Anyone get revoked from College for recieving a D.

Mar 19, 2006
Anyone get revoked from college after getting in but then obtaining a D on your final transcript in your senior year.

Edit: YA I mean In HS! Im in HS. And wondering if I get a D will I see a rejection email coming my way. ALL I have left to do is send in a Final Transcript.

But Psychology wooped me in the @## and I think I am going to get a D.
Man don't worry about it.
it is senior year my man.

The money you will bring to them is far more important than your letter grade.
Hahaha naw that didn't happen, but most colleges go by your GPA and standardized test scores. And your Junior year.
naa man i got a F in physics but it was my junior year. I was scared as crap but i still got accepted to the colleges i applied for
I failed chemistry with a 48 my senior year and nothing happened
I'll start my last semester in college this September
one more semester and im done with all the bs

graduating early ftw
i got a D in calc my senior year in HS. i had to write a letter to UCDavis saying some bs like i wasn't gonna do it again, and how i was under some stresstowards the end of my HS years.

other than that, i was good.
In CA if it's in one of your core classes or a non extracurricular credit they will care and you'll have to make it up before the summer is out and youbegin university classes. This goes for Cal States and UC's.

I've seen it happen to people. You don't want to be that person. I'd go talk to your counselor and ask her advice.
something like that happened to one of my friends.

she had to take a summer program to make up for a grade, i believe; this was for hampton btw.

i assume it varies from school to school though.
are u tryin to go to an ivy league school ............ if not then forget about it
possible...some people get cousin did and went from a highly regarded school to community college unfortunately

but good news is they will take him back when he gets the right grades.
I got straight D's in AP Calc my senior year. The top half of my report card would read As and Bs, get down to the bottom and see a straight line of Ds
. I still got into a "selective" school..
So far Ive gotten 3 ds in highschool. Ive made up 2 of the 3 and th eother will be made up in he summer. Im about to be a senior. Hopefully they wont be tooharsh on me.
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