Beats by dre?

there are better headphones for the price. They're very good at lows....and aesthetics. Thats about it.
You're paying for the Monster name (and probably the Dr. Dre advertising)
Get these
or these
They are made by monster, monster makes over priced products. Just go on eBay and find some used grado, sennheiser, or akg and you'll have better headphones then those over priced beats by dre.
I payed $175 for mine, I liked them, they were comfortable and the sound was good, but they made me really dizzy for some reason so I sold them
I got my Beats by Dre for the low also and I love these joints.
If you're unsure about it tho, you can demo them at Best Buy along with other reputable brands to help you decide.
If I were to describe these in one word, it would be, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww."
Originally Posted by solesavage

ugly. never been a fan of BIG headphones.
i think its more about sound quality and not so much aesthetics. who cares what it looks like as long youre hearing optimal sound.
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

If I were to describe these in one word, it would be, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww."
I was talking about that review in class recently.
they are way over priced but they do sound great..

I had a pair of bose on ear headphones, LOVED them.. until they got stolen at school.

I was HEATED!!
They look sick but the sound is decent at best and they have the worst bleed through I've ever heard on a pair of headphones. If you want the whole worldto hear what you're listening to then go for it. But for the money those things costs there are so many other better noise canceling headphones out there.Sennheiser would be one and funny enough some of the Sony studio headphones are amazing and are only like 100 bucks. So I would do some serious listeningbefore you buy gimmick headphones.
i have the small ones got them cheap, not worth it they dont fit in ur ear and these mugs broke in like 3 weeks
Originally Posted by jc619er

They look sick but the sound is decent at best and they have the worst bleed through I've ever heard on a pair of headphones. If you want the whole world to hear what you're listening to then go for it. But for the money those things costs there are so many other better noise canceling headphones out there. Sennheiser would be one and funny enough some of the Sony studio headphones are amazing and are only like 100 bucks. So I would do some serious listening before you buy gimmick headphones.

I noticed the same thing when I went to best buy.

I settled for the Motorola Bluetooth Headphones they have a great sound to me and I can use them with my Blackberry 8900 also.
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