**** Cancer !!!


Dec 19, 2008
I just felt like yelling that to the top of my lungs.

Lost My grandfather to colon cancer
Lost my dad a month later to colon cancer
Lost two of my aunts to cancer
My mom beat breast cancer TWICE!
My grandmother
My friends mom.....

The list goes on.....

Just got to me after seeing Frazier lose his brief battle. SMH
I toast "+$$% lymphoma" everytime I drink. I read that I gotta own this thing and don't let it own me... aside from fighting it myself, I've lost a brother in law and a cousin to cancer. They were 18 and 19 years old respectively. SMH.
I'm sorry to hear man. Cancer is the most effed up disease ever, if you think about it. It's a part of you growing out of control.

I've lost people to the disease as well.

Please, keep funding science research and hopefully in the future we will be able to cure most cancers.
Yea, it sucks. Lost my uncle and grandmother to it. 703, keep it up brother
Hopefully in the near future there will be more effective treatments and preventative measures. As the global population grows, cancer will get more and more out of control until we advance
Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

I toast "+$$% lymphoma" everytime I drink. I read that I gotta own this thing and don't let it own me... aside from fighting it myself, I've lost a brother in law and a cousin to cancer. They were 18 and 19 years old respectively. SMH.
keep up the fight 
My stepmother had breast cancer as well, beat it as well.
It isn't much but know that I wear this Livestrong band for people like her and your family members.
Cancer is no joke. Hope no one I'm close to ever gets diagnosed with it.
dealt with this crap in my family also. its getting worse and worse i cant even understand how kids 5 and under are getting it also its messed up
Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

I toast "+$$% lymphoma" everytime I drink. I read that I gotta own this thing and don't let it own me... aside from fighting it myself, I've lost a brother in law and a cousin to cancer. They were 18 and 19 years old respectively. SMH.

Better do that Genetic testing and cancer risk assessment, fam. Obviously it runs in the family..
I feel you OP,lost my sis to leukemia earlier this year
. Cancer's a real %%@+@. I'm praying that they find more effective treatments in the future.

And mad respect to 703FlipFiend
,stay brave and keep fighting
i read somewhere that 95% of cancer patients is based on the way of living... and 5% is hereditary
Damn.. It's crazy how cancer can be so close to some peoples lives, yet I've yet to be closely impacted by it.

I'm sorry you've had so many losses.
My co-worker and I were building on a bunch of things at work yesterday (technology,food,the state of today's youth and so on) and I threw Cancer in the mix and how much of a %!%!# it really is.I've lost a lot of relatives to that @#!@ too so I feel you OP.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

how old were your dad and grandpa if u dont mind me asking


me too lost my great grandma and grandma at 13, 3 months apart from each other. Didnt understand it at the time. Family kept it from me, they just said they were sick.

recently found some old pics of them while they were going through it. i teared up...almost cried, matterfact i havent cried since i lost both of them. that was 13 years old.   
Yeah. Its no joke. Aunt had breast cancer, got through it. Mom had endometrial cancer. Got through it.

Everyday graetful for their continued prescense.
Lost an uncle New year and my aunt been diagnosed recently.

Food, smoking, drinking, chemical exposure, enviromental exposure.... it's a product of modern society.
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