cop repeatedly punches woman in the

Apr 15, 2004

Full version w audio all on youtube but this is the sfw one
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I'm usually one of those that's not quick to hate on cops but this dude straight up scum.
Hope he gets what he deserves.
With all these videos surfacing will American police force see a change in the way they are operated 5-10 years from now
Inb4 "we don't know what happened"

Inb4 "it didn't record everything"

Inb4 "force was justified. Just do what the cop says and you'll be fine"

Inb4 "it's all in black people's mind"

Inb4 "if you're not doing anything wrong, cops won't mess with you"
Was reading comments on one of the sites the vid was posted and someone said something that made me think...

If that was a white woman that walked away from him would he use that type of force.

It's so funny see law enforcements reactions to urban minorities compared to others :smh:
I bet all he is gonna get is a very light slap on the wrist

The CHP have a better track record of doing something in the cases.

This happens way too often though - that and shooting someone (multiple times) because they have a knife - sometimes people need restrained but these incidents show that it often goes way too far.
This is just wrong. And it angers me that you can't do a thing about it because he's a cop. Some dude attacks me like that, I'm fighting back, but because they;re a cop I get in a lot of trouble and they get a couple weeks off paid vacation.
All I see is a woman resisting arrest. She isn't supposed to try to protect herself when an officer sworn to protect and uphold the law is pummeling her. :rolleyes

Hope this dude walks in on his son twerking.
"Officer Johnson, we've review your video and case, you will be receiving a 2% pay cut, and a stern talking to by the chief. Don't pull that **** on MY police force"
I'm calling it.
inb4 fontaine's agenda.

too late.

You already know my agenda is to let folks know this happens way more often than you think...

Its under reported because it happens Mich more in the hood... And hood dudes rarely talk to the coppers.

No reason to go Donkey Kong ground pound on a chikc that's curled up and giving up...

7 hits?

Just imagine the backlash if he pounded a white woman like that...

But hey... We're just pushing an agenda... There's no substantial evidence because the camera didn't record from the first interaction, according to you guys. It Only records the cop pummeling a defeated woman into the cement, so they will just suspend him without pay for two weeks...

It'll blow over the next time some cop flexes on a citizen he's supposed to protect.

A camera on this guy's collar would've been great.
no, your agenda is to use black and white arguments when life is all grey.

Let's not even throw color into this...yet

What reason would a male cop (that looks to have at least 50 lbs over the female) have to physically assault a woman as opposed to restrain her?
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