Can someone give a good reason why weed should NOT be legalized?


May 5, 2011

- Less non-violent offenders in prisons

- Frees up police force for real threats

- Dispensaries will create jobs

- Will bring a little money into the government with the tax on it

- Drastically decreases the amount of drug dealers

I wake up every day wondering how can marijuana, something that no one has ever straight up died from, be illegal, yet alcohol and tobacco, which kills millions every year, just by lung cancer and alcohol poisoning, not counting drunk driver deaths, are legal.

And as for the new amount of "buzzed" drivers on the road, the penalties for driving impaired should be much more severe, even if weed isn't legal. If alcohol/weed/any mind altering drug is on your breath period, and you're behind the wheel of a car, automatic 12 months license suspension. IMO.
Because multi-billion dollar (legal) corporations aren't in the marijuana business.

And that is coming from a non-smoker.
One it's safer illegal. Two U.S drug cartels could make no money off of it.3the government would waste so much money regulating it would be terrible.Three easy access to it by minors would double overnight.Four Cartels would go to war with the US Cartels literally.Five you would see some wild west style shoot outs and killings over farm land and fertile soil. 6 Dalisto has no clothes too match with it
If anything my favorite part of weed legalization is the fact we need less tree's for paper when we can use marijuana for paper. Environmentally positive

ThorrocksJs wrote:

One it's safer illegal. Two U.S drug cartels could make no money off of it.3the government would waste so much money regulating it would be terrible.Three easy access to it by minors would double overnight.Four Cartels would go to war with the US Cartels literally.Five you would see some wild west style shoot outs and killings over farm land and fertile soil. 6 Dalisto has no clothes too match with it

The government would spend the same amount legalizing it as they do Tobacco. LOL Cartels are not gonna run into midwest america or whatever and start shooting up the past for week growing land. There will be no Wild west for weed.
There's really no reason it should be illegal. Alchohol is much worse and is put on display by organizations like the NFL, NBA, and MLB as something you socially need to be doing to "fit in" and enjoy yourself.

My hook-up got shut down by the feds last month. I need to get a card or find a new one.
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

scan the videos on wshh. you're welcome.

We going to blame that ignorance on weed?
no, but it sure doesn't make a case for it w/ ignorant people having legal access to it.

Like guns and alcohol?Oh.
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

scan the videos on wshh. you're welcome.

We going to blame that ignorance on weed?
no, but it sure doesn't make a case for it w/ ignorant people having legal access to it.
I'm sure you weren't trying to be funny with this post, but on the bright side, I laughed 

It would be bad for the economy, too many people are employed on the base that its illegal, probation officers, correction officers, judges, etc. Legalizing it would put a lot of people out of work.
Originally Posted by bigpappamo1

It would be bad for the economy, too many people are employed on the base that its illegal, probation officers, correction officers, judges, etc. Legalizing it would put a lot of people out of work.

Correction & Probation Officers do more then check for weed. Every cases judges do are not Weed cases. 
Originally Posted by bigpappamo1

It would be bad for the economy, too many people are employed on the base that its illegal, probation officers, correction officers, judges, etc. Legalizing it would put a lot of people out of work.

One thing I learned in can NEVER have too much law enforcement officials.
Legalizing weed does not translate to a shortage of criminals.
inhaling matter other than air is probably bad for you/government would profit off of it
only reason i can thing of 
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

scan the videos on wshh. you're welcome.

We going to blame that ignorance on weed?
no, but it sure doesn't make a case for it w/ ignorant people having legal access to it.
Just quit homie
Anyway... the Pros outweigh the Cons. Huge profit to be made in US. I think it'll happen by 2030
They need to legalize this so I can start my internet business. I want to start the first weed shop online for all kinds of brands. It will be like the iTunes for weed.  
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

One it's safer illegal. Two U.S drug cartels could make no money off of it.3the government would waste so much money regulating it would be terrible.Three easy access to it by minors would double overnight.Four Cartels would go to war with the US Cartels literally.Five you would see some wild west style shoot outs and killings over farm land and fertile soil. 6 Dalisto has no clothes too match with it

This is why threads like this exist, because the people who are for itbeing illegal just spew out garbage and people like OP never get aserious answer.

How is it safer illegal? It's not.

U.S. drug cartels couldn't make money off it? I'm gonna assume you mean DEA, FBI, etc. It's not like these people are going to be out of a job, they will just divert their resources elsewhere.  How would the government loose money regulating? That makes absolutely 0 sense. The only industry that would suffer financially is the penitentiary system.

Easy access by minors would double over night? Are you serious? When I was a kid it was harder for us to buy a swisher than it was to cop a sack. Weed is EASIER for minors to get BECAUSE it's illegal. Ask any high school kid w/o a fake ID what's easier for them to obtain, weed or alcohol.
Cause if you make weed legal, then people want crack and cocaine legal. People want all or nothing, and still wouldn't be satisfied with either.
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