Buying DS 1999 Cement IVs???

Aug 8, 2006
Im tryna cop a pair of cement iv's i got a guy thats giving me a deal on them but i weight about 190 lbs will these DS 1999 iv's crack on me or shouldi just save my money for something else??
thanks NT
It's hard to say. Evey shoe is different. Do you know how they were stored?

Everyone on here is going to say that they will crumble. But you will never know unless you try. I have a VNDS pair of '99 Columbia IV's that havenot crubled on my. They are very wearable. It is a coin flipper on a DS pair.
There's a rumor going around sayin these are suppose to be retro'd later on in the year, I wont take a chance buying them, cuz it mightfall part!!! So i say save ya money & buy something else...
Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

There's a rumor going around sayin these are suppose to be retro'd later on in the year, I wont take a chance buying them, cuz it might fall part!!! So i say save ya money & buy something else...

This is one way to look at it. Chances are they will be like the latest round of retros, though. It all boils down to the style you like. Some refuse to gowith the newer retros due to shape and materials. It all comes down to how much you like the older retros. Maybe you want both?? I know I do. I just need tofind a decent pair of '99's and then wait for the latest release.
like he said... these are "supposed" to drop this year.... but if you can recall what the cdp 4s were like, idk if you mind the bad quality but iwont be looking forward to them. Id try to find a pair that had been worn with clear air bubbles
the guy said "i have a dark bog cool closet and it sits at the bottom of it with all my other kicks"
what do ya think???
thanks again NT
theres a high chance they will crack so if u do buy just dont wear them. not sure if their coming out this year but if they do buy those to wear
I think it's a gamble bro. Even if they do re retro these later this year, they won't even be close. If I could find a pair for a great deal, I'dhave to try and wear them.
I'd say getting a VNDS pair would be the way to go.
IMO 99 IVs are not fit to wear coz of their very fragile condition and crackings are inevitable.. If I'll buy those I'll just keep them for collectionand never wear them at all.
maybe the cement iv's that are supposed to drop later this year will end up being fusions so you should probably take that into consideration too.
i won't even consider ds iv's just because i know they're more likely to crumble. i don't care if they've been stored in the deepestdarekest depths of the underworld. find some gently used but not abused. good luck.
Originally Posted by niophyte0430

IMO 99 IVs are not fit to wear coz of their very fragile condition and crackings are inevitable.. If I'll buy those I'll just keep them for collection and never wear them at all.
What he said
BTW if they re-retro later this year
WELL there is a rumor that they will retro again this year
but if he is giving you a good deal then go ahead I will go for the cement IV 99
I need to look at mine, their still Ds and I have not peeped them in at least a year, I am hoping that the air units are still clear. I will take a look soonand post the pic.
eff that. i'm about to buy a pair as well. there is no better shoe under the sun. i'll definitely try to wear them and if they crumble, so be it. Ifnot, then I'll love them doubly. i view it as rescuing a shoe previously held hostage by DS-hood. It's a roll of the dice, sure, but these shoesdeserve the gamble. There should not be DS pairs out there still.
Originally Posted by sauces11

the guy said "i have a dark bog cool closet and it sits at the bottom of it with all my other kicks"
what do ya think???
thanks again NT
This helps, but not forever. I have both '99 bred's and white cements, the cements eventually blew up on me, my breds are still cool but Ibaby the eff out of them. As for the rumor that these will retro, I'm sure they will but unfortunately they'll look and feel like dooquee. Tough callhomie, but chances are the soles will blow up on ya no matter if there deadstock, your weight, or the climate.
my grails!!!!!!!!!!
love those tings to death wish i had a pair i hope they drop this year 10x!!!!!!!!!!!
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