Bears fans, so what do we do now?

Nov 7, 2007
I have sit back and watched the Bears season in sadness! I have watched Grossman and Griese and all along I have been saying put in Orton.... yet, he getsoverlooked..

Orton when he played; put us in winning positions, even though that was his rookie season. If anyone watched Purdue football; they will realize that Orton hasa big arm. When Orton played he was restricted in what he could throw. He did alot of dink and dunk type passes for 5-10 yards.

I say let's give Orton the remainder of the season. Let him show what he has and go from there. Grossman is on IR and Griese is more of a adequate backup,than a starter. I guarantee you, if Orton is given His oppertunity he will do well. I just would hate to see some other team pick up Orton and benifit from Hisproduction, without us even giving Him 'his' oppertunity.

As for running backs.. Benson and Peterson are not the answers. Peterson is a good special teamer; not a lead running back and Benson? well, even though I likethe guy; he doesn't appear to be the answer. Garrett Wolfe should get a shot to display what he has. This is the time of the year where teams that are outof the playoffs usually play their potential players to see what they have. Let's see what we have in Garrett Wolfe.

Receivers.. wow, Berrian turned down a contract offer from the Bears. He may be on His way out guys. That means if He goes, then we have a major hole to fillat receiver as well.. Our offseason, when it comes.. is going to have a lot of questions conerning who we will keep and who we can possibly pickup through freeagency, draft, or trade.

I agree with everyone about the Offensive Line; but put in perspective because of age, there has been more injuries to our OLine. We have had a lot of reservesfilling in as starters. Ofcouse, there will be a drop off in protection to the quarterback and running game.

We need a solid DT to come along side of Tommie Harris. We picked up Walker and he did okay... but yet again.. injuries have devastated the Bears this season.When I had heard the Bears traded Chris Harris to the Panthers... I was like WHY!? That was an awful move... we went to the Super Bowl last year because of ourdepth throughout the roster and then when we started getting rid of it. We began falling apart. Chris Harris has given Carolina help at Safety and us a hugevoid.

We are most likely going to lose Lance Briggs as well guys... so were going to need some serious impact players. The Bears motto through the rough years wasdrafting and developing and they developed into good players for the most part... unfortunately... when that occurs; there is a good chance you will lose someof the players you develop..because the NFL being the business it is.

Tough season guys.

1. Rex Grossman is your starting QB next season.
2. Cedric Benson or Michael Turner is your starting RB.
3. Berrian is gone unless he settles for number 2 WR type money.
4. Moose should be back. Bears have an option.
5. Lance is probably gone. Not sure.
6. We'll draft atleast 2 offensive linemen.
7. Archuleta is gone.
8. Mike Brown may be brought back if he takes a pay cut.
9. Bears will make a lot of off season moves.
I dont see how people can say BENSON is not the answer! How do you know that? We have a horrible offensive line! I dont understand all the damn Benson hate! OKi understand he didnt have a good season, but honestly with that O-Line who would? It took Thomas Jones 5 years and about 4 teams to finally start to live upto the hype he got in college. Can we give Benson another shot! Everyone was calling for Adrian peterson ( the other one) to start, now he starts and are rungame is worse! It isnt the RB's as much as it is the line! What the bears need to do is resign Grossman to a incentive based contract, Draft OFFENSIVELINEMAN, try to pick up an O lineman from free agency, let briggs, Moose, D. walker go! I $$!%#+$ have a deep hate for Berrian and he will be asking for"Top 10 money" even though i can name at least 15 wr's better than him, so i would let him go if their is any shot of signing RANDY MOSS! If thebears DONT make at least somewhat of an effort to get MOSS i will forever hate this team!!! But if we cant sign moss than just keep berrian i guess! but iwould love to see a WR core of Moss, Hester, Bradley and Davis next year!
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

I dont see how people can say BENSON is not the answer! How do you know that? We have a horrible offensive line! I dont understand all the damn Benson hate! OK i understand he didnt have a good season, but honestly with that O-Line who would? It took Thomas Jones 5 years and about 4 teams to finally start to live up to the hype he got in college. Can we give Benson another shot! Everyone was calling for Adrian peterson ( the other one) to start, now he starts and are run game is worse! It isnt the RB's as much as it is the line! What the bears need to do is resign Grossman to a incentive based contract, Draft OFFENSIVE LINEMAN, try to pick up an O lineman from free agency, let briggs, Moose, D. walker go! I $$!%#+$ have a deep hate for Berrian and he will be asking for "Top 10 money" even though i can name at least 15 wr's better than him, so i would let him go if their is any shot of signing RANDY MOSS! If the bears DONT make at least somewhat of an effort to get MOSS i will forever hate this team!!! But if we cant sign moss than just keep berrian i guess! but i would love to see a WR core of Moss, Hester, Bradley and Davis next year!

Benson doesn't even hit the whole hard. I hope he gets traded.

Moss on our team would be a disaster. He plays well in winning situations and without a decent qb he would be a distraction.
Get some OLine help. Get anew QB in the draft. Hopefully sign Turner or trade for another RB.

Another safety wouldn't hurt.
^^ I think you forget that Moss can make a "decent" qb look like a HOF!! I think, I HOPE, Benson gets rid of some of that bad weight he put on thisoffseason! I dont think we should give up on him so early!
1. go after a WR in chad johnson?
2.bring briggs BACK
3.berrian come back?
4.dusty dvoracek good enough at DT for us?
5. fire ron turner to draft one of the big 3 QB's in this draft in brohm,woodson, and ryan...possibly even one of the two of the top OT's, too
7. bye-bye moose,archuleta(sigh),d. walker
8. mike brown has to comeback
9. benson still our RB, hopefully turner will be his back up
Answer: Find a new team.

No, but seriously, I agree. Give Orton a shot. I think he can do well.
Carter has a point...people have given up on Benson too soon and Adrian Peterson hasn't really done what EVERYONE thought he was...Our O-Line ishorrible...people are getting really old really fast...

Benson does need to lose weight cuz he has gotten fat and needs to regain some speed in order to work well with our team...

Hopefully we can make some really good decisions in the off season and regain strength on offense and defense.


GO BEARS...08-09 Season Baby!!!

If the Patriots are stupid (which i'm hoping they are) and they don't resign Moss...we should go after him no questions asked...

Moss on our team would be
and if Grossman is still here then we willhave an even better chance of keeping him happy...Grossman has a great arm...just not when he is under A LOT of pressure...we will see what happens...if'sand should's mean nothing on our end...

Ron Turner Needs to get FIRED!!!
Get a new QB and RB. Get rid of Adam.....and pray for no injuries next year.
Fire Ron.....make some nice moves during the off-season and make great draft choices.

*Crosses fingers for next year*
This season has reminded me of the 2004 campaign where we were decimated by injuries. We bounced back from that, got those hamstrings healthy, and startedwinning with defense. This season we lost with defense. The more I learn about the Tampa 2 the more I hate it. You have to be f'n stellar on every play orthe Tampa 2 can kill you. You have to have playmakers at every position for the Tampa 2 to work. When it does work you send 6 defenders to the pro-bowl. Whenit doesn't work, nobody goes.

I think we have to solidfy three key areas of the defense.
1) We have to have a pro-bowl player at the strong safety positon. That might be Mike Brown, but how many more injuries do we have to see before we shore upthe position.
2) We need to re-sign Briggs. We are plain terrible when Lance Briggs doesn't play. Urlacher really needs Briggs and the aformentioned SS. That back sideand weak side help is critical to Urlacher remaining a game changing middle linebacker.
3) We need healthy defensive tackles. I like Harris and Dvoracek, but we saw them play together a grand total of less than one regular season game. Again,injuries were the key.

On offense, fix the quarterback position. We should hire away a coordinator and use that to bring another NFL quarterback to the Bears. I don't want arookie because our defensive contracts need a guy now, not two years from now. Derek Anderson makes the most sense, but perhaps another team is willing to blowup their roster and make some big moves which could become Chicago fortune. Alex Smith is one name.
Tough season, but since this team is good it should not be hard to bounce back

For the draft we should use our high picks for young O-lineman and safetys to go in if Mike Brown gets hurt again (it might also be worth signing a good one)

If the Bears dont play the cheap game they can be nice next season.

1st of all our running game is the #1 problem. BRING MICHAEL TURNER TO CHICAGO AT ALL COSTS!!! Do not be cheap for Turner. Benson is soft and Peterson is notthe answer. Without a running game we are nothing.

As for QBs i would definitley give Orton the rest of the year to start and see what he got. But it looks like unless we draft a QB with our #1 pick, than wewill have a guy like Rex or Orton start next year. Anderson will most likely be back in Cleveland and the 2nd best QB with an expiring contract is Rex. What ithink the Bears should do is go after McNabb. The Eagles are willing to get rid of him in favor of Kolb and like Turner is another Chicago native. AlthoughMcNabb is not the McNabb of old, but if he has a running game going on with Turner, he would be a great QB to manage the game for us. He is still a good QB andis a smart and experienced veteran who is mobile as well. i would efinitley try and aquire him.

We should also try and resign Berrian. I would not completely over pay for him but i would not be cheap. I like Berrian a lot. He has great speed and has madesome BIG TIME grabs for us. At times his inexperience shows like when he drops easy balls once in a while or like last night when he did not even try and swatdown that pass. But he has become our go to reciever, and i VERY young so he can be that guy for a while and he has great speed. Also work on Hester'srecieving game A LOT and try to develop him into a speedy possesion WR. Like i have said before Steve smith came from just a KR to a great WR. And his mentorwas Mushin Muhammed. Hester has the tools he can be the same, keep Muhammed but mostly as a mentor.

For defense our D line when healthy is elite. We got great ends with Anderson/Ogunleye/Brown and DTs (when healthy) in Harris/Dvoracek/Adams. That unit ispretty set. Same goes with corners because the combo of Tillman and Vasher=

For LBs i would try our hardest to retain Briggs, but with all the $ we will be throwing around it might be tough. I hope we can get him but if we dont i thinkthe Bears are confident that Jamar Williams can become a starter and i have liked what i seen from him in his limited action and on STs

For safetys if mike Brown is healthy (and thats a HUGE if) he is one of the best safetys in the lague and a HUGE part of the D. Him and Danieal Manninfg is anice combo. But we need some security. I would either draft 1 with a high pick or try and sign one to play with Brown and have Manning be the security. (I knowthere was talks of Bob Sanders, if that is possible?)

Also an underated resigning but... MAKE SURE WE RESIGN BRANDON AYABADEJNO (sp?)!!!! He is THE best ST coverage man in the L, and It probably wont take toomuch to resign him and it is not worth letting him go. Just like when we traded TJ and the offense was pathetic, we do not want to see the one area we wereconsistently good at this year go down the drain. Just resign him. it is not worth havng the #1 ST unit in the league go downhill.
I hope we can get him but if we dont i think the Bears are confident that Jamar Williams can become a starter and i have liked what i seen from him in his limited action and on STs

Lovie is confident. But he was also confident in Daniel Manning who has demonstrated he was elevated to the starting position a season early. Manning lookseven worse without Mike Brown. From what I have seen of Jamar this season I have lots of questions about him. He won't be ready next summer to replaceBriggs. All the important assets, speed, tackling, and taking on the blocker are just not there yet. It's mostly mental, but Jamar Williams hasn'tshown me he's ready to start.
I heard lovie really likes rashard mendenhall from IL.


Okay. I understand that Turner has to go, the play calling has been horrendous. But I can't help but remember what seems like a relatively short time ago,when we were all calling for John Shoop's head on a platter. Now don't get me wrong, I wouldn't let Shoop or Turner coach my little brothers'Pee Wee football teams. But perhaps we should also be talking about who should succeed Turner as well? And also, how are we going to try to avoid being in thissame position again after just a few seasons. I'm really not trying to be argumentative, but, who do you think should be our next offensive coordinator?I'm just saying. Thoughts, anyone?

edit 2-

Special teams: Can't do much better here. Best return man in the league...great kickers. And you (Idonije) block the kicks. Ayanbadejo is a stud. Wecan't ask for more.


Dline: I don't think I would ask for much more here. Great players, just get healthy. I honestly wouldn't do anything here except maybe upgrade thesecond DT spot. Teams can run too easily on the Bears. This is very low on my list of priorities...maybe last actually.
LBs: This play significantly dropped off all around. Urlacher is hurt. Briggs doesn't seem the same either. Hunter has always been the other guy next tothe stars. I don't what to say about these guys. This is a huge question make because of Briggs. If he leaves, he must be replaced with someone. So I guessthat'll remain a priority just in case.
DBs: I know there are injuries here too, but we need a leader in the secondary (specifically the safeties). Mike Brown is perfect for this role, but we'veall realized we can no longer count on him. It is a sad thing, because everyone loves Brown. We just need someone who is ready to take his place. There is nodepth at all at safety.
D Coord: All I'd ask here is that we switch it up a bit. Get creative. Blitz!! The thing I hate most about the Cover 2 is how conservative it is at times.The whole idea of waiting for someone to make a mistake. I know it is successful, but be able to adapt when it isn't working. Pressure the QB with morethan the front 4.


Oline: We all know this Oline is done. It is really up there in age. This to me is the most important part of an offense. Having talent is always important,but it always looks so much easier with a good oline (check the Vikings). As a fan, it kind of sucks to sit back and see linemen drafted because you can'treally see these results as easily. These guys have to get comfortable and work as a unit, but it is a thing of beauty when it is done. Number 1 priority
WRs: Oddly enough, I wouldn't change too much here...not right away at least. Of course, I'd like a playmaker added here. Maybe Hester can become that,ala Steve Smith. Either way. The glaring weakness is the big time player which I'll get into at the end. The offense could aways run smoother with someonewho would make it easier on the QB. These guys are too hard to find, so I wouldn't worry too much about it yet.
RB: Sorry Benson, Peterson, and Wolfe...I don't think any of these guys are the the answer I'm looking for. I want a guy who can do it all. If theseguys were combined into one, then I'd be happy. I want speed and vision. But someone who won't get tackled if you breathe on him.
QB: I dunno. I think these guys have it a little tough...and I blame some of this on the playcalling. I guess I know Rex isn't the best of guys, but Idon't feel the need to take a QB as much as other positions.
O Coord: At this point, I absolutely hate the way this offense is run. It just seems like nothing is ever going how it should. Benson finally started runningwell against Seattle a couple weeks back...and then he only gets 11 carries? C'mon now. Or the complete lack of creativity on offense. It seems like it isa bunch of screens, forced runs, and hail marys. On third and 10, the offense will always do a draw or a screen. I'm so very tired of the play calling.Sometimes they throw in a couple trick plays, but they seem so forced and meaningless. Can we please get some plays that will actually exploit other D'sweaknesses? or get receivers open?

Head Coach: I dunno. I like Smith cause the players love this guy. As long as his players will give their all for him, I guess I can accept him there. Heloyalty seems to cripple him at times though. And sometimes a little to stubborn with things.

Any more in depth explainations can be found above.

* Special teams are fine...
* Defense is alright. Top priority on defense is to get depth in the secondary, specifically the safties. I'd like to see a guy in themold of Dawkins, Ed Reed, Adrian Wilson, Polamalu, or the late Sean Taylor. Someone who can cover and hit. Second priority is to get agressivewith the play calling. The team seems to willing to sit back and wait for mistakes. I rarely see blitzes. Third priority is to get healthy andget depth.
* Offense has three big problems. They need to get a playmaker. They need to replace the oline. And they need better coordinating. Every good offense needs aleader...a go to identity. This team doesn't have it. Give Rex a stud like Chad Johnson...or Adrian Peterson of the Vikings. If you can't dothat, give Berrian a QB like Romo. I mean, they need someone to carry this team in the crunch time. I'm not asking for Brady, Moss, and LT...but someoneplease? I have no idea who is the go to guy right now cause no one is stepping up. I already have oline and o coord discussed above, so you can check that outif you haven't.
With a first and a third we could significant upgrades at QB and RB in the draft. The first 3 rounds in the draft should be OL, QB, RB depending on who isavailable. But knowing Lovie, he will probably go OL and safety/D line.
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

With a first and a third we could significant upgrades at QB and RB in the draft. The first 3 rounds in the draft should be OL, QB, RB depending on who is available. But knowing Lovie, he will probably go OL and safety/D line.

Lovie usually gets too much !%%@ about some offseason moves. Kind of like trading away TJ, im sure Lovie would have loved to keep TJ. It was a move thatJerry Angelo made because he thought that his prized #4 overall pick was ready to step up, although he is soft. The draft is primarily made by the GMs, thecoaches are little involved.
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