DeShawn Stevenson Wizards Agree To Terms

Mar 7, 2007
Ivan Carter (Washington Post) and John Mitchell (Washington Times) have reported that the Wizards and DeShawn Stevenson have agreed in principle to a contract.

DeShawn is excited to be back, said Stevenson rep Mark Bartelstein to Carter. He appreciated the way Ernie Grunfeld and the Wizards gave him an opportunity to come in and play last year and hes looking forward to the future.

Once anything official comes through the pipelines Ill be sure to post it. In the meantime, feel free to head to the comments section and post your thoughts.
T R A N S F O R M E R S​

Super Bowl Champions: XVII:XXII:XXVI
Honestly, I don't get this.

To me, Blatche was their first priority this summer. Why commit all this cap space to a player that is, frankly, totally expendable?

Start Daniels at the point, Arenas at the 2, and bring Nick Young off the bench. Now, you've got very little room to maneuver under the cap, you KNOW that miserly old Abe Polin won't EVER go into luxury tax territory, and the Mavs are poised to offer 'dray a healthy multi-year contract that the Wizards might not be able to match.

Serviceable journeyman shooting guards are a dime a dozen. Seven footers with Andray's skill set and potential are not. He's got a much better upside than Pesh, to say the least. Now, there's little choice but to shop JC and bundle him up with Etan's poison pill of a contract in order to free up a little breathing room.

Personally, I'd trade JC and Etan to Memphis... take back Stro (for a year) and Terence Kinsey. The Grizz need to get it done to keep GaSoft happy.
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