Are MSNBC and FOX just mirror images of itself?

Pretty much.  Both are incredibly biased.  Not sure how anyone could use either for their main news source.  
Fox News is a joke. Their polls are never correct. MSNBC has a strong liberal bias, but they are legit.
main difference is that FOX news was created SPECIFICALLY to cater the conservative audience. msnbc just happened to drift to the left.

both still suck.
hard to say they are "equal" when ones election prediction and poling data was ike 98% more accurate then the others

also MSNBC has a 3 hour morning block show named a centered around a former rebublican congressmen
MSNBC is a poor man's Fox News expect it doesn't sell itself as a "news" channel.

CNN is terrible for other reasons.
Yea, only Liberals are legit and speak the truth. Duh
Says the guy who voted for Obama.
They're both biased but they use rhetoric the audiences they appeal to are very different

But at least MSNBC has one very high quality show (Maddow), unlike Fox News which is top to bottom trash

MSNBC a has liberal bias, Fox News is the unofficial propaganda machine for the GOP

-In before the so called "moderates" and "awake" Nters come in are call everyone on biased or sleep
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I can't say so. On a surface level sure but how many examples of MSNBC's extreme bias, selective memory/reasoning, and just pure ignorance are out there compared to FOX News?

MSNBC is far left and FOXNews is far right....

I find FOXNews to be WAY more manipulative and deceptive with their coverage though.
Fox News let an uneducated idiot, Glenn Beck, have his own show. So.... that speaks a lot to what they are all about over there at Fox :lol:. I only watch MSNBC for political news.
MSNBC is a poor man's Fox News expect it doesn't sell itself as a "news" channel.

CNN is terrible for other reasons.

Says the guy who voted for Obama. :lol:

I'm a moderate who voted for Obama tho.

Both channels suck tho man, MSNBC was never this liberal and bias but since Fox News has lead all news channels in the ratings just by targeting conservatives - MSNBC took that idea and made it their mission to do the same (targeting liberals of course).

This change happened in 2007-2008 when MSNBC rebooted the channel.

What has the outcome been? MSNBC spiked in the ratings a little but FoxNews is still way far ahead. Fox will never change their agenda, They've found a winning formula (that MSNBC has duplicated) and will run with it. As long as their are conservatives, their will be FoxNews.

Can't trust FoxNews because they're based on conservative opinion and agenda - Can't trust MSNBC because they duplicated the Fox News formula. Trust yourself tho, read OP. Make up your own decisions.
msnbc actually tells the truth unlike fox which makes up **** alll the time.. :lol: msnbc is liberal but it's not biased to the point where they lie to their own viewers like they do. Its been proven time and again how fox has the worst informed voters out of any news channel.
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yes, MSNBC is liberal, but they also dont flat out lie as much as Fox does. Ive been watching Fox regualrly for about a month since the whole election stuff and they do feed lies.
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