Close to getting a job.....Salary Negotiation Tips???

Apr 24, 2006
The job pays 55-60K

I want the 60K

I have more than they are asking as far as education and I have exactly what they want in years of experience, not to mention I have worked for largercompanies in the past.

Is there a sure-fire way to communicate this so I can get the high end of the salary range?

Ask for 60. No rational company will not hire you because you're asking for 60 instead of 55.
At this point, aint that big a diff bet. 55k and 60k...but if they ask you your preference, say 60k and work from their...
Politely express your view like what you said in the have the experience and are well qualified for the position.
Another thing to ask for that most people don't know that you can negotiate is time off. I negotiated an extra weeks vacation and 5 extra sick days whenthey wouldn't budge on my higher salary demand. Also, if you have a bonus structure ask for a warrantied first half or quarter.
Ask for 60. If they can't give you that, trust me, they'll let you know. They probably won't give you less than 57 though.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Ask for 60. No rational company will not hire you because you're asking for 60 instead of 55.
actually, its amazing how stingy a lot of companies are when it comes to salary.

What kind of job are you doing?
senior analyst position with an aerospace company
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Ask for 60. No rational company will not hire you because you're asking for 60 instead of 55.
actually, its amazing how stingy a lot of companies are when it comes to salary.
Sure, but if that's the case, they will let you know that they can only give 55 or whatever. It's a discussion, so don't be scared todiscuss.
im not scared to discuss, i just want some tips that can help me get the high end of the range
I think your original post is good enough.. Just explain away your experience, etc.. You already have your range.. Usually that's what's not knownahead of time and that's what you discuss.. 55-60 is such a small range that I think you can get it..

I've negotiated my initial salary and 3 raises thus far (I've worked for 3 years now) and at all times, I was just honest about what I was looking for.Didn't go higher or lower than what I wanted.
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Ask for 60. No rational company will not hire you because you're asking for 60 instead of 55.
actually, its amazing how stingy a lot of companies are when it comes to salary.

What kind of job are you doing?
senior analyst position with an aerospace company

you're at an aerospace company, they have money tos pend.

nah, but seirouslyt he tips ofered here sound the best, just be straightforward and have some alternatives like the guy up there mentioned like vacation orsomething. I was going to come into this thread and just have salary range in mind for yourself.
I mean I understand where you're coming from, but seriously, with the job market being the way it is... Let them make the first offer and ask the questionwhat salary best fits you... Saying anything too early can throw up a red flag and can hault getting the job. Getting hired for any job nowadays is a blessingin itself, if they offer 56K and benefits, I'd take it a run with it...
Anyways TS, are you currently employed or unemployed? It makes a difference, of course. Good luck, regardless.
RamZs is right. Economy is mucho bad right now, if you like the job, $5000 a year is not a big thing.
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

I mean I understand where you're coming from, but seriously, with the job market being the way it is... Let them make the first offer and ask the question what salary best fits you... Saying anything too early can throw up a red flag and can hault getting the job. Getting hired for any job nowadays is a blessing in itself, if they offer 56K and benefits, I'd take it a run with it...
i understand, but i'm taking a pay cut anyways from my last job that i got laid off from. So even 5K more can make a big difference for me
Like the guy above me stated, if you're unemployed at the moment, you really don't have that many bargaining chips to work with. If you seem too snobbyand pushy for $60k when they are offering you $55k, they'll probably let you walk because they'll have a line of other applicants that would be eagerto take the job for $50k in this economy.

As the title of it implies, it is a negotiation. However, keep in mind that $60k may be the top, but $0 is the bottom.

I'd imagine the best way to get the higher amount on the spectrum would be using an inductive approach - that is, give them all this evidence you told us,and then tell them that you consider yourself a fair applicant for the $60k salary.

Good luck.
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