Do you think Adrian Peterson is coming back too fast?

Mar 27, 2006
I dont know but this just seems to dangerous for him to only take 2 weeks off like this. It reminds me of Boobie Miles from Friday Night Lights. The coachshould rest him enough not to endanger him from any future injuries.
Yea I think this too, but he feels that they have a playoff chance and they need him.

Hopefully he doesn't get hurt again, and career ending.
That brace he was wearing looks real bulky. I wanna see him play but I would hate to see him get hurt again.
i don't think he needs to play.

Chester Taylor is just as capable of upholding the run game, he rushed for 130+ when AD went down. if the Vikings backup was Cedric Benson or someone thenyeah, AD might need to work it out and come back sooner. but the backup is a legit NFL back that would start for most teams, no need to rush AD back.

with that said, i dont think he will be used much today. Taylor will probably still get most of the carries, they'll just ease AD in there. if that doesnthappen Childress is an idiot.
Yes...the organizatin should shut him down for the rest of the season to be extra safe. You're risking playing for no real big reward at this point forMinny. They should sit him because this guy is the franchise & the future.
You're risking playing for no real big reward at this point for Minny. They should sit him because this guy is the franchise & the future.
They are in the playoff hunt that is a really big reward

If they beat the Lions they are right behind the Giants and would be right in the middle of the wild card hunt
Im watching the game right now...originally I thought the Vikes should shut him down...but the medical staff has done a good job...and it's not likePeterson is limping out there, he looks healthy and willing to run the same way he did before the injury.

....and just as I'm typing this nice 15 yard TD by Peterson
Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

Yes...the organizatin should shut him down for the rest of the season to be extra safe. You're risking playing for no real big reward at this point for Minny. They should sit him because this guy is the franchise & the future.

Actually if you were watching the game you would see that he's doing well right now. Also, the Vikings are 5-6 maybe 6-6 since they are off to a 14-3lead. This is the NFC and the Wild Card isn't too far out for this team.
Yes, i do think hes coming back to fast.
because he tore something in his knee. Any tear in the knee should be taken with precaution.
They are in the playoff hunt that is a really big reward

If they beat the Lions they are right behind the Giants and would be right in the middle of the wild card hunt
I know where they are & what they can do. But even with Peterson they won't go that far, imo. & lets say they do get relativly far, itisn't worth getting to say the 2nd round if your franchise ends up worsening an injury like this & possibly hurting his career. You never know &thats why you shouldn't rush him back I think.

Actually if you were watching the game you would see that he's doing well right now. Also, the Vikings are 5-6 maybe 6-6 since they are off to a 14-3 lead. This is the NFC and the Wild Card isn't too far out for this team.
I knwo he can play through it & he can do solid till the end of the season, but as I said its a big risk...
yeah he should come back next season... they have nothing to play for.. why rush him back.. and risk future injuries...
ex. Larry Johnson he was the work horse.. and now.. he's out for the rest of the season... you keep handing him the ball X amount of times.. you shortenhis career
they have nothing to play for.. why rush him back.. and risk future injuries

Why do people keep posting this BS.

The Vikings are one game out of the playoffs stop saying they have nothing to play for

I know where they are & what they can do. But even with Peterson they won't go that far, imo. & lets say they do get relativly far, it isn't worth getting to say the 2nd round if your franchise ends up worsening an injury like this & possibly hurting his career. You never know & thats why you shouldn't rush him back I think.
I mean yes that is a viable outlook to have on the situation I will not dispute that. But a team in the NFL isnt going to just "give up"at least for the sake of Vikings fans and people who buy their tickets. How could you respect a team that did that? NFL is what have you done for me lately.People are trying to not lose jobs this is their lively hood Adrian Peterson isnt gonna pay people who lost their job because they tanked the season to keephim on the sideline when he is 98% healthy
Why do people keep posting this BS.

The Vikings are one game out of the playoffs stop saying they have nothing to play for

Well they have something to play for, but re-read my statement then tell me if its worth it.
I agree with alot of statement in the post but imo hes way to valuable to even take the risk and put him out there. This is where Tavaris Jackson needs toprove he deserves the QB role in Minnesota, and Chester Taylor is not a bad RB himself, i kno hes no AP but you make sure he is fully healed then put him backinto the lineup
The team doctors completely gave him the go ahead.

Dr James Andrews was sent Petersons current information. He also gave him a full pass.

At this point then you have to play him, especially if he is begging to play and feels fine. Lets face it, despite the hype he injury was not that serious. Andas we are seeing today he seems to be fine.
No they would know better then any of us.

Not to mention how he is playing today.
I don't care, if i'm the coach he's sitting on the sidelines, he tore something in his knee, I'd sit him on that alone no matter "howserious" it was.
He is one big run away from another two hundred yard game with a forrest gump leg brace on unbelievable
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