Business majors....What college are you attending?

Jun 4, 2004
Well, I will be transferring to an university Spring 2008, I was going to attend CSULB to major in business. Is there another university with a better business program in the Long Beach area?

Anyone attend Chapman University?

I guess I dont have much to compare it against, but in my opinion

CSULB CBA (College of Business Administration) = overrated. I aint the dumbest kid on the block nor am I the smartest, but that @#%$ was easy as hell and I didnt learn anything. It honestly felt like a continuation of HS, not higher learning. I know that CSULB people like to bring up all this @#%$ about the CBA being ranked this and that and having a top program etc... etc... but in my opinion its garbage. When I talk to friends, coworkers who went different schools and different programs, its like night and day. Granted, my coworkers went to Wharton and Johns Hopkins... not on the same level as a state school, but still. My last 4 semesters of school, the bulk of which were Business classes, I didnt even attend class and still got a 3.6GPA. I'm talking I would show up for maybe 7-8 class sessions total, pretty much just first day, midterms, quizzes, and finals. Word to Dr. Levine if hes still teaching Finance there. That clown of a professor tried to call me out cause I was sleeping in class and said "if you dont want to be here, the you shouldnt be here" I grabbed my @#%$ and started walkin for the door when he tried to make me look bad in front of the class. Asked me what my name was so he could air me out. Told him what my name was, followed up by "Im the guy who set the curve on the last 3 exams... peace" Never bothered me again.

I got my degree in business admin - mgmt info systems emphasis in e-commerce. graduated in 03. Its been a few years so maybe its changed since then. Also, although there are a buncha core business classes you have to take, I took more IS classes than anything else for my major so my opinion is based largely on the IS dept so take it for what its worth.
UFC 60 Gracie v. Hughes​
HAHAHAHA for all those who think that Gracie is gonna win, care to do a Sig bet (i know its lame, but i guess we cant really bet in person) Loser must keep a SIG made by the winner for a month. Anyone game?
NTer tinkerhatfield: aite im game...but youre like 4 sizes too small for me....i have some sz 12 retro ix's i'll definitely put up tho..

Chapman University should be a good school since they charge 36k with room and bord
just cause they charge a lot doesnt mean its a good school. That being said, Chapman isnt a bad school hahaha.
UFC 60 Gracie v. Hughes​
HAHAHAHA for all those who think that Gracie is gonna win, care to do a Sig bet (i know its lame, but i guess we cant really bet in person) Loser must keep a SIG made by the winner for a month. Anyone game?
NTer tinkerhatfield: aite im game...but youre like 4 sizes too small for me....i have some sz 12 retro ix's i'll definitely put up tho..

Cal State Fullerton is building a brand new complex for business...

i'm not in the business program

but I'm a math major, and all of the math teachers who teach some business math stuff are top notch. if that helps
if u were a burger at McDonald's you'd be McGorgeous​
I was in the Business School at USC until last semester. I am switching to Accounting but USC has one of the better Business programs in the Los Angeles area. I believe it's in the top 25.
I'll be a soph in the fall and I just declared Business @ Fullerton. I heard the accounting class was a B and the math classes are challenging.

A lot of people have told me Fullerton is a really good school for business
. LA 2 SF .​
^^^^ kicksaholic86 is a smart man... haha i'm an accounting major too

if you wanna do accounting then for sure come to USC (top 5 in the nation)... accounting firms recruit like crazy here
CSUN is supposed to have one of the better business programs in the LA's in a good area too
any MBA peeps here? I am prospecting on going for one soon. Any suggestions on which of the schools is best is the CSU system? also, prerequisites?
cal state fullerton has been known to be a good business school
i suggest u go there
im attending right now
prebusiness still
havent chosen a concentration
I'm at Cal Poly Pomona right now as an International Business & Marketing double major. :\

I have heard that Northridge has the best business school in the CSU system though.
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