Best Buy to inform thousands're fired.

Dec 29, 2006
Iphone ftl! No copy paste....but yea I just saw on gizmodo they're going to lay off a MASSIVE amount of management and store level employees smfh...Iremember a member saying there was a big meeting today at al best buys
looks like they're gonna tell them to bounce smfh.

Looks like gizmodo just put out another manager said to his one will be fired(hopefully) but people will have to take a paycut...looks like its going to affect management more.
^ yeah there's a few nt bb workers...I thought of them when I saw I'm truly astonished at this financial crisi were bestbuy is laying off people? The amonnt of flat panles...laptops...ps3's etc I see move in
There was a time when getting a retail job was it seems like you're applying for a ceo postion these days
yo I don't understand how we suppose to get out of this economic situation if we can't get jobs which = getting money, how tf we going to survive w/o ajob?
Lame useless meetings as usual
Those stupid **@ DVDs with those actors again

I aint gon be affected, not now at least...time to milk that company though
They didn't lay people off... I work at BBY

Basically they cut a ton of supervisor positions, but they gave the people an option to keep a full time spot.. or take a severence package... so they couldstay
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

They didn't lay people off... I work at BBY

Basically they cut a ton of supervisor positions, but they gave the people an option to keep a full time spot.. or take a severence package... so they could stay

That's love right there. When I worked there we had more supervisors than employees.
In all honesty... its actually a good thing for both the company and the customer..

We have TOOO many supervisors who get paid to much to not do anything or help anyone

They are doing it to have more labor for more people to help the customers. Too many people come in and can't get help. Hopefully this wil help.
It's actually a "Restructuring" of sorts.. BBY has cut out a lot of Supervisor, and store Management positions in the stores..

I can see where it's coming from because the Sups, ans half of management were no good anyways. My last Sup made $23/hr and I practically ran thedepartment.

Im corporate now, and my job is still at risk more so than the store ppl. But I wouldn't trade it for a store spot EVER.
Originally Posted by air max 87

Yea my dudes be telin me they got OD managers mankin $$$ and not doin **$$

Yeah.. its ridiculous... so sucks for them..... we don't know yet what supervisors will retain their spot... but if the good ones who work hard don'ti'll be upset.

On the other hand hopefully the terrible, lazy one, who doesnt work at all doesnt... if so... Karma is a b
That's not so bad
but it sucks for the managers that bust their &*( and have to take a pay cut now...but hey...I guess its good to still have ajob in this economy.
Companies in America were/are being ran poorly - half the reason we're in this mess. A lot of people working and getting promoted for doingnear-nothing at work. I'm sure the supervisors that aren't being demoted are the ones that actually do something (or are favorited by those above them

Everybody is having to reevaluate the people that they have promoted. It's sad that that decently ran corporations are having to do this, too, because thebad ones dug us this nice, deep hole to try to crawl out of.

And we're not going to get out of this mess until people stop being scared to spend money and start circulating money again (the foundation of the"economy"). Go blow some money and jump start this bad boy.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

In all honesty... its actually a good thing for both the company and the customer..

We have TOOO many supervisors who get paid to much to not do anything or help anyone

They are doing it to have more labor for more people to help the customers. Too many people come in and can't get help. Hopefully this wil help.

agreed. too many pricks walking round with walkie talkies and clipboards frontin. my job wasnt affected by the grace of GOD. My store is fairly new (opened innov) so the sups whose positions were cut are just gonna go to another store. Sales ftmfl
i worked there in of the worst jobs i ever had.

my sups did nothing and i used to have to stay mad late re-organizing the media dept.
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