current and former football players...

bull in the ring back in the day during middle school days
. Once i got older my fav thing was sitting in the film room lol.
my senior year i prolly exerted 25% of my energy during practice ... im one of those ai players for football and basketball ... i think my favorite drill wasthe route tree
for real, helmet only walk-thru's....god i was lazy.

or the Thursday's before the game and @!@$ where it was only shorts and shirts

nah much any WR drill tho...
bull in the ring back in the day during middle school days
Those were the days. Once you get to HS and more so in college ball its all about preserving your health for games, so you don't get to doall the fun hitting drills.
I don't know what it's called around the rest of the country, but around here we call it Oklahoma. Two people on their backs, helmets touching. Coachblows the whistle and the last one to get up gets plowed by the other guy. It was always fun going against slow linemen. This one dude who was our running backwent up against our center one time and he got up so fast, he did a little shimmy dance before he hit him..........then the coach made us run.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I don't know what it's called around the rest of the country, but around here we call it Oklahoma. Two people on their backs, helmets touching. Coach blows the whistle and the last one to get up gets plowed by the other guy. It was always fun going against slow linemen. This one dude who was our running back went up against our center one time and he got up so fast, he did a little shimmy dance before he hit him..........then the coach made us run.

Call it Oklahoma out in NC....
On a side note, my sophomore year, two of our senior starters dislocated their hips 5 minutes apart during seat rolls. It was great....we didn't do seatrolls the rest of the season.

Another side note, the drill I hated the worst was pushing the sled 100 yards. Some weak $*! freshman would always get on the end and get us going crooked orin circles some times. And by the end of it everyone would be dying.
Any open field tackling drills, and just jumping in and running WR routes as a RB
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I don't know what it's called around the rest of the country, but around here we call it Oklahoma. Two people on their backs, helmets touching. Coach blows the whistle and the last one to get up gets plowed by the other guy. It was always fun going against slow linemen. This one dude who was our running back went up against our center one time and he got up so fast, he did a little shimmy dance before he hit him..........then the coach made us run.

Call it Oklahoma out in NC....

we call those oklahomas here in so cal. Any D-line drill. those are always fun when ur just showing your team mates whose boss
Club 'n Rip!
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I don't know what it's called around the rest of the country, but around here we call it Oklahoma. Two people on their backs, helmets touching. Coach blows the whistle and the last one to get up gets plowed by the other guy. It was always fun going against slow linemen. This one dude who was our running back went up against our center one time and he got up so fast, he did a little shimmy dance before he hit him..........then the coach made us run.

Oklahoma was all I had to live for during 2 a days
Call it Oklahoma out in NC....

yup, call em Oklahomas in Md too. they're oklahomas everywhere

i just liked the straight up hitting drills. they make a lane in between two bags, ballcarrier on one end, me on the other. then blow the whistle and we justgo at each other. those drills always brought out the loudest whoops and yells
for real, helmet only walk-thru's...
ain't that the truth, I played DL and I loved club n rip drills, everyone had a silent agreement with each other to not go full speed duringpractice, also front 8 drills rotating every 4 plays to get some rest
Funnle drill.....

over 15 yards a boundry was set up that resembled a funnle. tight at the front and gradually widened out. Then in three different spots u would have one on oneblocking. so up front would be oline vs dline, middle would be slots vs backers, and near the back receivers dbs.

then oh hit, or w/e cadence, the qb hands off the ball to the running back who then has to run through this gauntlet of 1 v 1's, staying inside theboundry. if the O scored, 1 point, if d got a stop, 1 point.

only got to do this drill once during daily doubles, then one or two more times during the year becuase it is so brutal and usually get numerous injuries.

it was fun though
That would def have to be just head on tackling drills, 10 yards apart. (I am really short and quick, so I always hit with my helmet into everyone's chestat full speed) I love hitting can't wait till next year.
Helmet only walk through

But always had fun as a limeman playing rb when we were going through plays for the week waiting for the rest of the skill players to finish with special teams
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

On a side note, my sophomore year, two of our senior starters dislocated their hips 5 minutes apart during seat rolls. It was great....we didn't do seat rolls the rest of the season.

Another side note, the drill I hated the worst was pushing the sled 100 yards. Some weak $*! freshman would always get on the end and get us going crooked or in circles some times. And by the end of it everyone would be dying.
What are seat rolls?
As a DB, my favorite drill has gotta be 7 on 7
lighting up the practice all americans on inside drill.

and being a LB but going in as a WR in 7 on 7 against the 2nd team D
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