Do banks make mistakes?


nerd.gif time I had an extra $128 in my account. Unfortunately, they took it out 2 days later...
he's obviously saying he fell then he went missing, during that time the bank took his money
I have a felling sometimes that makes me wonder how I keep from going under. Felling felling felling.
all the time bro....I deposited some checks this past week....I got the receipt from the teller saying that it would be in my account by 2/6 (I put it in onthe 5th) the time the 6th came around, the money I deposited wasn't in my account. I checked with the people who gave me the $, and they said that themoney was already deducted from their accounts. I thought that maybe it would take until midnight on the 6th to get the money, so I checked my account again onthe 7th, and there was still nothing there.

I ended up calling the branch that I deposited the checks, and what happened was the teller that I deposited the money with followed the proper procedure, butsomething got messed up with the processing. It was the bank's fault. They apologized over and over, and recovered the money that got lost in their system.It was a good thing I had my receipt because I gave them the transaction #, which verified my claim.

Bottom line, you need to watch your account with a CLOSE eye. Even a matter of losing as little as $5 somewhere along the lines is grounds for inquiry. I checkmy account both online and over the phone religiously. You gotta stay on top of your finances. If not, the bank can come out ahead, and you could be short acouple dollars....
Originally Posted by BlackMamba08

I have a felling that im missing some money in my account.

Well in that case
Originally Posted by Liquid Sword Chamber

double check your statements, and if they don't add up then notify them.

Also bepending on the source of the money it may take a few days to actually post to your account. Each state is different I believe, but in Texas if its acheck from an instate place/person, they have to have the full amount in your account in 2 days I believe. If it's from out of state then it has to bethere in 5 days or something to that affect.
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Also bepending on the source of the money it may take a few days to actually post to your account. Each state is different I believe, but in Texas if its a check from an instate place/person, they have to have the full amount in your account in 2 days I believe. If it's from out of state then it has to be there in 5 days or something to that affect.

yeah, that's what I was thinking aswell, because it's still pending.
My bank has made a feew mistakes...crediting me about 500 dollars that didn't belong to me, holding about 1500 dollars that did belong to me..some otherstuff that they fixed without issue once it was brought to their attention.
i returned an item worth 610 that i put on my debit card.

that was thursday, and i still haven't seen that bread yet.

i'm pissed.
All the time, I've had issues with banks.

I remeber one time my boy woke up one morin and there was an extra 10,000
in his account, homey goes rushin to the bank to take out the cash and close theaccount
but by the time he gets there its gone
Originally Posted by jtothadub

i returned an item worth 610 that i put on my debit card.

that was thursday, and i still haven't seen that bread yet.

i'm pissed.

Returns take longer.
Wachovia is the worst. I deposited two paychecks into my new account right before I went to school and they didn't show up for over a WEEK. I called themand they gave me some BS about a federal clearing period for new accounts? I had to wait a long time to buy all my books and supplies because of theirincompetence.

Another time I deposited a check on Thursday evening (after previously only having like $2 left in the account) and when I tried to use my debit card to buygas on Saturday night it got declined.
I ended up using a mall gift card and it somehow worked at the gas station luckily.
Took them all the way untilMonday for the money to show up in my account.

Let me just reiterate that I hate Wachovia.
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