"Disarm NYPD" group publicly burns flag then require immediate police safety escort

Dec 27, 2014

Kids ain't about that life, straight cowards...if you feel THAT strong about your views enough to burn an American Flag in public, be man enough to stand up to those who might take that to heart, specially dudes in the military, that have seen friends died, been injured and/or have fought to keep that flag standing tall.
Idk man. The system that we were raised in bred this type of anger. Those stars on the flag should be money signs.
Kids ain't about that life, straight cowards...if you feel THAT strong about your views enough to burn an American Flag in public, be man enough to stand up to those who might take that to heart, specially dudes in the military, that have seen friends died, been injured and/or have fought to keep that flag standing tall.

How are they claiming to be "bout that life", and they were suppose to say there and take a beating? :lol:
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How are they claiming to be "bout that life", and they were suppose to say there at take a beating? :lol:

There was a bunch of dudes and literally like 2 dudes that walked up to them defending the flag.

You burning an American flag in broad daylight during Independence Day weekend, what did they think would happen? :rofl:
I honestly hate both sides of this.

A bunch of ultra-liberal hypocrites vs. a group of neanderthals willing to shoot hands over a piece of fabric that's probably made in Taiwan.

All the while all of the sane people are stuck in the middle.
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How are they claiming to be "bout that life", and they were suppose to say there at take a beating? :lol:

There was a bunch of dudes and literally like 2 dudes that walked up to them defending the flag.

You burning an American flag in broad daylight during Independence Day weekend, what did they think would happen? :rofl:

Brah did you watch the second video. There were more than 2 dudes. Seems like a biker gang was there too.

I honest feel these type of protest to be pointless, just a Jimmy Rustling event, but still, dudes should be assaulted as a result.
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I understand people having an opinion and a feeling about the confederate that's one thing but burning the U.S. Flag is a crime and wants cops to protect them for breaking the law this is so stupid
I honestly hate both sides of this.

A bunch of ultra-liberal hypocrites vs. a group of neanderthals willing to shoot hands over a piece of fabric that's probably made in Taiwan.

All the while all of the sane people are stuck in the middle.

That's pretty much how I feel, literally what is the point of rustling jimmies?...what exactly were they trying to achieve...lol
meh my take on it is this.

personally the flag is like whatever to me.  i don't have no reason to diss it, but i have no reason to be overly patriotic as well.

that said, people have lost friends, family, and those their close to overseas in military related affairs so i can see how burning the flag could hit spots for some folks.   bottom line is this, if you burn it you burn it, but can't cry foul when your actions provoke others and you end up getting hands put on you or worse as a result of your actions.
Brah did you watch the second video. There were more than 2 dudes. Seems like a biker gang was there too.

I honest feel these type of protest to be pointless, just a Jimmy Rustling event, but still, dudes should be assaulted as a result.

Yeah I peeped, still why burn the flag knowing how some may react....dudes out there dying for that flag...extreme patriots is not who you wanna piss off...lol
meh my take on it is this.

personally the flag is like whatever to me.  i don't have no reason to diss it, but i have no reason to be overly patriotic as well.

that said, people have lost friends, family, and those their close to overseas in military related affairs so i can see how burning the flag could hit spots for some folks.   bottom line is this, if you burn it you burn it, but can't cry foul when your actions provoke others and you end up getting hands put on you or worse as a result of your actions.
But bear in mind: if you're fighting overseas in the name of American values and "free speech," this is a by-product of that.  Popular speech doesn't need protection.

You can't pick and choose what speech should be free.
Brah did you watch the second video. There were more than 2 dudes. Seems like a biker gang was there too.

I honest feel these type of protest to be pointless, just a Jimmy Rustling event, but still, dudes should be assaulted as a result.

Yeah I peeped, still why burn the flag knowing how some may react....dudes out there dying for that flag...extreme patriots is not who you wanna piss off...lol

The thing is though these patriots can't claim they were fighting to protect American "freedoms"

Then go out assaulting people when they exercise those freedoms.

Both sides come off as idiots.
But bear in mind: if you're fighting overseas in the name of American values and "free speech," this is a by-product of that.  Popular speech doesn't need protection.

You can't pick and choose what speech should be free.
i feel that, like i said, individually the flag burning thing is like whatever to me. that's my individual views.

but to alot of those overly patriotic folks, mind you a good chunk of these cats are your right to bear arms 2nd amendment crowd,  i could see how it would hit spots with them.  they wanted the attention that came with doing this in a public park but not all attention is good.

on the last part, your right, but lets just say hypothetically speaking the westboro chuch were to picket outside a funeral of someone i were close to, my physical response would pick and choose what speech is free and what isn't.

end of the day there's freedom of speech, but there's reprecussions for your actions. people have  the freedom to post something racially offensive on facebook or twitter if they want.  however if those posts were to be seen by said persons employer, its likely they end up losing their job.   one of the flag burners declined to give his name when interviewed by the daily news because he said his job reads the paper and he didn't want to risk losing it.
But bear in mind: if you're fighting overseas in the name of American values and "free speech," this is a by-product of that.  Popular speech doesn't need protection.

You can't pick and choose what speech should be free.
i feel that, like i said, individually the flag burning thing is like whatever to me. that's my individual views.

but to alot of those overly patriotic folks, mind you a good chunk of these cats are your right to bear arms 2nd amendment crowd,  i could see how it would hit spots with them.  they wanted the attention that came with doing this in a public park but not all attention is good.

on the last part, your right, but lets just say hypothetically speaking the westboro chuch were to picket outside a funeral of someone i were close to, my physical response would pick and choose what speech is free and what isn't.

end of the day there's freedom of speech, but there's reprecussions for your actions. people have  the freedom to post something racially offensive on facebook or twitter if they want.  however if those posts were to be seen by said persons employer, its likely they end up losing their job.   one of the flag burners declined to give his name when interviewed by the daily news because he said his job reads the paper and he didn't want to risk losing it.
Obviously "freedom of speech"=/="freedom from repercussions."  It's just that certain repercussions are legal and certain repercussions aren't.

You can fire someone because they reflect poorly upon your company. You can't start throwing fists because you disagree with someone's opinions.

Is it right?  That's up for debate.  But we're dealing with reality here.  You assault someone over a simple disagreement of ideology,  YOU'RE in the wrong no matter how you slice it.
that may be the case, but why provoke it in the first place.   the dudes burning the flag didn't seem like the type that would be about that action if people got upset and things escalated. they knew the type of reactions they probably would get but didn't seem built to handle the negative reactions.

that's like living in an area with nothing but crips, burning a blue rag, and get beat up by said crips over a disagreement in ideology, the dudes issuing the beatdown are wrong, but said beatdown happens regardless and might be severe.

legally, if one of the flag burners got hands put on him, he could probably press charges.  that doesn't make the beatdown go away though. 

personally if your not built for that type of confrontation when things gets hot, its probably best to refrain from it in the first place imo.
that may be the case, but why provoke it in the first place.   the dudes burning the flag didn't seem like the type that would be about that action if people got upset and things escalated. they knew the type of reactions they probably would get but didn't seem built to handle the negative reactions.

that's like living in an area with nothing but crips, burning a blue rag, and get beat up by said crips over a disagreement in ideology, the dudes issuing the beatdown are wrong, but said beatdown happens regardless and might be severe.

legally, if one of the flag burners got hands put on him, he could probably press charges.  that doesn't make the beatdown go away though. 

personally if your not built for that type of confrontation when things gets hot, its probably best to refrain from it in the first place imo.
Obviously. I'm not condoning what they did.  I made a point to call them ultra-liberal hypocrites in my first post.  I'm just pointing out the fact that their freedom of expression is one of those things soldiers are fighting for whether they like it or not,  and that the law will side with them rather than the person assaulting them. 

At the end of the day, everyone needs to learn how to control their feels and deal with disagreement like adults.  Holding a flag burning on 4th of July weekend at a public park is infantile, but throwing hands because you're so emotional over a symbol isn't gonna sway any opinions.  

Everyone's a loser in this situation.
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