Customizers i need your Help Painting/Dyeing canvas. Any Info?

Aug 23, 2008
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Hey guys i recently bought a pair of canvas af1s and am thinking about dyeing/painting them. Any info on matierals i should use. Has anyone done this before.(if so pm me with or without pics). Thanks you guys any info would be great!
we need more details.

dyeing canvas should be pretty easy, assmuming youre going from a light color to a dark color.
fabric dye should do the trick. you'll prolly need to use multiple coats, with ample drying time between each coat.
you've gotta be careful with the stuff cause its def. more runny than paint.. mask the midsole if you gotta, but still, avoid the midsole at all costs,masked or not cause you do NOT want that stuff hittin the midsole, or its a wrap! Its not coming off.
Yeah they are light gray and was hoping to get they to a mid or darker grey. Where can i find canvas dye and what is a good brand. Would i have to bleach themfirst or just start at the original color? Thanks you guys.
you wouldnt have to bleach them since youre going to a darker color...and for canvas, I'd use fabric dye. I dont think theres such a thing as canvas dye
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