DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

I actually liked Jason Mamoa in that Bullet to the Head movie with Sly Stallone he would have been a good Drax. I'm not sure if they'd use him as Doomsday, cause that would probably be all CG or mo-cap, so that would be a waste of his physic, imo.

I'm definitely on board for Gal Gadot as WW, but I was watching Skyfall (the Bond flick) and I thought Berenice Marlohe would be an ideal WW. I don't know if she would have been able to hide her accent though. I'm bummed that she didn't blow up, unlike Olga Kurylenko who became quite recognizable in due time.

what about gemma arterton as wonderwoman :wow:
so DC/WB is just gonna pretend the 2011 GL movie doesnt exist? :smh:

if theyre trying to pull an avengers...

John Stewart wasnt even a a founding member of the Justice League. unless u wanna count the cartoons.

Synder needs to go. MoS was terrible and this one sounds just as bad.
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so DC/WB is just gonna pretend the 2011 GL movie doesnt exist? mean.gif

So people just gon take rumors as solid facts now?

To be fair, the entire Dark Knight series is non existent here too.

That is a given considering they said it won't be the same world/universe from the get go and Nolans Batverse ended and that MoS will open it all up for everything else. All were confirmed well before the film was even in production, we all knew Nolanverse just wouldn't continue.

But it's all a rumor that The Rock is GL, that GL will be in this film, that WW will have more than a cameo, that Flash will be in the film, that this is a JLA film, etc...

Either way, do you really want that GL back anyways? Wouldn't you rather that be reset anyways? Even if they consider that as an existing universe along with MoS, how do we even know they aren't going to mention Jordan being away from Earth?

I mean he mentions the Avengers and how Stewart wasn't the found of JLA but technically, Cap, Hawkeye and Scarlet weren't the original founders either while Hank Pym and Wasp were.
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so DC/WB is just gonna pretend the 2011 GL movie doesnt exist? mean.gif

So people just gon take rumors as solid facts now?
There's no reason to connect them and they probably will. I mean Parallax devastated an American city and a flying green guy came in to save the day. Snyder and Goyer have repeatedly said MOS is the start of superheroes showing up, that Supes is sort of the inspiration to start wearing costumes and fighting crime. To connect the two would be to focus on one alien invasion while ignoring at the very least to the public's knowledge some scary yellow and black smoke monster that wreaked havok. The only way they coud've avoided this problem is if the GL movie happened entirely in space/another planet.

One way they can connect the two though is if The Rock is a GL, just simply say Hal is in space, possibly transferred to a new sector or just plain old dead to really cut the prior movie off at the knees and that a new GL for Earth's sector was chosen, that way the GL corps, Oa, and all that other space/alien origin stuff is established.
I feel like they're just signing the rock for superstar roster purposes and to prevent him from signing with Marvel.

Not one of those " based on acting " decision.
Affleck is well aware of what is going on in the film before he signed up for it, stop finding every little thing wrong with the film.

“The stuff was incredible,” Affleck told me. “It was a unique take on Batman that was still consistent with the mythology. It made me excited. All of a sudden I had a reading of the character. When people see it, it will make more sense than it does now or even than it did to me initially. … If I thought the result would be another Daredevil, I’d be out there picketing myself. Why would I make the movie if I didn’t think it was going to be good and that I could be good in it?”
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I feel like they're just signing the rock for superstar roster purposes and to prevent him from signing with Marvel.

Not one of those " based on acting " decision.

Why would you say/feel that? There wasn't a huge report of Marvel talking to TheRock about the role and that tweet I posted was from April of last year and Rock has been connected to a Black Adam/Shazam project for years and years no, might have been even before Iron Man came out.
I feel like they're just signing the rock for superstar roster purposes and to prevent him from signing with Marvel.

Not one of those " based on acting " decision.
I have the same feeling, considering how Marvel's snatching up a lot of the talent in Hollywood.

However, I can definitely see Rock as Jon Stewart (I don't think the Shazam movie is going anywhere).

PS - I still don't think Snyder is legit enough to carry DC's future projects. DC will keep Snyder on as long as this one makes $, which it will.
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I feel like they're just signing the rock for superstar roster purposes and to prevent him from signing with Marvel.

Not one of those " based on acting " decision.

Why would you say/feel that? There wasn't a huge report of Marvel talking to TheRock about the role and that tweet I posted was from April of last year and Rock has been connected to a Black Adam/Shazam project for years and years no, might have been even before Iron Man came out.
Really? I've heard The Rock should be Black Adam a few times but not that there's a project that was rumored, especially not for years. I simply don't believe DC/WB were even planning to do a Shazam movie ever. Plus The Rock being a villain would be a waste and if you make him Shazam that'd be weird (unless they're gonna just completely eliminate the little kid angle but if you do that he's basically a Thor/WW mash up).

Affleck is well aware of what is going on in the film before he signed up for it, stop finding every little thing wrong with the film.

“The stuff was incredible,” Affleck told me. “It was a unique take on Batman that was still consistent with the mythology. It made me excited. All of a sudden I had a reading of the character. When people see it, it will make more sense than it does now or even than it did to me initially. … If I thought the result would be another Daredevil, I’d be out there picketing myself. Why would I make the movie if I didn’t think it was going to be good and that I could be good in it?”
Honestly that's not saying much given he did Daredevil, he was in it while it was happening.

I mean did at any point while filming DD did he think damn this sucks balls, none of this feels right, like not even average, just plain terrible, why am I doing this?

So I can easily see him filming this thinking it's good and it coming out to be complete crap or another movie where I gotta watch the director's cut to appreciate it :smh: Batffleck aint getting no slack with that kind of statement from me. I can't give him the benefit of the doubt just cuz he was in and did Argo and The Town.
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The difference with Affleck now is that his career is on the right track and he doesn't want to mess that up again, he is simply a much smarter now and he initially said no to the part until he read it and was impressed enough tot ake on the role.

AFFLECK: When they asked if I would be Batman, I told them I don’t see myself in the role and I was going to have to beg off. They said I’d fit well into how they were going to approach the character and asked me to look at what the writer-director, Zack Snyder, was doing. The stuff was incredible.

Via: http://latino-review.com/2013/12/ben-affleck-talks-batman-differs-christian-bale/

Back then, when he did Daredevil, he was a rising star and mostly did it for the money. They also got Clooney to do a crappy Batman film and he now has a reminder framed up in his office to remind him to avoid high budget films just to get paid. These days, Affleck is just too careful to do anything that he would think would destroy his career a second time around.

As for a Shazam film, they definitely considered it and even got writers to write scripts (plenty of) for it: http://www.comicvine.com/articles/writer-bill-birch-talks-about-shazam-movie/1100-139738/

That was in 2009 and the writer (Birch) along with Geoff Johns admitted that they had to start all over instead of pulling from past scripts, they also mention the Rock for the role:

In an interview with Cinefools, Bill Birch gives a little update on the movie. He mentions that he and Geoff are in the midst of "creating a kickass update that still honors the lore that's been created in over 50 years of [Captain] Marvel storylines." Despite the previous starts on the movie, the decision was made to simply start over rather than pull elements from previous scripts. Birch and Johns are not planning on taking the 'dark' route that many adaptions lean towards.

What about Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson? He's long been associated as a favorite for either Captain Marvel or Black Adam. Birch says that the way he sees things, an actor is not committed until the first day of shoot is over. Despite Johnson's relationship with Peter Segal (who has long been working on the movie), Birch does not write to any particular actor when coming up with a script. Rewrites can occur after to lean towards an actor's strengths if necessary.

Here's a review of the script of a Shazam film that was drafted in 2003 (suppose to release in 2005?) that went nowhere written by Goldman: http://scriptshadow.net/screenplay-review-shazam/

Genre: Superhero/Children’s/Family

Premise: An 11 year old boy meets a man who gives him the power to turn into a superhero.
About: This was written by William Goldman, he who wrote “Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid,” “Misery,” “The Princess Bride,” “All The President’s Men,” and some would even say “Good Will Hunting.” For those who have just started in this career and find yourself struggling, it should be noted that Goldman received horrible grades in his first creative writing class in college. He was also an editor at the college newspaper, and used to anonymously submit his short stories in hopes of being published in the newspaper. He then had to stand by and listen to his co-workers talk about how ****** his stories were. That’s how you earn some thick skin! Later, he would research Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid for eight years before writing the script and earning a then record $400,000 paycheck for it. Break out the inflation calculator and you’ll see that translates to a 2.7 million dollar sale in today’s money.

Writer: William Goldman
Details: 141 pages (September 15, 2003 draft)

Here's 2 more writers tapped to write a script for Shazam in 2004 as well: http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/84433-cohen--sokolow-adapting-new-lines-shazam

According to The Hollywood Reporter, "Cheaper by the Dozen" writers Joel Cohen and Alec Sokolow have been tapped for writing duties on New Line Cinema's adaptation of DC Comics' Shazam!.
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If this is true and the rock is playing Stewart....that would be so stupid. Equally equivalent of Marvel casting Don Cheadle as War Machine. Acting is on point but the look is just off. Michael Jai White would be better for Stewart or even a lesser known black actor.

I do agree w/ them using Stewart for the movie though. That's the moves DC needs to be making.

Affleck as batman is still bizarre to me....acting would be on point....sort of....but the look is way off.
I just want to see the batsuit for this movie and what changes they're going to give to superman's suit
I really would have preferred Karl Urban or even Josh Brolin (for a tad older Bats) as Bats but it's no big deal. Batman is my favorite superhero, but with all due respect, it's not exactly a tough role to play. And really, I want to see more of a Batman in the Justice League than Bruce Wayne anyways. Ben better be in the suit the majority of the time he's on screen.

When it comes to the look of the character, if there's one thing Zack Snyder is good at, it's the visuals of his films. Affleck will do fine and I'm sure he'll look awesome.

Really, the major concern is the script. Chris Terrio may be onboard, but other than Argo, I haven't seen any of his work.
I've read a rumor that we should see Affleck in a suit by late February or early March, either by an official image or a leaked set shot.
‘Man of Steel’ Sequel Buzz: How Big is Wonder Woman’s Role?

From Spinoffonline.com

Principal photography begins shortly on director Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel sequel, and still so many questions remain. Is Lex Luthor in the film? How much Wonder Woman will we see? When will we get our first look at Ben Affleck as Batman?

While we wait for official news on those questions and more, Batman-on-Film.com founder Jett took to his website over the weekend to provide some answers of his own. None of this is gospel by any means, but in Jett’s defense, he has a long and solid track record where Batman’s concerned — in other words, take the following with a pinch of salt, but a smaller pinch than usual.

According to Jett, Lex Luthor is indeed in the film, as is another as-yet unnamed villain. Martian Manhunter and Aquaman will not appear, despite the inclusion of some of their Justice League pals. As for Wonder Woman, Jett suggests her role is “on par with Scarlett Johansson’s first appearance as Black Widow in Iron Man 2,” with set-up potential for a future solo film. Further, Jett bets “a year’s pay in Monopoly money” that the DC Cinematic Universe will interpret the Amazons as descendants of ancient Kryptonians; you can speculate on that in the comments below.

Finally, Jett believes we’ll get our first look at Ben Affleck as Batman “really soon.” He expects Warner Bros. to release an early publicity still shortly after filming begins, “to lessen the blow of bootleg set spy-pics,” ala Sony’s strategy with The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Once again, take all of that as rumor until proven otherwise. With production set to begin soon, many of our questions will be answered in the coming weeks and months — including, hopefully, an official title, so we can stop calling it “the untitled Man of Steel sequel” already.

Also starring Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot and Amy Adams, the untitled Man of Steel sequel flies into theaters on July 17, 2015.

That part about the Amazon's origins is quite interesting, I must say.
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