Anybody else not get along with their family? Vol. I don't like you mannnnnn


Deleted member 41978

We just don't get along.. Like my stepdad hates me. Hes one of those dudes that ALWAYS has to be working and always wants you to do something. Like whatever I do, I do it wrong and one day I told dude off and said don't talk to me and his hate towards me has been extra strong since. He doesn't say a word to me anymore so I don't say anything to him. Only thing he says to me is to do something. My moms cool most of the time though 
 and then 2 brothers.. I'm the youngest so they think they know everything but my middle brother is the most selfish, lying dude around.. Low life, steals whatever he can type of dude. My oldest brother isn't that bad but we just don't really talk, hes big on WOW and video games and stuff. I just don't really get along w/ my fam or connect with them.. Like i'm the odd one out but I don't really think I do anything wrong. For the most part I just mind my own business and keep to myself. Anybody not get along with their family?
maybe you should try to connect with them more. then you wont feel like the black sheep
Dont really consider myself a "black sheep" but Im not really feeling my family either (long story). Seriously thinking about severing ties with them.
I'm not a black sheep but I don't interact with them much.

It's not that I dislike them, I just don't really talk to them about a lot of stuff mostly cause they don't care/don't even know what I'm talking about.

As for siblings though, hell no I don't like my brother
Its not like I haven't tried. Its like whenever I try to be nice it doesn't even go anywhere. I share a room with one of my brothers and dude comes in at 5am, with no regards to anything and turns on the light and starts eating food while i'm sleeping.. Another example is i'm chilling and my other brother comes up and is like "get your ##@* outta the dryer" when my close isn't even dry yet. This is the only family I have in the country but I feel like once I get my life all together after college and everything i'm not gonna have much contact with most of them.
I thought being the black sheep was being the individual set to the side without any regards whatsoever all the time. Begin blamed for any misdoings that probably weren't your fault, not paid attention, set aside on family discussions, etc....
you dont really sound like a black sheep. so youre saying all of them get along with eachother but not you?

sometimes when im at the dinner table, i wonder why im related to these people. sounds harsh but whatever.
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

I thought being the black sheep was being the individual set to the side without any regards whatsoever all the time. Begin blamed for any misdoings that probably weren't your fault, not paid attention, set aside on family discussions, etc....

Basically but I just didn't wanna get into too much details and type it all out. Not too the extreme though. And they basically all get along while I just do my own.. I'll edit though if it makes ya'll happy
I feel you OP. Although I was pretty much raised by my mom and dad, I turned out to be completely different compared to them. My mom is extroverted, always having parties with her friends and all that and I like to keep to myself more. We really don't relate apart from blood.

I only live with my mom and a younger half-brother that I'm not too close with either. I'm very cool with my dad but I see him every once in a while since he's out of state.

My family as a whole just isn't interested in anything I'm interested in so there's really nothing to talk about that will get us to really vibe.
i wouldnt say black sheep but im not very close with the fam besides my mom an a few others
Originally Posted by BossPlaya0625

Dont really consider myself a "black sheep" but Im not really feeling my family either (long story). Seriously thinking about severing ties with them.

same.  Im def not the black sheep.  First chance I get Im cutting them all loose. 
Mom has called me once since I moved out 8 years ago. I talk to my dad about once a month but I am sort of the odd one out. Older sister, 2 younger sisters and a younger brother all still mooch off moms and pops, I sort of distance myself from them. No hate between us I've just always been sort of a loner and busy with my own thing.
Everyone in our family gets along just fine except for one cousin...never wants to come to gatherings or parties
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

Almost every time I'm in the same room, i wonder why I'm related to these people. sounds harsh but whatever.

Fixed. I get along with them, but I always feel like I'm dumbing myself down just to be able to communicate with most of them on an equal level.If possible, I would avoid any kind of major contact with them.
i don't get along with my sister at all... whenever she comes over i act like shes doesn't exist... she moved out a couple years ago so she comes over sometimes to visit my family...but ya i never talk to her.. the sad thing about is we use to be close... it all started when i got a job that was by her apartment and i asked to crash a few times per week and she said no... mind you  my job is like 52 miles from my place but i needed a job so i took it... i wanted to save on gas by staying at her place a few nites out the week but she said no... i then asked if i can at least spend my lunch break at her apartment and she was giving me a hard time and even asking when i was going to get my own place... i was more pissed about the principal than her not letting me crash because i expected her to look me out after i helped her a lot with a couple things...she now gives me this reason saying shes pregnant and that her and her husband we're working on a baby and thats why i can't crash at her place at the time... yes that makes sense but you could have been honest instead of beating around the bush and playing me for a fool... so ya im still salty... but when the baby comes all will be forgiven 
Originally Posted by prymone

i wouldnt say black sheep but im not very close with the fam besides my mom an a few others


i share zero interests with anyone in my family except for football with my cousins + uncle.. other then that i am speaking spanish to them...
Its not that I don't get along but I am not trying to get caught in the vicious cycle that they keep going on with. Everyone is unhappy and better off apart but they just keep digging their situation deeper. I learned that people are going to do whatever and its best to stay out of their problems.
b, you my boy. real talk, you seem pretty successful (good at sports, tons of friends, hot girlfriend)

you dont need em. thats what i always say.
My man cq
haha thanks.. I feel bad saying it but i'ma dead all ties as soon as I can
I'm almost in the same situation as the OP although my "stepdad" and me don't talk too much be me and him are cool if that makes sense. Me and my older brother really have no connection at all. It could be us in the same room and watching something we both enjoy but I can't seem to enjoy it as much because he's in the room with me. I have 3 younger siblings that i'm really cool with but it's just my older brother that I have nothing to say to ever.
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