Do teens give respect to older guys who collect????

Aug 28, 2006
Waddup NT,

I just wanna know 1 thing....i have seen alot of threads here and it seems to be alot of HS kids on here. Is there a 30 and over crew? and if so, do ya youngpeople resepect our game or are we just a bunch of hypebeasts the way i have heard some of ya say while I was waiting on line for the 14/9 packs this weekend.

Can it be that we don't have to ask mom or dad for $$$ to buy J"s? Or that we can go at anytime of the night at a drop of a dyme for a release. Orthat we may still have some OG DS GRAILS that you may want???

All i have to say to you kids is this...those of us who are 30+ have seen Mike play, we bought his kicks when he was dominating the knicks, suns, lakers,blazers, celtics and hawks! we were there when he went to barcelona and rocked the olympic 7's. basically wa i am trying to say is this...we supported thishabit of collecting his shoes cuz each shoe meant something special NOT because there was a release date and everyone wanted to getthem. we layed the foundation to this game!!! if we would have never bought his shoe what would you be rocking now???

I respect all you guys who are out there showing mike love...but when you see that guy on a line waiting to get a pr of kicks your gonna get, don't hatecuz he has your size and was there b4 you!!! remember this...when there were no such things as retro's we where on a line already!!!

Now to all my sneakerheads keep on hustling and doing your thing my peoples...and remember 30yrs from now you will see a pr of VI wh/blue hit the shelves for$1000 and ppl will buy them cuz they are retro's!!!

i honesty dont like tha fact that you used the age 30 and up. not all people are hypebeast. i know i am not. i am 24...i seen mj play every since i was youngso for you to make that statement str8 disrespect to the non hypebeast thats not 30 and up.
IMO you got it wrong. a real sneakerhead isn't gonna disrespect no matter what age. it's the posers who rock fakes and buy just to resell that fit whatyou're describing. btw, take a deep breath and...... "WOOSAAA!"
Originally Posted by sideshow20

i honesty dont like tha fact that you used the age 30 and up. not all people are hypebeast. i know i am not. i am 24...i seen mj play every since i was young so for you to make that statement str8 disrespect to the non hypebeast thats not 30 and up.
this is wa i am talking not a hypebeast either...but y do we (30+) have to be labeled as one. and as for you being 24 who would relate moreto a HS kid me or you? also i doubt that you could fit in the V's you had 1st had when you was young. like a said i am not disrespecting any 1 i love thateveryone is hip to the game now.
Not many give respect to "elders" or respect to Mike, and buy for all the wrong reasons, and it wasn't a game then. It also isn't necessarilya game to those who are into Jordans for the real reasons. People plainly bought them because they idolized Mike and wanted to have the closest thing to beinglike him and being able to do what he does. People did not get them because their favorite rapper wore them, because it would get you all the girls, or becauseit was a fad necessarily. However this ongoing debate between what age should able to partake in getting Jordans is getting old, just get them for your ownentitled reasons. It's all opinion
Originally Posted by K20Lee

IMO you got it wrong. a real sneakerhead isn't gonna disrespect no matter what age. it's the posers who rock fakes and buy just to resell that fit what you're describing. btw, take a deep breath and...... "WOOSAAA!"

I was thinking the same thing.
yeah im a young dude and i give respect to the older heads still wearing and buying Js. They have been doing it for a while and you have to respect that love,also ive been schooled alot of times by the older guys
Originally Posted by sideshow20

i honesty dont like tha fact that you used the age 30 and up. not all people are hypebeast. i know i am not. i am 24...i seen mj play every since i was young so for you to make that statement str8 disrespect to the non hypebeast thats not 30 and up.
IMO from what ive seen, you guys got it wrong cuz you guys are the ones calling us hype beast.
Its not my fault i was not born 12 years before i was and got to see all of MJ but what i did see (only his last two ships) i loved and still remember my popsthrowing me up in the air when he won and thats what made it love tradition passed on to me.

But to answer your question, yes i do give respect to you guys.
You need to give some respect to us younger guys.
I like the fact that you saying teens use their parents money to buy kicks though. I'm 18 and have bought all my kicks with my own money. I've neverasked my parents for money for kicks. I respect the older cats but best believe I do not owe "you" anything for the fact that you watched MJ playlonger than me. Just because you were around longer doesn't entitle you to something anymore than someone else unless we are talking about retirement orSocial Security
. I understand you are mad that a "young'n" called you a hypebeast but do not stereotype all youngsters. That is not cool.Give respect to earn respect.
Im 32 and cant stand the young "collector"......These young bucks are jockriding a trend. We have been loyal since the days of weekday releases andwatching our backs so we dont get jumped for our shoes. The sad thing is they are the future to keep the brand alive. (IE the tacking and gaudy clothing, thehorrilbe colorways, the bastardization of classic kicks and the LS nonsense)
I give my respect to all the older collectors unless they don't respect me. It really makes me mad when someone who has been collecting longer makes thegeneralization that the young kids are all hypebeast. I will agree that more than 90% of them are and they colect because it's a fad. I wouldn'tconsider myself a hypebeast so i'm offended when somebody thinks I am one. I also can't change when I was born. I'm almost sure I would havestarted collecting a long time ago if I was older.

On a side note I don't think you have to look up to Mike to be a true collector. A true collector (imo) is somebody who loves the shoes, regardless of thereason. I think Mike was a great athlete but I don't idolize him. I collect because I liked the shoes and i have great memories of me wearing them. Thatshouldn't make me any less of a colector than somebody who watched Mike play and do great things in the shoes.
Originally Posted by Ekin 75

Im 32 and cant stand the young "collector"......These young bucks are jockriding a trend.
Youngsters are jockriding a trend? So I shouldn't call myself a gamer because I don't know what it's like the steal quarters out mymoms purse to play PacMan at the pizza parlor. Or I shouldn't call myself an Eagles fan because I didn't like them before they had Donovan McNabb?
The older guys are madd stereotyping!!! Not all young'ns are hypebeast. Im 18 and if i ever asked my parents to buy me some shoes they would slap me silly.A lot of us dont like the ugly ##@ color ways that are coming out (Pea Pods) but if i see some fresh color ways come out that are not OGs (Flips) then ima getthem.
Give respect get respect.
Nice said potato: Give respect, get respect.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by Ekin 75

Im 32 and cant stand the young "collector"......These young bucks are jockriding a trend.
Youngsters are jockriding a trend? So I shouldn't call myself a gamer because I don't know what it's like the steal quarters out my moms purse to play PacMan at the pizza parlor. Or I shouldn't call myself an Eagles fan because I didn't like them before they had Donovan McNabb?

Originally Posted by bigsupa

Originally Posted by sideshow20

i honesty dont like tha fact that you used the age 30 and up. not all people are hypebeast. i know i am not. i am 24...i seen mj play every since i was young so for you to make that statement str8 disrespect to the non hypebeast thats not 30 and up.
this is wa i am talking not a hypebeast either...but y do we (30+) have to be labeled as one. and as for you being 24 who would relate more to a HS kid me or you? also i doubt that you could fit in the V's you had 1st had when you was young. like I said i am not disrespecting any 1 i love that everyone is hip to the game now.
am i being misunderstood here???
I guess not^^

But to everyone their own i guess.

We shouldnt stereotype anyone at all, old or young. It is what it is.
Im a teen and i give mad respect to older collectors. And i remember watching MJ play especially vs the Jazz so you dont have to be 30+ yrs. to rememberwatching him play.
i think that its funny when you meet some young cats and they say something like "I have mad J's" and you ask them home much and they say like 10or 11 pairs! I just sit there and laugh!!!
well I guess I am on the fence here...I am 30+ plus only just started buying Jordans. It was one of those "moments" that I decided I wanted theshoes I could not get when they first came out. I am not even a big basketball fan...but I am a MICHAEL JORDAN fan. So...yeah I have great memories of whenMJ was actually playing. I have family in back when MJ was playing I remember visiting Chicago and going to MJ's restaurant. I went to thefront of the United Center and took pictures of the statue of MJ in front. My aunt bought me a Chicago Bulls "shooting shirt" when I was there...Imean great memories. I remember when my whole family would call and complain to us that all of downtown Chicago was shut down for the parades for the Bulls. Great time to be a kid.

I dont care about respect....I "collect" the shoes I like...not what people tell me to get. So hype or not...i take it as it comes.
AsianImage wrote:

I dont care about respect....I "collect" the shoes I like...not what people tell me to get. So hype or not...i take it as it comes.

Exactly! Really why does it even matter if you get respect from teens or not? If you're an example of a guy who has stacks of Jordans fromcollecting...Great! Fantastic! Excellent!...but why should anybody in their right mind pay you homage just because you had advantages over some teenager who byno fault of their own didn't have the wisdom, experience, and alot of times the money to start their collection off early like you did!?

JB isn't a secret society towards any age group and collecting isn't mandatory its by choice. Regardless of what your age is, the shoes we buy whetherwe're 80 years old or 13 years old is because we like the shoes and we respect Jordan himself. I respect the brand, I respect myself, I respect mycollection and anybody elses no matter how big or small it might be...but I'm not gonna bend over backwards and kiss somebody's #@# because they thinkthey're part of some type of imaginary age requirement Jordan collection club.
who cares about old guys collecting shoes? why should they be respected? cause their parents boned first? who cares?
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