Anyone else in the mid 20 Age group just feel a little out of place with things?

Jan 7, 2004
No this isn't a cry for help 

I mean in regards to style trends and the extreme increase in online social networking and the need to post everything online - the desire for youth to skip the idea of working hard in a career in order to make wealth, instead opting for E-fame and youtube hits? - Marriage settling down starting a family - NOT wanting the world to know your business because privacy already is rare in this world- Youth culture seemingly going BACK in time in terms of style and progression- while education/ pro-societal growth seemingly sink further and further away

Sometimes I guess I feel lost because the values my parents instilled in me - Better yourself - and make a positive impact - Having people remember your name because of the good you do - I guess sometimes I feel like those values are becoming less and less important in this world - and we're now moving into times where YOLO, WorldStarHipHop, Facebook fame, Tweeting ( do I need to know you're having toilet issues?) are the biggest influencers

Anyhow - not judging - Again just wondering if it's just me - perhaps I need to make a change then -

I probably sound like an old man - I'm 24 - 

Sometimes I guess I just feel lost in this youth (kind of in between 2 major generations that are as different as night and day)
im 26 man and im in the same boat as you. I was trying to explain how the easy access to information is causing the "dumbing down" of future generations. But it is so obvious in the black community that we are part of an ugly cycle of violence, drugs and teen pregnancy smh
as a fellow 24 year old, I hear exactly what you're saying.

the worst part is the MASSIVE ego that people (mainly women) have developed due to social networking.

everyone think they're a model, throw up 100 self-taken shots in hopes that simps come out and give them the validation they so desperately crave.

But in reality, I blame you dudes. you guys are the ones who make a 5 think she's a 7 because you will say just about anything to get in her pants.

and when you DONT, you just give her all that material to work with that she's better than she really is.

I think its funny how alot you like to act like you have your women in check, when in reality the majority of you are some of the biggest B's I've ever had the displeasure of having to share a community with.

You guys arent men, you're mayors of your own Boytown. Masculinity dropping. More dudes saying things like "OBSESSED!" and "LOVE IT!" on facebook pics.

DESPERATELY trying to appease these women most of you dont even have a shot with.

I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

inb4 its not that serious.
I mirror your sentiments OP. I've been thinking about this for the past few months and was starting to feel like
I was the only one that felt this way. Also club has a very valid point but it's only part of the problem imo.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

as a fellow 24 year old, I hear exactly what you're saying.

the worst part is the MASSIVE ego that people (mainly women) have developed due to social networking.

everyone think they're a model, throw up 100 self-taken shots in hopes that simps come out and give them the validation they so desperately crave.

But in reality, I blame you dudes. you guys are the ones who make a 5 think she's a 7 because you will say just about anything to get in her pants.

and when you DONT, you just give her all that material to work with that she's better than she really is.

I think its funny how alot you like to act like you have your women in check, when in reality the majority of you are some of the biggest B's I've ever had the displeasure of having to share a community with.

You guys arent men, you're mayors of your own Boytown. Masculinity dropping. More dudes saying things like "OBSESSED!" and "LOVE IT!" on facebook pics.

DESPERATELY trying to appease these women most of you dont even have a shot with.

I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

inb4 its not that serious.

It's just the instant gratification generation.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

as a fellow 24 year old, I hear exactly what you're saying.

the worst part is the MASSIVE ego that people (mainly women) have developed due to social networking.

everyone think they're a model, throw up 100 self-taken shots in hopes that simps come out and give them the validation they so desperately crave.

But in reality, I blame you dudes. you guys are the ones who make a 5 think she's a 7 because you will say just about anything to get in her pants.

and when you DONT, you just give her all that material to work with that she's better than she really is.

I think its funny how alot you like to act like you have your women in check, when in reality the majority of you are some of the biggest B's I've ever had the displeasure of having to share a community with.

You guys arent men, you're mayors of your own Boytown. Masculinity dropping. More dudes saying things like "OBSESSED!" and "LOVE IT!" on facebook pics.

DESPERATELY trying to appease these women most of you dont even have a shot with.

I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

inb4 its not that serious.
Ive felt out of place all my life age wise.
I see so many of you complain about the simping on facebook, and I just dont get why you dont stop going. I go on face book once a month 
Every so often I go a week or a month with no electronics, no tv, no computer,minimum phone. 

It is very refreshing, some of you should try it
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

as a fellow 24 year old, I hear exactly what you're saying.

the worst part is the MASSIVE ego that people (mainly women) have developed due to social networking.

everyone think they're a model, throw up 100 self-taken shots in hopes that simps come out and give them the validation they so desperately crave.

But in reality, I blame you dudes. you guys are the ones who make a 5 think she's a 7 because you will say just about anything to get in her pants.

and when you DONT, you just give her all that material to work with that she's better than she really is.

I think its funny how alot you like to act like you have your women in check, when in reality the majority of you are some of the biggest B's I've ever had the displeasure of having to share a community with.

You guys arent men, you're mayors of your own Boytown. Masculinity dropping. More dudes saying things like "OBSESSED!" and "LOVE IT!" on facebook pics.

DESPERATELY trying to appease these women most of you dont even have a shot with.

I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

inb4 its not that serious.
- damn you went in, LOVE IT! hahaha. this is absolutely true
I feel you OP, I'm 23 and I really think we're in between generations. The older heads I know that are nearing their 30's are on social media, but it doesn't really affect them at all. The people that are a couple years younger than me are all about it. Some of my friends are more like the older heads and some are like the younger ones...i'm lost 
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

as a fellow 24 year old, I hear exactly what you're saying.

the worst part is the MASSIVE ego that people (mainly women) have developed due to social networking.

everyone think they're a model, throw up 100 self-taken shots in hopes that simps come out and give them the validation they so desperately crave.

But in reality, I blame you dudes. you guys are the ones who make a 5 think she's a 7 because you will say just about anything to get in her pants.

and when you DONT, you just give her all that material to work with that she's better than she really is.

I think its funny how alot you like to act like you have your women in check, when in reality the majority of you are some of the biggest B's I've ever had the displeasure of having to share a community with.

You guys arent men, you're mayors of your own Boytown. Masculinity dropping. More dudes saying things like "OBSESSED!" and "LOVE IT!" on facebook pics.

DESPERATELY trying to appease these women most of you dont even have a shot with.

I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

inb4 its not that serious.
My man you hit it right on the head..

Chicks getting 50 likes for the simplest thing

Chubby chicks swearing they are classy but taking pics in stripper poses

Women run it flat out...

all the sexy women eventual will become strippers and the basic %##+$$ will takeover..since were afraid to talk to the ones that are actually legit
I feel out of place sometimes because I don't use social networks as much as everyone else. I have a Facebook and a Twitter but no Instagram (yet 
) ahahaha....
Everyone knows what everyone is doing at all times so sometimes when some people meet up there's like nothing to talk about lol... I've never been down with the "everyone's on their phone" type of kick-it...
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

as a fellow 24 year old, I hear exactly what you're saying.

the worst part is the MASSIVE ego that people (mainly women) have developed due to social networking.

everyone think they're a model, throw up 100 self-taken shots in hopes that simps come out and give them the validation they so desperately crave.

But in reality, I blame you dudes. you guys are the ones who make a 5 think she's a 7 because you will say just about anything to get in her pants.

and when you DONT, you just give her all that material to work with that she's better than she really is.

I think its funny how alot you like to act like you have your women in check, when in reality the majority of you are some of the biggest B's I've ever had the displeasure of having to share a community with.

You guys arent men, you're mayors of your own Boytown. Masculinity dropping. More dudes saying things like "OBSESSED!" and "LOVE IT!" on facebook pics.

DESPERATELY trying to appease these women most of you dont even have a shot with.

I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

inb4 its not that serious.
realest $++# ever man...
Im only 22 but I feel you man. Every time I get on Facebook I smh at all the attention +!***$ posting their pictures, and all the cornballs commenting and gassing these @%%$@* up. Also people who post their life stories and breakup letters as statuses that are meant for one person to see, instead of sending texts to them. Then you see people who ask "whats wrong", and the reply is I dont want to talk about it. Then Why the hell did you post it for 1000 people to see?

No self respect.
i guess i was kind of late going into the social networking scene. created a fb account back in 2010 and deleted a year later based on all the crap i saw and my disinterest to post something. social media is just not made out to be for everyone.  NT is all i need
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

as a fellow 24 year old, I hear exactly what you're saying.

the worst part is the MASSIVE ego that people (mainly women) have developed due to social networking.

everyone think they're a model, throw up 100 self-taken shots in hopes that simps come out and give them the validation they so desperately crave.

But in reality, I blame you dudes. you guys are the ones who make a 5 think she's a 7 because you will say just about anything to get in her pants.

and when you DONT, you just give her all that material to work with that she's better than she really is.

I think its funny how alot you like to act like you have your women in check, when in reality the majority of you are some of the biggest B's I've ever had the displeasure of having to share a community with.

You guys arent men, you're mayors of your own Boytown. Masculinity dropping. More dudes saying things like "OBSESSED!" and "LOVE IT!" on facebook pics.

DESPERATELY trying to appease these women most of you dont even have a shot with.

I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

inb4 its not that serious.


i hardly ever get on facebook and my twitter i try and tweet at a minimum lol i feel like i dont have enough followers to have 20000 tweets and i have 400+ followers 
 so i mostly get on it to see what ppl are talking about and leave and wont go back on for a few days NT get most of my time doe !!
At least y'all recognize it. I noticed it's been moving this way since I graduated in '99. Stay humble my friends and things will fall into place.
all of the problems arise from the internet... I can say is…use the internet to your advantage. its either the biggest teenage wasteland, or literally the GREATEST thing that has ever happened to man.
Originally Posted by bkzkurse

No this isn't a cry for help 

I mean in regards to style trends and the extreme increase in online social networking and the need to post everything online - the desire for youth to skip the idea of working hard in a career in order to make wealth, instead opting for E-fame and youtube hits? - Marriage settling down starting a family - NOT wanting the world to know your business because privacy already is rare in this world- Youth culture seemingly going BACK in time in terms of style and progression- while education/ pro-societal growth seemingly sink further and further away

Sometimes I guess I feel lost because the values my parents instilled in me - Better yourself - and make a positive impact - Having people remember your name because of the good you do - I guess sometimes I feel like those values are becoming less and less important in this world - and we're now moving into times where YOLO, WorldStarHipHop, Facebook fame, Tweeting ( do I need to know you're having toilet issues?) are the biggest influencers

Anyhow - not judging - Again just wondering if it's just me - perhaps I need to make a change then -

I probably sound like an old man - I'm 24 - 

Sometimes I guess I just feel lost in this youth (kind of in between 2 major generations that are as different as night and day)

Agree 100% on this.  Not a lot of people have any morals or values anymore.  People will step on one another just to gain a one-up on the next person, and I feel that people put too much emphasis and revolve their lives around money + materialistic things.  I used to be like this, but as you get older you start to realize that monetary values/possessions aren't going to give you a great sense of self-worth and satisfaction.  People rather be shelling out tons money on materialistic things instead of traveling the world, learning about different cultures and volunteering/helping out.  The simple things in life are forgotten amongst our generation...
25 years old here.

Bro, I literally agree with EVERYTHING you said; and I've felt this way for the past 3 years.

This new generation; the ones born from '90-'95 & beyond - are trend followers and have no sense of originality. They live their life on social-networking. A lot of them have no actual competent real-life social skills. They can't wait until they do something cool, just to take a picture of it and tell the world they've never met; how cool it is.

%@## that. These kids are mad lame these days, I feel bad for them to be honest. Growing up in the 90's myself, I really appreciated the time when fun-times were organic, and kept internally with those who witnessed it first-hand.
I'm older than most here and I just can't relate to the social media generation...

No Facebook, myspace, twitter, instagram, youtube, etc...

I have always tended to keep to myself and all those things listed above have no appeal to me whatsoever.

Call me old, stubborn or out of touch... You do you and I'll do me.
Social networking was cool at first and now it's the devil. Every girl thinks she's Beyonce and all the 'mo dudes feel the need to let the world know of their sexuality. The world is lost, maybe 2012 should just be real
. It'll do us some good.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

as a fellow 24 year old, I hear exactly what you're saying.

the worst part is the MASSIVE ego that people (mainly women) have developed due to social networking.

everyone think they're a model, throw up 100 self-taken shots in hopes that simps come out and give them the validation they so desperately crave.

But in reality, I blame you dudes. you guys are the ones who make a 5 think she's a 7 because you will say just about anything to get in her pants.

and when you DONT, you just give her all that material to work with that she's better than she really is.

I think its funny how alot you like to act like you have your women in check, when in reality the majority of you are some of the biggest B's I've ever had the displeasure of having to share a community with.

You guys arent men, you're mayors of your own Boytown. Masculinity dropping. More dudes saying things like "OBSESSED!" and "LOVE IT!" on facebook pics.

DESPERATELY trying to appease these women most of you dont even have a shot with.

I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

inb4 its not that serious.

OP post was way deeper than women being gassed and your post s a prime example of what OP is trying to say.

You are so consumed with the dating life, you cant realize that as a whole our youth is allowing mediocrity to become the acceptable.

Chicks have always been stuck up and will always be stuck up.

Before there was Facebook, there was the street corner you past every day where dudes holler at you.

Keep using the excuse that women are gassed up on facebook for the reason why you are not in a relationship.

Im a bit younger than the heads on this thread, but I can still relate to most of the stuff said.
OP, what you said about privacy is too true. it should be valued the most, but i guess no one cares about that anymore. 
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

as a fellow 24 year old, I hear exactly what you're saying.

the worst part is the MASSIVE ego that people (mainly women) have developed due to social networking.

everyone think they're a model, throw up 100 self-taken shots in hopes that simps come out and give them the validation they so desperately crave.

But in reality, I blame you dudes. you guys are the ones who make a 5 think she's a 7 because you will say just about anything to get in her pants.

and when you DONT, you just give her all that material to work with that she's better than she really is.

I think its funny how alot you like to act like you have your women in check, when in reality the majority of you are some of the biggest B's I've ever had the displeasure of having to share a community with.

You guys arent men, you're mayors of your own Boytown. Masculinity dropping. More dudes saying things like "OBSESSED!" and "LOVE IT!" on facebook pics.

DESPERATELY trying to appease these women most of you dont even have a shot with.

I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

inb4 its not that serious.

Never on FB because of this non-sense. I'm not one of those dudes with 40,000 + tweets either. Not my style. I'm an old school kinda guy. Just shut up and work hard. I don't kiss %%+ but I can respect another man's hard work.

On the women side? I don't go around hitting on girls online. Seems silly to me. I use the internet for entertainment, knowledge, and communication. Not *simping*.
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