External Hard Drive...

Nov 24, 2010
I need an external hard drive to backup all my files.

I probably have a maximum of 70 GB of files, so I don't see why I would need more than 200GB or so.

Where can I get a nice deal?
i got a ton at my job , 300 gig joints . i'll get u one for $50 . pm me ...
aint they still expensive or prices shot up because the flood that happened in taiwan (where they get made at)
Originally Posted by gatorad3

aint they still expensive or prices shot up because the flood that happened in taiwan (where they get made at)
^ Thailand, actually. And yes, prices are expected to be 
 up until the Q3 2012, from what I've read. SSD's apparently are not affected and still expensive. 
Hate thinking about externals.....tripped on my cord and sent mine flying and !@$* just buzzes now.
Goto Newegg or Bestbuy. Get a portable that way you dont have to deal with ac adapter and extra cords.
Originally Posted by G14

always have more than one....trust me

This man knows.
Got one 1.5TB external drive, one internal drive that I use with a hard drive docking station, and am waiting for prices to come back down so I can get another 2TB drive to keep at someone elses house.
If you don't have a lot of files I'd also invest in a cloud storage plan for some of your stuff.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by G14

always have more than one....trust me

This man knows.
Got an one 1.5TB external drive, one internal drive that I use with a hard drive docking station, and am waiting for prices to come back down so I can get another 2TB drive to keep at someone elses house.
If you don't have a lot of files I'd also invest in a cloud storage plan for some of your stuff.

Can somebody recommend one for use on both Mac and PC?
I was talking to a guy at the Apple store and he said that brands like WD and Seagate weren't that great.  He recommended LaCie.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

whyhellothere wrote:

G14 wrote:

always have more than one....trust me

This man knows.
Got an one 1.5TB external drive, one internal drive that I use with a hard drive docking station, and am waiting for prices to come back down so I can get another 2TB drive to keep at someone elses house.
If you don't have a lot of files I'd also invest in a cloud storage plan for some of your stuff.


I got a Western Digital 1.5TB too for only like $120 at Best Buy. I only use it for my movies that I get and have it plugged to my Playstation 3. I am actually maxed out on that harddrive too and plan on getting a 3TB and moving my movies on there and then using the 1.5 for Time Machine on my iMac.
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