Do you wear your seat belt?

This thread better be filled with nothing but posts to the effect of "Why wouldnt you wear your seatbelt, you'd be dumb not to"
Never. Unless I'm somewhere I can get pulled over for not wearing it then I will.
I try to remember to, but for some reason only remember to when I'm on the highway or about to get on the highway. It's like I don't even hear the beep from the car.

My girl always reminds me as soon as we get in the car whenever she's riding with me though.

plus its like $100 fine in nyc

ive done seen car accidents where the whole body is on the hood of the car...
matter of fact, ive been doing so long i honestly feel nervous NOT driving with it..

like something is missing.

very nerve wrecking feeling

plus its like $100 fine in nyc

ive done seen car accidents where the whole body is on the hood of the car...
or worse. Besides how could it not be habit for some? That's the first thing you do when you get in the car.
Sure do. I get paranoid when people get in my car and don't put on their seats belts, my cousins do this all the time and it makes me cringe.
Never. Unless I'm somewhere I can get pulled over for not wearing it then I will.
But why? I've been wearing seatbelts even before this whole "click it or ticket" thing started, I wear it when I'm in the backseat. I flat out dont feel comfortable in a car if I'm not wearing a seatbelt.

Sure do. I get paranoid when people get in my car and don't put on their seats belts, my cousins do this all the time and it makes me cringe.
This too, I tell people to put it on. It makes me uneasy.
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To be honest I feel naked without it when I'm in a car especially when I'm driving.
Always, ****** can't get in my car without it.
G35 hit corners so smooth [emoji]128526[/emoji]
100% of the time, and I make sure any passengers in my ride have theirs on too. 

You'd have to be legit suicidal or just a flat out imbecile not to. This thread will show us who those people are. 
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