Being done with FINALS appreciation...........VOL LETS POP BOTTLES


Apr 4, 2007
Just as the title says, Last week I made a thread for finals weekun-appreciation and listed my load of finals. I am in my junior year of Mechanical Engineering

Here is the work load I went through this week and how I did (think).

Last Saturday: Differential Equations Final (A)
Monday: Analyzing Mechanical Components Final (got a b ended up with A in class)
Tuesday: Fluid Mechanics Final (I think between B+ and A- range)
Engineering Analysis II final (Got a B+)
Wednesday: Thermodynamics Final-2 hard problems, 4 hours, FTL
( B range)
Today Thursday: Kinematics Final (A range)

Man it feels so good right now after going through all that work this week, I am about to party it up, NT how did your finals go and doesn't it feel
after your done.
I hate yuku, my spellcheck is acting up and it keeps changing my background color, wth lol
Man I have one more tomorrow and I really don't wanna study for it. I'll be so relieved when I'm done.
You guys suck... I took one today, and still have 3 more. I wont be done until next Thursday. Law school exams FTL
I had killed a bottle of cheap champagne by noon today...

Nap this afternoon and now I'm ready to get it tonight...
So far, the only final i ever had was a geometry final...and it was take home.
And boy did it feel good. Summer classes ftw?
Heck yeah man. My finals were done yesterday. Need that rest for next semester.
i was poppin bottles last night, and i haven't even started my finals yet

no partying this weekend though, the library will be my friend.
Originally Posted by thekillerj23

Just as the title says, Last week I made a thread for finals week un-appreciation and listed my load of finals. I am in my junior year of Mechanical Engineering

Here is the work load I went through this week and how I did (think).

Last Saturday: Differential Equations Final (A)
Monday: Analyzing Mechanical Components Final (got a b ended up with A in class)
Tuesday: Fluid Mechanics Final (I think between B+ and A- range)
Engineering Analysis II final (Got a B+)
Wednesday: Thermodynamics Final-2 hard problems, 4 hours, FTL
( B range)
Today Thursday: Kinematics Final (A range)

Man it feels so good right now after going through all that work this week, I am about to party it up, NT how did your finals go and doesn't it feel
after your done.
Nice marks for your Fluids and Thermo...

My housemates are getting killed with that course.
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