ATTN: Single guys - Do you think that you already know/met your future wife?

Jan 2, 2007
ive been on and off wit this girl for more than 3 years...she gives me problems but threw everything..we always go back to each other even though she's notthe type of girl i marrying..i keep telling myself that the girl of my dreams is out theres but no luck so question is do you guys still think the oneyou gonna marry is still out there or are you destined to be with some one you've known?
Yes, I believe I have


Originally Posted by sensaciondelbloque

Originally Posted by joshhassolex

nah i ain't trying to worry bout marriage til i'm 25

im 25..i feel like time is running out

I'm 24 and starting to feel the same way. Just got out of a long relationship (3+ years) and don't wanna go through all of this again, especially fornothing. It's kinda my fault, I knew we weren't meant to be like two years ago and stayed with her much longer than I should have. I coulda been 22 andsexy, now I'm 24 and out of shape. lol. Some stripper *almost* believed me when I told her I was 30 last night, smh.

But to answer the OP, no, I do not think I have.
Honestly, if I was on my OG tip of marriage and kids by 30 ..... I would feel like that. I've known this girl for a couple of yrs now and if i was on myoriginal life timeline, I'd prolly be close to wifing her up .... but a couple of things got all twisted up, with my life not being where I want it to be....... and also I'm not too hot on that whole marriage thing anymore ..... I'd say if i really thought she was the one and could get her too wait acouple of years but that in and of itself it way too selfish. And I gotta say I'm way too entrenched in my Me/selfish tip right now
i thought i did... til a bunch of !$%#*!@$ happened and we broke up... which is y im single now
... haven't talked to her in months
Originally Posted by sensaciondelbloque

Originally Posted by joshhassolex

nah i ain't trying to worry bout marriage til i'm 25

im 25..i feel like time is running out

You're bugging kid. Im gonna be 28 soon and im not even close to being ready to get married. Enjoy your youth there's plenty time to settle down lateron.
I haven't found her yet but I'm not sure if I believe in that whole "The One" theory, I mean just look at the divorce rate. I'm sure allthose people thought they were marrying the "The One". That term is used too loosely now a days and a lot of people get caught up in lack luster loveand want to assume its right to get married when in actuality its just a deep infatuation.
I thought I did when I was younger but now it's a completely different story.

One minute you're with someone on cloud 9, the next minute she's gone off trifling. I know spoken like a true NT cynic of course, but with that saidhopefully she's out there, otherwise I wouldn't wanna get caught simpin hard with the wrong chick
Trying to look for the one isn't gonna get you just happens.
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