Cracking regarding the Air Jordan 8's

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Aug 22, 2007
I've already used the search feature, so if there was a post like this already please guide me towards it.

I picked up a pair of used Aqua 8's today. The paint is "chipping" or "cracking" just barely. I was wondering what the cracking is aresult of. Just normal wear? What causes the paint to "chip" or "crack"?

Despite the minimal cracking, are they still good to wear without worrying about all the paint chipping off if i'm wearing them casually right?

Thanks in advance for any comments.
the paint they used was very cheap theyll crack from casual wear its normal mines are cracked but you dont notice it.....
You can still wear them. They won't fall apart like the VI's or IV's that are put on ice for a few years. The only thing is that you might have tokeep painting them once in a while. Mine did that too and I just repainted them when the paint flaked off. It is frustrating
but you do what you have todo when you love something
my aqua 8's did too so i put them in a zip lock bag with some silicon packs ( it thinks that what they are called ) and bought some purple and white95's ( but i plan on buying some more aqa 8's )
Originally Posted by santhony21

Are the aquas the only 8's that crack, or do the others paint crack too??

Granted i have had my Aqua's for 3 months more then my playoffs but my aqua's have been chipping away. Yet my playoffs show no chipping. R.I.P myaquas
I haven't worn my Aquas or Playoffs yet, but I hope this doesn't happen to mine.
My VIIIs aren't cracked at all....but I think my VI are gonna fall apart if I wear them. Anybody got some insight? If they break, is there a type of glue Ican use to fix them back up, or is it a lost cause?
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