I stop going to the gym for about a month so I know it's time to stop slackin'
please elaborate on this foam roller.
both my knees crack/pop everytime i bend down. left knee will start to ache/throb after a medium distance run (5+ miles). ive thrown out my lower back twice, where i felt like i was paralyzed and was laid up for 3-5 days unable to stand upright. the back will flare up every now and again if i go too hard during jiu jitsu training.

i'm 31 and i have a standing appointment with my chiropractor every 3 weeks... sucks.
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Had an incomplete spinal cord injury at the age of 19 from a tumor. Left me paralyzed. Got back on my feet and don't plan on ever using a wheelchair. But after 20+ surgeries including one open back surgery I feel like I'm 95. Fortunately when I tell people how I feel they don't really believe it because I "look" so good minus a slight limp. Hell, I'll take it.

Make sure ya'll work out and keep it moving. A body in motion stays in motion.

I always thought it was a myth that the cold makes people hurt. Shyyytttttt. The weather change is definitely true.

Sorry to hear that man..If you don't mind me asking, what exactly does "open back surgery" mean?..Cause I've had 3 back surgeries, one being a fusion of L4/L5, and I can relate to alot of what you said..I get the same reaction from people when I tell them how bad I hurt because I'm not laying around crying all day..And as for the cold making people hurt thing, any person who doesnt believe this has obviously never had a spine surgery and been left with a severe case of arthritis..Everytime the temp. gets below 50 degrees I just want to rip my own spine out and throw it in the garbage..
Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Had an incomplete spinal cord injury at the age of 19 from a tumor. Left me paralyzed. Got back on my feet and don't plan on ever using a wheelchair. But after 20+ surgeries including one open back surgery I feel like I'm 95. Fortunately when I tell people how I feel they don't really believe it because I "look" so good minus a slight limp. Hell, I'll take it.

Make sure ya'll work out and keep it moving. A body in motion stays in motion.

I always thought it was a myth that the cold makes people hurt. Shyyytttttt. The weather change is definitely true.

Sorry to hear that man..If you don't mind me asking, what exactly does "open back surgery" mean?..Cause I've had 3 back surgeries, one being a fusion of L4/L5, and I can relate to alot of what you said..I get the same reaction from people when I tell them how bad I hurt because I'm not laying around crying all day..And as for the cold making people hurt thing, any person who doesnt believe this has obviously never had a spine surgery and been left with a severe case of arthritis..Everytime the temp. gets below 50 degrees I just want to rip my own spine out and throw it in the garbage..

Appreciate the words.  I'm good though.  And as far as open back, that's just the way the neurosurgeon referred to it.  But basically I got cut from C-5 to T-7, and the back had to be "opened" up to remove all of the tumor which was benign but still caused significant damage.  It's a long story and I've shared it here before but I don't want to hi-jack this thread. 

The hardest part for me is still having a young spirit and the will to push myself but then paying for it later. I always go past my expected and doctor preferred limitations, but that's also why I've come as far as I have.  The only time I rest is when my body says, "Ok you're shutting down, you've done enough

I aint as good as I once was, but I'm as good once, as I ever was.  Hee haw

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