Breaking the News


Sep 1, 2009
So NT, I've been talking to this girl for a few months now, we've gone out to dinner and we've hung out at parties and what not. But I'm notsure if she understands that I'm kinda feeling her via shes never had a BF before, + she still has the V card. So I'm trying to figure out how i shouldtell her that i like her or if i should tell her at all. . . I'm at the point where I'm gonna just tell her i like her and want to date her or im notgoing to say anything and just be friends with her and move on. .

Cliff Notes-

I like a girl
We hang out often
Do i tell her i like her
Or do i just keep trying to move in slowly
Or do i just keep her as a friend and move on

No Pics don't ask. . . Just want any advice. . And I'm NS so you don't have to go there. . .
Dont tell her you feeling her just take it slow, play your cardds right, you dont want things to get all weird just cause you told her you was feeling hercause you still dont know if she does.
if you have a feeling that she likes you as well...tell her
if not, save yourself the heartache
Originally Posted by solematic j21

Dont tell her you feeling her just take it slow, play your cardds right, you dont want things to get all weird just cause you told her you was feeling her cause you still dont know if she does.

Yea thats one reason i haven't said anything, because we hangout a good amount. Going to the gym and at school with other friends. . And i know howsituations get once people know theres feelings involved. .
Throw some aggressive flirt action her way...if she bites you're in...if she doesnt...keep it moving
Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by it is wat it is

How old are you?

in College. .

That tells alot, so you have been through this before when you had told a girl you had feelings for her and things just didnt go well?

yea, i have thats why im a little hesitant. . .
If she's conservative it's gonna be hard for her to step up even if you go more than halfway. Trust me, I've seen it happen and I'veexperienced it. These kind of kind of girls seem like gold but neither do they have any experience. It's gonna be hard to read this chick, especially ifshe has no skills in showing intimacy.
Originally Posted by freshKRN

No pics, no help
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

If she's conservative it's gonna be hard for her to step up even if you go more than halfway. Trust me, I've seen it happen and I've experienced it. These kind of kind of girls seem like gold but neither do they have any experience. It's gonna be hard to read this chick, especially if she has no skills in showing intimacy.

Thanks man, probably the best answer i could of gotten. . .
Just kiss her. Don't sit around and say I like you, just kiss her. Back when I was in college I had this girl named Megan randomly start talking to me in adiscussion section. We found out that we lived in the same apartment complex, we started hanging out and walking to and from class together, and she told mestraight up (on instant messenger), "I think we should kiss to figure things out between us." There was so much awkward tension between us that sheended up getting pissed off at me for not making a move, and she moved on. So don't waste your time with this I might like you, I might just move onbusiness. Just kiss her. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

The next time you see her, create an opportunity to kiss her. I don't care what it is, but find a way to create the opportunity, and then just do it.
Originally Posted by it is wat it is

How old are you?
first thing i thought.

how are you in college and you have no idea how to navigate yourself around these situations. OP has never smashed ever.
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