Electric guitar owners....

Jul 21, 2008
im looking to buy one.. can you guys school a brother on the best one's to get?? Jimi Hendrix and Carlos Santana style

I can't tell you from experience,

but I can tell you that its best to go to a store and play 'em for yourself.

Jimi is most synonymous with the Fender Stratocaster, however, he pretty much played anything that piqued his interest. (Gibson Sg Classic Custom/Gibson FlyingV)

Carlos Santana is PRS Guitars' homie.

What kind of tone are you after?

what kind of music do you play/wish to play?

Julius F. Wrek
I hope you're willing to stick at least a few hundred if you are serious about this/want something that actually sounds nice.
I'm leaning towards the gibson sg special. a grand wasn't what I was trying to spend but I like the sounds.
Thanks for the help fellas.
I just recently bought a bass guitar and I happily paid $40 for a used one so I can see if I liked it or not. I'd suggest getting a cheaper priced guitarbeforehand to see if it is really something you will be interested in.
I'm a bass player but dabble in guitar as well. If you have the money to spend I'd recommend a Gibson and if you don't I'd recommend andEpiphone (Gibson's cheaper models). They have the thickest sound and the widest range, plus the necks feel amazing. Also, Fender has really fallen offwhen it comes to assuring quality so I'd stay away from them.

What kind of bass did you get p0tat0 5alad?

- Tical.
T i c a l sighting. I haven't seen you post in a good minute.

I got a cheap one, Austin Instruments. I don't even know what kind. I bought it from a my friend's friend. He bought it brand new 5 years ago and onlyreally played it for 2 years and the past few years its been collecting dust. I got it for $40 & bought his Ibanez amp for $20 so I think I got a gooddeal.
Cool man. I started out on a beat up Mexican made Fender Jazz Bass that I got from my Dad's friend for $150. It's always good to start out onsomething cheap to make sure you like it first plus when you're beginning you can't tell the difference between the expensive ones and the cheap onesanyway. What kind of stuff do you play?

- Tical.
I'm a newbie man. I really haven't messed with it much. So far I got the first couple of notes in Amazing Grace & N.I.B. down. Other than thatnothing. I met a guy here on campus that plays bass and he was gonna try to help me out and teach me some RATM & Muse
Ahh ok, well you have to start somewhere. Some Rage would actually be pretty good for building your left hand dexterity as well as your rhythm; I started offlearning their bass lines along with some of Nirvana's stuff. I would hold off on the Muse for awhile because he tends to use a lot of distortion and alot of his stuff is fast and/or complex whereas RATM is more funky and well placed within the songs. If I were to give you one tip of advice it would be tolearn all the notes on the fretboard and how they relate to each other in terms of the root/third/fifth/octave. I know that sounds like a bunch of gibberishnow but spend some time learning that stuff and it'll be a lot easier. If you can get your hands on a metronome or, even better, a cheap drum machine toplay along with that will really help out your rhythm and time keeping as well which are both imperative for a bass player. Finally I'd say that if youdon't practice a lot you won't get anywhere. I know that sounds obvious but a lot of people underestimate the time it takes. I realize you didn'task for all of this but I enjoy helping people get started into creating music so I apologize for the long ramble. Good luck and if you have any questions Ican probably help so just hit me up.

(wwwhttp://www.studybass.com/.studybass.com is an awesome site forbeginners)

- Tical.
No man, I appreciate all the advice I can get. I heard Nirvana was some good stuff to learn when starting out but I didn't want to try since they play inC-drop & I'm in standard tuning. But my friends were telling me as long as I know how it is supposed to sound then it won't make a difference. Iplay using tabs since I can't read music but I plan on taking a Music Theory type class next semester and maybe I can learn.
which guitar is it better to start off with acoustic or electric
How hard is it to teach yourself
Originally Posted by AirWeezy03

which guitar is it better to start off with acoustic or electric
How hard is it to teach yourself

In my opinion it's easier to start on an acoustic due to not having to worry about effects pedals and an amp settings to get a good sound. Not only that,but you can get a nice sounding acoustic for $130 dollars or so (check out Jasmine acoustic guitars). As for teaching yourself, it's difficult because ofthe amount of practice you have to put in to be good but if you really want to do it there won't be a problem.

- Tical.

Originally Posted by T i c a l

Originally Posted by AirWeezy03

which guitar is it better to start off with acoustic or electric
How hard is it to teach yourself

In my opinion it's easier to start on an acoustic due to not having to worry about effects pedals and an amp settings to get a good sound. Not only that, but you can get a nice sounding acoustic for $130 dollars or so (check out Jasmine acoustic guitars). As for teaching yourself, it's difficult because of the amount of practice you have to put in to be good but if you really want to do it there won't be a problem.

- Tical.

I went the acoustic route rather than electric, my decision was based on the guitar "forcing" me to be accurate.

Teaching yourself, isn't too hard either,

its your dedication to the craft that will yield results.

Constantly reading music books, watching people play guitar and videos help a bunch.

Julius F. Wrek
acoustic guitar and learn chords and scales... If i knew the things i know now id probably would have excelled alot faster.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

I heard Nirvana was some good stuff to learn when starting out but I didn't want to try since they play in C-drop & I'm in standard tuning.

yea, i think your mistaking nirvana for another band.
but in terms of gear, you get what you pay for basically.
I just started as well. A friend gave me his Epiphone Les Paul and I thinks its a great starting guitar and I also have a fender acoustic. Definitely play withother people as much as possible.
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