Did you purchase anytihng online today? Might wanna hold up


May 6, 2007
It's about time that some major mainstream US media outlet finally alerted the public about the SSL Heartbleed security bug. (The BBC did the same thing many hours ago in the UK.) Meanwhile CNN is "informing" the US public about the Kardashians and Flight 370 while a veritable digital Pearl Harbor is going on today without a single mention by them. Maybe they believe the US public doesn't care because it is too technical for the majority of their audience and thus not worth reporting? I think the US public certainly cares that their credit card transactions, their email, and their last minute tax filings may very likely have been compromised today.

ruh roh

purchased some stuff over the weekend, am i good?

This vulnerability effects ALL past recorded data as well.

This is pretty much the security apocalypse :lol:

Better pray.
OH **** 
Just curious what was affected as a whole...
It really doesn't specify how you are supposed to know what was affected and is it even safe to change your pass codes now, even if you get the green bar with the pad lock, am I to assume its all a go,lol..
So many loopholes to this thing called the "Internet", it's funny, scary and sad all at the same damn time...
even tumblr made a post about this. must be somethin serious.
Ordered a sweater a few days ago and made a payment to one of my cards today.
Sounds serious. Am scared. Someone explain to me what exactly does this mean :nerd:

SSL is a security protocol that is used by many websites, programs, mobile apps...basically, if it involves secure data transfer, it probably uses SSL. The way it does this is through asymmetric cryptography with public and private keys. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public/private_key_cryptography

In a very generalized way, the Heartbleed exploit allows people to obtain the private key used for encryption and decrypt any data and traffic using that private key.

Just curious what was affected as a whole...
It really doesn't specify how you are supposed to know what was affected and is it even safe to change your pass codes now, even if you get the green bar with the pad lock, am I to assume its all a go,lol..
So many loopholes to this thing called the "Internet", it's funny, scary and sad all at the same damn time...
Just about everything is affected. Most of the big players (Google, Twitter, FB, Microsoft, etc) have already patched their systems...but banks, retailers, gas stations...you get the point.

I'd avoid using anything important on the internet for as long as possible.
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Paypal is not less risky, just for the simple fact that if you have your bank account linked, all types of ish can happen...
My account was compromised a few years ago and setting up all new passwords, etc... Was a complete nightmare...
I still check my credit statements just to make sure things are good...
Edit: yeah yeah
Not looking to purchase anything myself(or my wife) but just thinking about my bank accounts, etc... Usually use apps for my bills, so kinda off putting as to what to do because it's such a broad stroke with no clear indication as to if any of this has been resolved with the things you listed...
Just ****** up how we don't hear the things that are truly vital to our lives now. It's just like with the Apple update a couple of months ago. If I didn't check gawker daily, I would have never known...
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This makes me realize that I need to make my passwords more encrypted. I hope they don't steal my info, even though they can't get nothing more than 20 dollars.
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So your saying nows a good time to use paypal for a set of yeezy 2s and claim fraud? 

not srs
Man I was ready to buy some parts for my car from overseas too. Glad I didn't cuz I was waiting for a reply from my uncle to pull the trigger or not...thanks for the heads up
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