Does insanity work???

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Yes, it works. My coworker does it and hes in great shape. Its very hard though but def worth it. Im gonna get back into it soon.
^^ how was your diet? and how much trouble did you have keeping up the first few weeks?
I didn't really "diet".  I did however cut out soda, juice and ALL fast food.  Only brown rice, and whole wheat bread.  No refined sugars at all.

And as far as keeping up......insanity kicked my butt.  I had to work up to keep up with them.  It took about 2 weeks to really hit my stride.  But I still can't complete an entire video without taking a break...
Yeah, i've seen people with good results. Your cardio will be awesome from doing it. It's also more fun than p90x. The only problem I had with it was finding a space to do it. My family are slobs and fill up the exercise room with junk and garbage. :smh:
How much jumping is involved? I live in an apartment and I can hear every step from the tenants above me. Im afraid alot of jumping will piss of my neighbors downstairs who already complain about the noise when the homies cone over :lol:
How much jumping is involved? I live in an apartment and I can hear every step from the tenants above me. Im afraid alot of jumping will piss of my neighbors downstairs who already complain about the noise when the homies cone over :lol:

lotta jumping
p90x prob makes you look better cuz of the strength training... but this is cool too.

im bout to start it today when i get home frmo work. adding a lifting routine also for my mussels.
You need to have some sort of conditioning or you will pass out after the "warm-up" :lol:
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I did it this last fall during football season, and i saw good results but i only did the first month. I couldn't handle the second month with practice too :smh:
Of course it WOULD work for you to get in shape and tone up. It WILL not work if you are going to McDonalds right after, getting wasted on the weekends, eating a whole pizza to the face.

It's only a portion of the battle.
I didn't really "diet".  I did however cut out soda, juice and ALL fast food.  Only brown rice, and whole wheat bread.  No refined sugars at all.

And as far as keeping up......insanity kicked my butt.  I had to work up to keep up with them.  It took about 2 weeks to really hit my stride.  But I still can't complete an entire video without taking a break...:lol:

THIS is what i need to cut out.. along with drinking on the weekends.. ugh!
congrats though man!
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