Calling in Jays Fans

Nov 12, 2004
I know im not the biggest Jays fan out there, but wondering if NTers are going to sport the Jays sig this year.

If so, post up the code, etc.
Let's be realistic...

We've got the largest payroll in club history but we still aren't close to contending for a playoff spot.

We're paying Burnett $1 million per win, $9 million to Ryan who suffered a career threatening injury and $9 million to Frank Thomas who is fat, slow,inconsistent, doesn't play defense, and is 10 years past his prime.

Other than Halladay, our rotation is full of question marks. McGowan looks like he's going to be an above-average pitcher, I also think very highly ofMarcum, but getting them to pitch consistently over 35 games will be tough. Burnett is one of the most over-rated pitchers in baseball, I've never seen acareer .500 pitcher get so much praise in my life. Litsch isn't expected to finish the season with the Jays, expect us to have a different 5th starter byseason's end.

Our hitting was terrible last season, it cant get any worse this year. I expect Rios, Wells, Hill to have very good seasons. Overbay, Rolen, Thomas should bedecent. Eckstein, Stairs, Stewart are ok. Zaun is garbage, offensively and defensively he was the worst catcher in the AL last season.

John Gibbons is one of the worst managers in baseball, I know I have a reputation for being pessimistic here but seriously speaking...he's really bad. Hemakes very poor in-game decisions, especially late in games.

Overall we have a decent team, however not good enough to compete with the Red Sox, Yankees, Tigers, Indians, Angels and maybe even Seattle. I expect us towin 88ish games.

The National Post and the Toronto Star have been fairly critical of the team prior to the beginning of the season. Expectations are pretty low but the mediablitz is on in Toronto since Ted Rogers owns the whole city.
Always on the look out for the Jays. Disappointed with today's performance.

Fill me in with Macdonald? Amazing to watch on defensive end.

Highlights wise anyways.
MacDonald is the 3rd string SS/3b on the team now.

JP Ricciardi has 0 loyalty to any of his players. He signed MacDonald early in the winter to a 2 yr/$4 million contract to be the team's starting SS. Afew weeks later he signs Marco Scuttero to be the team's new SS. Finally a few weeks after that he gives David Eckstein a multi-year contract to be the #1guy.

MacDonald will play behind Eckstein and Scuttero at SS and behind Rolen and Scuttero at 3b.
Everyone know Ricciardi is a *$##!#@ douche bag.
That ugly %%%###%+*%%+ should have got the boot years ago.
I wouldn't say go far as to say he's a douche bag.
We've always been let down by unfortunate events, especially injuries!
If not our rotation has been hurt or its our bats that have gone down.
I've never seen when were consistently healthy, everyone all around that is.

Damn for Macdonald, though, he looked promising.

What's the scouting report on Scuterro? Never heard of him.

I'm not a zealous follower, but I'd like to be in the know, lol.
Blaming injuries are Ricciardi's excuse for everything. When the team is healthy, he uses his 2nd favorite excuse..."It's tough to compete withthe Yankees and Red Sox".

The team is in the 6th year of his "5 year plan" and have yet to even come close to making the playoffs.

The team has the payroll to be very competitive but they haven't had proper management in years.
JP came in talking about player development but none of his picks have flourished yet except Hill and Marcum. The core of the team is still picks from Gord Ash(Halladay, Wells, McGowan, and Rios). The worst move he made in was picking Romero over Tulowitski in 2005 because he thought Russ Adams would turn it around.Lot of scouts were saying they were SHOCKED that he turned down an obviously special player like Tulo, who many believe is a BETTER version of Jeter, and whothe Rockies have publicly credited with taking the reins in the clubhouse and on the field last year, leading them to the WS.
Originally Posted by frankbink5

JP came in talking about player development but none of his picks have flourished yet except Hill and Marcum. The core of the team is still picks from Gord Ash (Halladay, Wells, McGowan, and Rios). The worst move he made in was picking Romero over Tulowitski in 2005 because he thought Russ Adams would turn it around. Lot of scouts were saying they were SHOCKED that he turned down an obviously special player like Tulo, who many believe is a BETTER version of Jeter, and who the Rockies have publicly credited with taking the reins in the clubhouse and on the field last year, leading them to the WS.

100% accurate.
I keep reminding my friends that Halladay, Wells, Rios, McGowan, Orlando Hudson, etc. were all solid draft picks made by former GM GordAsh.

Ricciardi has been terrible in the drafts, Janssen, Marcum, Hill have been just a few of his productive draft picks. Trading for Accardo also worked out well. Ricciardi had a policy of not drafting players out of high school, not drafting players with strong agents, and not drafting players that were highly touted(because he worried about them crumbling under pressure). He also doesn't like spending over the minimum salary for minor league players, meanwhilehanding out laughable contracts to guys like AJ Burnett and Frank Thomas.

He's been blasted in the Globe and Mail recently...

And here is what the Toronto Star has said about him...
The J.P. way is somewhat similar to the George W. Bush U.S. presidential administration and its long-term handling of the Iraq situation. Remember Ricciardi's pretzel logic on the B.J. Ryan elbow injury? "If we know the truth then it's not a lie." Remember Dubya dramatically landing on the deck of the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln just off of San Diego on May 1, 2003? With a big banner in the background, proclaiming "Mission Accomplished," Bush stated: "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." Whether Bush believed it or not, at the time, those words turned out to be hollow and Bush has been in a "Plan B" mode ever since.

Ricciardi's "aircraft-carrier moment" may have come following the 2003 season when the Jays rode a Cy Young performance by Roy Halladay (22-7, 3.25 ERA) and twin-MVP calibre seasons from Carlos Delgado (.302, 42 HR, 145 RBI) and Vernon Wells (.317, 33 HR, 133 RBI) to an 86-76 record. Mission accomplished. The "five-year plan" seemed ahead of schedule...that is until a follow-up campaign in '04 produced a disappointing, inexplicable record of 67-94, despite the veteran additions of Justin Speier, Ted Lilly, Miguel Batista, Pat Hentgen, Corey Koskie and Terry Adams. The Jays have been in "Plan B" mode ever since with no playoffs in sight.

As for looming prospects on the farm to help in '08, consider that at the Triple and Double-A levels, the Jays had one player bat over .300 (minimum 100 at-bats). That was catcher Robinson Diaz who batted .316 at AA-New Hampshire. On the pitching side, the leading winner at AAA-Syracuse was Josh Banks (12-10, 4.63 ERA), while at Double-A it was Kyle Yates (9-9, 4.53 ERA).
"It's tough to compete with the Yankees and Red Sox"


Damn.. Some serious fans up in here.

...but yeah, speaking of those retro powder blue jerseys. Hahaha.
Those powder blue jerseys were hot

Im pissed that MacDonald is third string. he is the reason why I would watch the Jays last night. Dissapointing to see such a talent sit on the bench.

Any sigs out there guys?
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Those powder blue jerseys were hot

Im pissed that MacDonald is third string. he is the reason why I would watch the Jays last night. Dissapointing to see such a talent sit on the bench.

Any sigs out there guys?

Though his defense is nasty he is a liability on ofence. I would much rather have Eckstien.

Also peep the sigs..
Let's hope they keep this combination of offense and pitching throughout the season.

When Rolen comes back, it'll be scary good production from the 1-6 spot.

Eckstein, Rios, Wells, Thomas, Rolen, Overbay.

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Frank will be missed.

I know he was having his struggles, but still. I liked him

Good luck to him to whatever team he goes to.
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