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Jul 2, 2007
so basically NT my whole day has been crazy n eventful n all that good #%$$. first of all had a football playoff game. Bishop O'Dowd V. Ygnacio Valley(%*%% em). we lost tha game 21-14, last game of my career, cried like a baby for 20 min straight after I played my heart out.

THen we decide to go 2 this girl party, we show up at around 9. We stay there n chill for a quick minute, like hour n a half or 2 hours. THen we get hungryand go get food. THen as were coming back we get a phone call form this girl saying that the cops r on their way. So we rush back to the party and 2 min afterwe get there tha cops show up. We then hide in the bathroom bcuz there is alcohol all over the place n everybody is under 21. So we hide n then break thescreen door n jump out the window.

THen we go to this other girl house near there n we jes chillin outside for a minute. And then the security in her neighborhood comes and basically tells us toget out or hes gona call the police. So we all get in our cars n leave. we following my other friend n she at a light it turn green n she go n this dude comesout of nowhere n hits her front passenger side. He admits its his fault, says he has insurance, says he will pay for it, all the good stuff. So we stay withher for a while, then the cops come n we have to leave bcuz dude that was drivin has a provisional license so we didnt wana take a chance.

Then we call our other friends back at the party n they say the cops arrested like 8 people. These 3 dudes from our team apparently were cuffed and put in theback of the cop cars. Then we have to go back to the accident area so we can give our witness report, n the dude is saying that my friend was on her cell phoneand was messin wit the radio. We all thinkin this dude is full of #%$$, cuz we all heard him say that it was his fault. N to top it all off i forgot both mySK3 chargers at my friend house. CRAZY%%$! NIGHT!!!

sorry for the blog NT, jus had to tell yall bout 2nite
Originally Posted by Flexo vs Bender

so basically NT my whole day has been crazy n eventful n all that good #%$$. first of all had a football playoff game. Bishop O'Dowd V. Ygnacio Valley( %*%% em). we lost tha game 21-14, last game of my career, cried like a baby for 20 min straight after I played my heart out.

THen we decide to go 2 this girl party, we show up at around 9. We stay there n chill for a quick minute, like hour n a half or 2 hours. THen we get hungry and go get food. THen as were coming back we get a phone call form this girl saying that the cops r on their way. So we rush back to the party and 2 min after we get there tha cops show up. We then hide in the bathroom bcuz there is alcohol all over the place n everybody is under 21. So we hide n then break the screen door n jump out the window.

THen we go to this other girl house near there n we jes chillin outside for a minute. And then the security in her neighborhood comes and basically tells us to get out or hes gona call the police. So we all get in our cars n leave. we following my other friend n she at a light it turn green n she go n this dude comes out of nowhere n hits her front passenger side. He admits its his fault, says he has insurance, says he will pay for it, all the good stuff. So we stay with her for a while, then the cops come n we have to leave bcuz dude that was drivin has a provisional license so we didnt wana take a chance.

Then we call our other friends back at the party n they say the cops arrested like 8 people. These 3 dudes from our team apparently were cuffed and put in the back of the cop cars. Then we have to go back to the accident area so we can give our witness report, n the dude is saying that my friend was on her cell phone and was messin wit the radio. We all thinkin this dude is full of #%$$, cuz we all heard him say that it was his fault. N to top it all off i forgot both my SK3 chargers at my friend house. CRAZY%%$! NIGHT!!!

sorry for the blog NT, jus had to tell yall bout 2nite

Why would you go back to the party if the cops were coming?
Originally Posted by neddielutz

Originally Posted by Flexo vs Bender

so basically NT my whole day has been crazy n eventful n all that good #%$$. first of all had a football playoff game. Bishop O'Dowd V. Ygnacio Valley( %*%% em). we lost tha game 21-14, last game of my career, cried like a baby for 20 min straight after I played my heart out.

THen we decide to go 2 this girl party, we show up at around 9. We stay there n chill for a quick minute, like hour n a half or 2 hours. THen we get hungry and go get food. THen as were coming back we get a phone call form this girl saying that the cops r on their way. So we rush back to the party and 2 min after we get there tha cops show up. We then hide in the bathroom bcuz there is alcohol all over the place n everybody is under 21. So we hide n then break the screen door n jump out the window.

THen we go to this other girl house near there n we jes chillin outside for a minute. And then the security in her neighborhood comes and basically tells us to get out or hes gona call the police. So we all get in our cars n leave. we following my other friend n she at a light it turn green n she go n this dude comes out of nowhere n hits her front passenger side. He admits its his fault, says he has insurance, says he will pay for it, all the good stuff. So we stay with her for a while, then the cops come n we have to leave bcuz dude that was drivin has a provisional license so we didnt wana take a chance.

Then we call our other friends back at the party n they say the cops arrested like 8 people. These 3 dudes from our team apparently were cuffed and put in the back of the cop cars. Then we have to go back to the accident area so we can give our witness report, n the dude is saying that my friend was on her cell phone and was messin wit the radio. We all thinkin this dude is full of #%$$, cuz we all heard him say that it was his fault. N to top it all off i forgot both my SK3 chargers at my friend house. CRAZY%%$! NIGHT!!!

sorry for the blog NT, jus had to tell yall bout 2nite

Why would you go back to the party if the cops were coming?

really, why would u go back if the cops were going?
Originally Posted by neddielutz

Originally Posted by Flexo vs Bender

so basically NT my whole day has been crazy n eventful n all that good #%$$. first of all had a football playoff game. Bishop O'Dowd V. Ygnacio Valley( %*%% em). we lost tha game 21-14, last game of my career, cried like a baby for 20 min straight after I played my heart out.

THen we decide to go 2 this girl party, we show up at around 9. We stay there n chill for a quick minute, like hour n a half or 2 hours. THen we get hungry and go get food. THen as were coming back we get a phone call form this girl saying that the cops r on their way. So we rush back to the party and 2 min after we get there tha cops show up. We then hide in the bathroom bcuz there is alcohol all over the place n everybody is under 21. So we hide n then break the screen door n jump out the window.

THen we go to this other girl house near there n we jes chillin outside for a minute. And then the security in her neighborhood comes and basically tells us to get out or hes gona call the police. So we all get in our cars n leave. we following my other friend n she at a light it turn green n she go n this dude comes out of nowhere n hits her front passenger side. He admits its his fault, says he has insurance, says he will pay for it, all the good stuff. So we stay with her for a while, then the cops come n we have to leave bcuz dude that was drivin has a provisional license so we didnt wana take a chance.

Then we call our other friends back at the party n they say the cops arrested like 8 people. These 3 dudes from our team apparently were cuffed and put in the back of the cop cars. Then we have to go back to the accident area so we can give our witness report, n the dude is saying that my friend was on her cell phone and was messin wit the radio. We all thinkin this dude is full of #%$$, cuz we all heard him say that it was his fault. N to top it all off i forgot both my SK3 chargers at my friend house. CRAZY%%$! NIGHT!!!

sorry for the blog NT, jus had to tell yall bout 2nite

Why would you go back to the party if the cops were coming?

To snatch up some ***** without a ride.
Ok I am witht he rest when I say, "Why wuld you go back to the party, knowing cops are on the way"?????
Hmmm...where did the crazy stuff happen at? I went to my aunts, came home, and went to bed...only slightly more eventful than your night haha..J/K, I had to gochargerless last night to, sucks..
i cant really call ducktales jus cuz there is a chance yv would be playin bishop o dowd. i think they r in the same division.. well yv was in my hoop leage.. iwent to deer valley.. and bod is a private school near the town.. i dont even kno y im respondin..wait yea im do..cuz im faded and this girl on the phone ainttalkin bout nothin..i jus turned this post into my blog..damn sat nights.. oh well.. itll be cool as long as this chick comes thru.. and u never said whatschool u go to... bod or yv? yv is hella wack by the way
Originally Posted by neddielutz

Originally Posted by Flexo vs Bender

so basically NT my whole day has been crazy n eventful n all that good #%$$. first of all had a football playoff game. Bishop O'Dowd V. Ygnacio Valley( %*%% em). we lost tha game 21-14, last game of my career, cried like a baby for 20 min straight after I played my heart out.

THen we decide to go 2 this girl party, we show up at around 9. We stay there n chill for a quick minute, like hour n a half or 2 hours. THen we get hungry and go get food.
THen as were coming back we get a phone call form this girl saying that the cops r on their way. So we rush back to the party
and 2 min after we get there tha cops show up. We then hide in the bathroom bcuz there is alcohol all over the place n everybody is under 21. So we hide n then break the screen door n jump out the window.

THen we go to this other girl house near there n we jes chillin outside for a minute. And then the security in her neighborhood comes and basically tells us to get out or hes gona call the police. So we all get in our cars n leave. we following my other friend n she at a light it turn green n she go n this dude comes out of nowhere n hits her front passenger side. He admits its his fault, says he has insurance, says he will pay for it, all the good stuff. So we stay with her for a while, then the cops come n we have to leave bcuz dude that was drivin has a provisional license so we didnt wana take a chance.

Then we call our other friends back at the party n they say the cops arrested like 8 people. These 3 dudes from our team apparently were cuffed and put in the back of the cop cars. Then we have to go back to the accident area so we can give our witness report, n the dude is saying that my friend was on her cell phone and was messin wit the radio. We all thinkin this dude is full of #%$$, cuz we all heard him say that it was his fault. N to top it all off i forgot both my SK3 chargers at my friend house. CRAZY%%$! NIGHT!!!

sorry for the blog NT, jus had to tell yall bout 2nite

Why would you go back to the party if the cops were coming?

No offense but you gotta be white right?
What does being white have to do with it? It was dumb to rush back there knowing the police were on their way. You rush back to this party only to hide in abathroom with a bunch of dudes and then run away all the while breaking someone's screen door?

That is just beyond ******ed.
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