Jan 7, 2008
Wassup NT. I know there's alotta yalll that read books and I get borrrred at the job. I been readin whats around my house but lose interest fast. Last bookI read was The Da Vinci Code and it was coo. Anythin like Mafia or Mob type, but I'm open to whatever. But NO CUPCAKE books, I'm just tryna pass timeby till I clock the !$@@ out.
Timeline by Michael Crichton

The movie was pretty crappy, but the book my friend...that book rocked.

I was just browsing the NYPL site looking for some Marcus Aurelius books. I'm not recommending it, just stating a coincidence. Would anyone like torecommend me some Aurelius-centered books?

So as to not entirely thread jack, OP,..........................

I'm drawing a blank, i don't read either.
Definitely check out stuff by Ben Bova and Clive Cussler. Bova is easily one of the best sci-fi writers around, a Cussler does an action thriller like fewothers can.

"Neanderthal," "Outbreak," and "Prey" are also fantastic. Couldn't put them down when I read them.
Paulo Coelho is my go-to suggestion for any type of light reading. I'm sure plenty of people on NT have read The Alchemist.
Fight Club and Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk are good.
You know, you should try some books that have a bunch of short stories in them. Try 'Reasons to Live' by Amy Hempel, I think.
An amazing book. Diamond discusses why and how societies evolved as they did. I definitely recommend this book to any and everyone.
i always liked catch-22 and ragtime.

i was at barnes and noble, saw this and flipped through it. dude makes valid points, it's a good read. it makes sense that having a bicycle instead of acar is better in a world infested with zombies. it's quiet, no gas needed, and you can pick it up on ruff terrain. let's just say i'm ready for theliving dead


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Thanks, I read every reply. Appreciate it.

Been checking up on the responses and so far I'm lookin into:

Fight Club. (Was lookin that up right before I checked to see the responses)
Guns, Germs, and Steel. (Interested in that forreal.)
True To The Game. (Coppin' as well.)

And dont get offended if I didnt mention your suggestions earlier in this thread, I took note of em and will be lookin through it as soon as I finish thesethree.
I haven't started reading it yet, but I bought The Last Lecture the other day. I don't remember who it's by (I think his name is like Pausch orsomething), but it sounded really good. I think there's a video on Google Video with his actual last lecture. I'm reading Three Weeks With My Brotherby Nicholas Sparks right now, and so far it's pretty good.

I haven't had a chance to really get into any good books lately though because I've been reading so much for my classes. That should hopefully changethis summer.

For the mafia type book though, I would recommend The Godfather (though that probably sounds so cliche). My brother said that he read it and liked it a wholelot more than the movie.
I just finished Meat Market by Bruce Feldman. It's about the process of college recruiting and you really got to get the perspective from a differentangle.
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