Do you consider yourself a Baller?

Oct 31, 2004
One's definition of baller probably varies so this one is open to your interpretation. It could mean being 100% independent, making good money, living comfortably, having a nice ride and maybe sweet dish on the side or two. Also, it could mean living ostentatiously:  pushing a Lexus or Beamer, rocking the freshest fits, possessing stacks taller than Shaq and only poppin' bottles with models that are 9/10 and above. It's up to you.

With that said--- do you consider yourself a baller?
Budget baller to the fullest.

I remember I couldn't afford a PS2.

Now I can go cop about 5 of them thangs.

and imo those people who are "balling" are quiet...not these people who bring stacks daily.
nope I'm not ballin, I got some baller bands still but that's as far as that goes.

other people stay saying I'm a baller though just because of my shoes/polos/hats/phone and because I live comfortable with my money, but that's just because I:
1. know how to save
2. use discounts whenever possible(hardly buy without one anymore besides some shoes)
3. plan out most of my purchases/splurge moments and generally stay to it.

maybe that makes me an economical baller? I still say no though.
I used to be, Not so much anymore. Seein people get smoked and busted by cops and +@+# with a mix of me growing up got me shook of the old ways. I think I'm more fortunate then others my age, but nowhere near my current idea of a baller. These days I think about things I do a lot more then I used to. Before, if it sounded good, I said $++% it, lets do it. Now I'm a lot more weary of doing things on the other side of the law.
i'm not a baller but i know im doing way better than high school days

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