Black Man Taking On Amazon (Union)

Aug 6, 2012

Amazon fired him – now he’s trying to unionize 5,000 workers in New York​

Christian Smalls has taken on the biggest challenge of his life. Still smarting from when Amazon fired him last year, the 32-year-old is spearheading an effort to unionize more than 5,000 workers at four Amazon facilities in Staten Island, including a giant warehouse.

Smalls is taking a highly unusual route in pursuing this goal; he has founded an independent union, the Amazon Labor Union, convinced that a new union comprising only Amazon workers is the smartest way to rally Amazon employees behind a union after the crushing defeat of an effort to unionize an Amazon warehouse in Alabama earlier this year.

“I believe we’ll be successful,” Smalls said. “New York is a union town. The bus drivers, the sanitation workers, the police, the firefighters, they’re all unionized. Everybody is related or knows somebody in a union.”

All this does is make me remember about dude who made a thread about working in stockx or goat warehouse and he couldn't do it. I hear Amazon's working conditions are terrible. Some locations even time your bathroom breaks.
All this does is make me remember about dude who made a thread about working in stockx or goat warehouse and he couldn't do it. I hear Amazon's working conditions are terrible. Some locations even time your bathroom breaks.
You’re on a gps/heart rate monitor all shift.
Yea they might off him under "unforseen circumstances"

Anyway, what's to stop Amazon from closing that warehouse, laying off all the employees and opening shop elsewhere to avoid a union
Yea they might off him under "unforseen circumstances"

Anyway, what's to stop Amazon from closing that warehouse, laying off all the employees and opening shop elsewhere to avoid a union

off him? kill him?
he is not a amazon employee, he got canned over a year ago but kept up the good fight, he knows lot of the folks there thats why the vote went union by close vote....

missinformation is why there are not more unions out of the biggest reasons unions don't get voted by the workers is this fact....any union employee has to pay dues.....they lie and claim these dues add nothing to you the worker....that 60-100 a month could go towards your spending money, what are you getting?
most union employees have the best medical, why? because they decide what plan to use NOT the employer, then they make the employer pay into that plan.....
pension, if every amazon employee went on strike right now requesting just 5-7% of their pay gets put a side for a pension, amazon would say yes in a pay 15-20$ an hour to an employee and offer 401k match if they put money in? you know what happens? less than 10% of those employees put in a dime.....thus no match paid out....SCAM! just give them the money in their 401k!!

in nyc I know people that belong In 3 unions
local 94
local 32bj
local 1

each one pays dues
each one has zero dollars take from check for medical/dental
each one has a pension plan
each one has 401k plan, I think 94 even has match
each one tons of PTO, but you have to earn that through time..

I wish everyone could have it as good as the local 94 guys....these dudes are retiring with 5-7k a month pensions and half mil 401ks....

the problem with this union this guy from amazon is helping build and others are trying to build, its too new.....they should be trying to latch on to a already established union
My dues are about 700 a year, I get free healthcare and last year 30k put in my pension. No match or none of that bs. Just the company paid it.

I’ll NEVER go back to non union life.

I hope this starts a huge push for all of Amazon to organize it’s the only way to get treated with dignity from a company like that.

All the skilled trades are hiring in mn if anyone needs a job. If you’re even slightly interested give it a try.
^^ love it, let me guess, no medical deducted from check?

amazon loves to state medical day one, but you pay for it....if you have a family of 4, you're paying like 400-500 a month
^^ love it, let me guess, no medical deducted from check?

amazon loves to state medical day one, but you pay for it....if you have a family of 4, you're paying like 400-500 a month

yeah, only thing deducted is dues once a month. got my wife and kid on it too, costs me nothing.

wife is a union painter with double insurance since she gets free coverage too.

dude pays 700 a YEAR, pays nothing out of pocket for medical for 3 people......meanwhile there are people paying hundreds a month for medical!!!

BUT THEY SELL the lie that dues go to people doing nothing with your money hahaha comical

for real, organize or go work for a union company.

I don't think most people are anti union, they just are fed lies or it's totally foreign to them. even if you are in a right to work state there is still good union jobs out there.
Teamsters don't mess around. Know a few people who've worked for UPS for years.

Don't know their exact income, but it's enough to pay notes on two new cars and a home and still have money left over at the end of the month. That and they have kick *** insurance.
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