Do FLAME WARS really hurt peoples feelings? Whose gonna start the New Jewelry Thread!?!?

some flames aint no JOKE

some dudes get hurt souls off that
oh boy , here dudes go naming names

* pew pew pew ! brap brap brrrrrrrrrruh *
I remember reading a flame that ended with ".... I'll punch you in the gut" I probably laughed for 3 hours straight @ that, it brought me totears.
It depends on how sensitive a dood really is. I personally don't get hurt, nor do I act tuff, and I hardly take e-thugs seriously... but some doods do knowhow to press buttons, no pun intended. But I read that IM between Mayor and other dood, Mayor is funny.
I wish my feelings would get hurt off some web #*$. But over the years...I done seen some NT'ers make a few cats question they own man hood. I be like gotdayummn! @ some of the stuff yall might say. I be rollin, yall know how to press somebodies buttons. I love it
i found out my ex was cheatin on me through NT... i was hurt (most would be too)

edit: but its all good tho.
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