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Staff member
Jan 23, 2007
NikeTalk's buy/sell forum is a free service designed for INDIVIDUAL use. It is NOT a turnkey environment for your business. Websites, resellers, and dealers will NOT be allowed to use the buy/sell forum. Use this forum at your own risk. NikeTalk and its staff are NOT responsible for failed transactions. If anyone maliciously exploits the NikeTalk buy/sell section to commit fraud, we encourage you to report them to the appropriate authorities. The NikeTalk staff reserves the right to deny ANY listing for ANY reason.

Buy/Sell Forum Rules:

1. ONLY users who've been NikeTalk members for over three months AND have contributed over 300 posts may create listings in our buy/sell forums. All new users must wait until they've met these criteria before they will be eligible to add listings. Until then, your posts will NOT be accepted by our system or approved by our buy/sell staff.
How does this policy benefit you?
  • Obviously this policy is intended to weed out any criminals looking for a quick score by deceiving inexperienced members. Further reducing fraud can help increase buyer confidence, resulting in more interest in your legitimate listings.
  • NikeTalk's buy/sell forums exist to serve genuine NikeTalk members - those actually interested in participating in the NikeTalk community. Those signing up for NikeTalk accounts just to try and make a buck off our members should look elsewhere.
Interested buyers who fail to meet the new criteria may still contact sellers via private message if they wish - but you cannot create listings until you've earned the necessary credentials, as explained above.

One final word of warning:

DO NOT start creating a bunch of useless posts to try and hit 300 as fast as possible. First of all, even if you post 300 times in one week, you'll still need to wait the full 3 months before you can create listings. Second, if we catch people spamming the forums with worthless posts simply to increase their post count, those users will be BANNED and will have to start all over again from scratch - IF their new accounts are approved.

Plan to spread your posts out over your 3 month introduction to NikeTalk.

2. ONE ITEM PER LISTING, ONE WANTED THREAD PER SIZE FORUM. Trading threads are seen as the equivalent of selling threads. One item per listing allows us to utilize the feedback system. A buyer/seller/trader can only received feedback for 1 listing so listing multiple items in 1 listing would not allow for every party to receive the proper feedback.
Any listing with more than 1 for sale item may be locked or deleted. A user selling 2 of the same items must include a photo of both items in each listing. A wanted listing may contain more than one wanted item.

3. NO DEALERS ALLOWED. For our purposes, any member selling over ten items total OR more than two of the same item will be considered a dealer. In other words, you may NOT list over ten items at the same time. Similarly, you may NOT list three pairs of the same shoe, three identical t-shirts, etc. EVEN IF THEY ARE DIFFERENT SIZES.

4. ALL ITEMS FOR SALE/TRADE MUST BE PICTURED within your listing. Pictures must include the seller's NikeTalk screen name and the date of your listing hand written on a sheet of paper alongside the item(s) intended for sale/trade. Every item listed MUST be pictured without exception. If you're selling two pair of the same shoe, you must photograph BOTH pairs together. (Remember, you may not sell more than two of the same item.) Your tag date must match your listing date. We go by this date on determining when your thread expires.
  • Brand new items require at least 1 photo.
  • Used items should have clear pic or uppers, soles, and any flaws to avoid any problems after the sale. Intentionally being dishonest about the condition of the item can lead to banishment from the community.
  • Users proposing trade offers or replying to wanted ads must be eligible to sell in our Classified Forum.
  • Any items for trade must have tagged/dated pics. This includes replies to wanted ads and trade offers for items listed for sale.

If you do not have the item on hand, you may NOT sell it through NikeTalk's buy/sell forums. When engaging in a trade, BOTH parties must provide pictures of each item involved in the deal. Listings without pictures will not be allowed on NikeTalk. Repeated violation of this rule will result in banishment from the NikeTalk community.

5. ALL LISTINGS MUST CONTAIN AN ASKING PRICE. NikeTalk is NOT an auction site. All prices listed MUST be absolute and will be considered as US Dollar values unless otherwise specified. Price ranges, requests for interested parties to contact the seller with an offer, etc. will NOT be allowed. This includes replies to wanted ads.

In other words: no games, no nonsense, no haggling.

Do NOT create listings merely to guage interest in an item. If you wish to determine a reasonable price range for an item, refer your query to Nike Price/Fake Checks or the Jordan Brand Price/Fake Checks forum, or consult an outside source. (i.e. a completed item search on eBay)

6. LINKS TO ONLINE AUCTIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED. If you have an item listed on eBay or a similar service, you may NOT list that item on NikeTalk. If, after listing an item on NikeTalk, you choose to place it on an auction site, you must request a topic deletion by sending an email to [email protected] or by contacting a staff member using ezinbox. Include a link to the post you need deleted.

7. ILLEGAL ITEMS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. This includes, but is not limited to, counterfeit items, pirated or bootleg items, or ANY item whose sale is restricted by age or permit. As it is illegal to sell alcohol, cigarettes, pornography, etc. to minors, these items may NOT be sold through NikeTalk. Similarly, the sale of firearms, body armor, and other items restricted by the US government may NOT be sold through NikeTalk.

8. FRAUD WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. ANY member considered guilty of fraud will be immediately and permanently banned from the NikeTalk community.

Fraudulent activities include:
- Misrepresentation of items (i.e. inaccurately portraying the condition or authenticity of items)
- Failure to adhere to the terms of a purchase or trade (i.e. failure to pay for items received, failure to send items, etc.)

False accusations will also result in banishment.

Always request delivery confirmation and make sure you keep all shipping receipts. Unless you have PROOF, you should not expect NikeTalk to ban a member for fraud.

Please consult NikeTalk's Buy/Sell Guide for tips on preventing and reporting fraud.

9. POSTING PRICE UPDATES IS NOT ALLOWED. There is no need to 'bump' your thread with a new price to get exposure. Use the 'bump' feature (available 3 days after the last bump) to push listings to the top. Replies posted as bumps will be deleted on sight or ignored. Please encourage potential buyers to contact you through email or pm. Users may EDIT his or her own listing's price by utilizing the EDIT feature.

10. THREADS CAN NOT LAST LONGER THAN 3 WEEKS. Once your thread has passed 3 weeks you must create a thread with an updated tag if you still have items for sale. NO EXCEPTIONS. Please make it your responsibility to CLOSE your old thread locked before proceeding.

11a. PAYPAL SURCHARGES ARE NOT ALLOWED.It is against the law to charge an extra fee for accepting payments through PayPal (see Section VI of their Payments Policy - you must be logged in):

Quote:No Surcharges. Under Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express regulations and the laws of several states, including California, merchants may not charge a fee to the buyer for accepting credit card payments (often called a "surcharge" . You agree that you will not impose a surcharge or any other fee for accepting PayPal as payment. This restriction does not prevent you from imposing a handling fee in connection with the sale of goods or services, as long as the handling fee does not operate as a surcharge (in other words, the handling fee for transactions paid through PayPal may not be higher than the handling fee for transactions paid through other payment methods) .

While we are not OBLIGATED to enforce these policies, it benefits our users to do so in that it protects buyers from paying such charges and sellers from violating their terms of service agreements and any applicable state laws. Any thread that is submitted that is applying a Papypal surcharge or found to include hidden Paypal fees will be deleted on sight. Members who choose to continue to violate this rule will be temporarily or permanently banned. There are NO EXCEPTIONS.

11b. PAYPAL GIFT PAYMENT ARE NOT ALLOWED. Using Paypal's "gift" option is one of the least secure and most dangerous ways to pay for an item. Paypal will NOT help you if someone tries to rip you off, yet you've decided to GIVE them the money as a gift. Selecting "gift" to pay for an item may save a fee, but it's a violation of Paypal's terms of service and is by far one of the leading sources of fraud we've encountered.
•For your protection, our team will NOT approve listings that encourage "gift payments."
•Sellers are not allowed to charge more to cover the Paypal fees associated with the normal item payment method.
•If someone tries to encourage you to pay by gift, don't risk being ripped off. You are sacrificing your right to file a dispute with Paypal.

Failure to adhere to ANY of the above rules will result in the deletion of your buy/sell post and/or banishment from the NikeTalk community.
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