Anyone checking out the Olympics torch relay?

Jan 20, 2002
mayor newsome completely changing routes on the go.

they ready to put that torch on the boat and go around the embarcadero
yeahh i just turned on the TV and i guess they scrapped ALL plans of running now..

torch run turned into a torch drive. crazy

its a huge caravan of police cars along with the torch carriers inside one shuttle, an array of Chinese trucks, and news vans

anyone reading this in the Bay Area, turn to channel 3.. its pretty interesting
newsome called an audible and have that torch on VAN NESS (long way from the embarcadero, those protesters aint making it there on time with all that traffic),

im heading out to check this out!
hey can you guys school me one why this torch relay has become such a problem? why are they trying to steal it?..i dont get around to the tv here where ilive..thanks in advance
Originally Posted by crod6926

hey can you guys school me one why this torch relay has become such a problem? why are they trying to steal it?..i dont get around to the tv here where i live..thanks in advance

not steal it, but some people around the world have been trying to put it out. This is mainly because the problems and issues occurring in Tibet.
just got back from following the torch along van ness, and i believe they went down moscone.

kind of tired, lol

there were buses filled with police, there was no way you could even get close to the torch (one lady tried, she dressed like a runner, but security told herto get out)

mostly a lot of cheers, a couple of protesters (but there were a throng of them)
at people protesting the runners. I know things areall bad in Tibet and Darfur, but people really need to get their priorities straight and protest the mis management of u.s. tax dollars, failed school systems,prision overcrowding....etc.,

The torch carriers are getting to participate in a once in a lifetime event, these people need to let them have their fun.
Originally Posted by alejanz28

at people protesting the runners. I know things are all bad in Tibet and Darfur, but people really need to get their priorities straight and protest the mis management of u.s. tax dollars, failed school systems, prision overcrowding....etc.,

The torch carriers are getting to participate in a once in a lifetime event, these people need to let them have their fun.

Understandable, but... as soon as the olympics are over China wil shut down Tibet, it will not be pretty. This is basically their last chance to draw somelight to the situation.


was tough to get pics of runners, crowd was crazy

some dude had a megaphone shouting "Free Tibet" right in my ear
, but nobody could hear him because of all the claps and cheers from the crowd.
i was watching news last night, and people couldnt even locate tibeton the map and they couldnt explain the situation going on in tibet.
yea, there were a few hippies, but mostly a lot of love for the runners and torch. maybe because all the protesters were on the embarcadero
I saw a hippie get beat down hard by the cops, that's what's up.

I wonder if anyone is going to jump from the Golden Gate in protest of Tibet.
smh...the protesters have other avenues to protest. blowing out the torch does nothing at all
. if u really care that much, go to those places and help thosepeople out.
yo they said the Chinese Government is running the show and thats who they're taking orders for on the route.. CRAZY..
Originally Posted by McFlyer

why are there a rediclous(sp.) amount of white people protesting?

Cause most white people have nothing better to do than protest. Things are so good for them that they feel that they have to solve everyone elsesproblems. (I'm white, I just have other things to do like survive)
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