COVID vaxxers, c'mere. I'm tryna see something.

Were you were symptomatic or symptomatic?

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Nov 16, 2018
This isn't really anything extremely serious, I'm just tryna do a poll on if you were symptomatic to the vaccine(s) or not. Personally I wasn't apart from feeling sleeping few about 10 to 12hrs after the 2nd dose. About an an hour after I woke the next morning I was completely normal aside from the sore arm, so I'm gonna chalk it up to me being asymptomatic.
I had a 15 minute headache after the first one. I almost never get headaches so I knew it was the shot. That's about it.
light-flu-like symptoms (chills, sore, tired w/o the upset stomach) following second dose that dissipated after ten-twelve hours of rest.
I got the J&J on Thursday.
on Friday, I felt like I had COVID again. Complete misery.
By Saturday, I felt 100% normal.
Headache for awhile, but nothing too serious. Arm was sore as ****, but again, nothing too crazy. Pretty much normal reactions from what I’ve seen.
I thought I was in the clear after the second dose, the symptoms didn’t kick in for about 18 hours. I woke up at 1am and couldn’t move, heavy flu symptoms. I couldn’t go back to sleep, held my pee for like 6 hours laying there.
1st: sore in the specific area, but not anywhere else. Nothing else

2nd: TIRED AF the following day - took me a long nap (I never nap). Sunday still tired but nothing like the 1st day. Nothing else besides this

Moderna btw
got both of mines late afternoon on Sundays, was totally bushed on the following Mondays w/flu like malaise.

edit - Pfizer is the vaccine I received
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Pfizer, only had one dose so far.
Very stiff arm and somewhat stiff neck for about 3 days with mild pain in the arm and on and off cold shivers. It was pretty awful, especially the shivers.
The doctors did say my hormone treatment (specifically my hydrocortisone pills) could aggravate side effects. They also wanted to know if anything was wrong with my pituitary gland, which is the case, so that presumably could've played a role as well.
yeah I Forgot to mention how I pretty much couldn't move my arm, laterally at least the day after 1st dose

1st shot was nothing.
2nd shot had me sweating with a fever, dizzy, body aches after like 12 hours into it. Then it started getting worse until I took some advil that helped out a lot. Didn't really get over it until after a couple days.
Moderna - the 2nd shot absolutely wrecked me. I had some bizarre version of the full blown flu for like 16 hours.

I wish I could explain how it felt but yeah
just got my first shot this last wednesday. arm sore but nothing else. in the 15mins I had to wait while they watched me I got brief lightheadedness and nothing after. next day at the gym was shoulders and back. i powered through it but the soreness made itself known. and now the second day after (today) completely nothing

EDIT: Pfizer btw
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I felt like crap after both. Second shot was worse, had a 101 fever. Then it went away the next day. I had covid in later nov/early December fwiw. I heard you’re more likely to get side effects if you had it.

moderna btw
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