Any postal service employees on NT? I wana be a mailman.


Mar 12, 2004
Its about time I get a career ive been slackin my whole life, i have a good job makin $14 an hour but I cant see myself retiring from the place I work for. Ivebeen seriously thinking about becoming a mailman. Salary is great so are benefits and the longer you stay the greater the rewards. I just ordered my sampletest booklet and study materials alot of the stuff in here seems pretty simple but some of it seems impossible. Has anybody ever taken the real test, if so howhard is it on a scale of 1-10. Im a fairly bright guy i averaged a 2.8 through out high school mostly the only stuff in the study materials it will look like Iwill have a problem with is the memory stuff, ive smoked alot of weed in my day. Anybody know what score you have to get to get hired? Any info is helpfulthanx
You gotta get a 70% or better. I took the 460 test and passed. The memory part is the hardest, but theres a way to figure out how to get a better score on thatpart if you study.
thanks ill will im almost positive i could get 70% but somebody was tellin me at work today that you had to have a 95% to even be considered for the job andhaha thats probably not happenin
Where do you work now? I talked to my mail lady before I took it she said she just barely passed it when she took it but that was like 10 or 15 years ago haha.When you pass it your automatically added to the list of post office(s) you take your test for, for 2 years and if you want to you could retake the test for ahigher score. They sent me a thing to retake it but my score was good.
i work at the YMCA now, im a "building manager" basically im kinda the middle man my bosses tell me all kinds of dumb stuff to do, then I make myemployees do it

is the stuff in the study material pretty much the same as whats going to be on the real test?
i was thinking about doing this too, but i am moving up pretty fast in my job now so i might just chill. i dont know, i have a test date on the 15th for thepost office i still might take it.

What kind of questions do they ask you?
the hardest is memory, you get 4 different areas you have to memorize. then they give you a list of addresses and you have to say what area theyfall into. i think you get 6 minutes to do it all. my uncle said everything else was really easy.
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Its about time I get a career ive been slackin my whole life, i have a good job makin $14 an hour but I cant see myself retiring from the place I work for. Ive been seriously thinking about becoming a mailman. Salary is great so are benefits and the longer you stay the greater the rewards. I just ordered my sample test booklet and study materials alot of the stuff in here seems pretty simple but some of it seems impossible. Has anybody ever taken the real test, if so how hard is it on a scale of 1-10. Im a fairly bright guy i averaged a 2.8 through out high school mostly the only stuff in the study materials it will look like I will have a problem with is the memory stuff, ive smoked alot of weed in my day. Anybody know what score you have to get to get hired? Any info is helpful thanx

the test isnt very hard and you only need a 70 to pass. granted, the higher the score, the higher on the hiring list you will be placed. when i deliveredmail i got hired in without the test, but anyone that i know that took it said it was easy. I'm not sure what section of the test it is, but on one, thescore is only based on as many questions as you complete, so pay attention to that and make sure you dont rush through and make dumb mistakes trying to finishthe section.

delivering mail isnt a bad job, and right now RCA's are making about $18 an cam be stressful at first though. i ended up quitting to go back toschool because they had me working 6 days a week on a bunch of different mail routes that i didnt know and i had no time to study or go to class. ifyou're not going to school its a pretty good gig.

another good thing is that the rural routes are salary based, so even though a route is supposed to take say 9 hours, you may finish in 6, but still getpaid for 9. that can be nice on a really light day that only takes 3 or so hours to deliver your route. I'm not sure how it works for city carriers, ithink they are hourly. I really dont know much at all about city, i only did rural the year i worked at the post office.

also, to address the bolded part of what you said, that is not always the case. my mom delivers mail and it took almost 10 years just to go full time. ontop of that, mail routes are constantly cut and you can go from making 60k to about 50k or even less in a flash. In the end, you do make good money for a jobthat only requires a high school education, but just know that your salary is never really set in stone and can change at any moment. it doesnt always go downthough, it can go up, and the pay for a part time carrier goes up usually once a year.

btw, if you are going to be a city carrier, then almost everything i have said is irrelevant to you.
The key to the memory part is to try to memorize it as much as you can, like while the instructor is telling everybody the directions or reading the samplequestions for it, that time is like 2 mins long then you bubble in like anything and you can study for the rest of that time. You just have to answer as manyas you can correctly. You basically have 5 (A,B,C,D,E) category's with 4 different addresses in each them some with street numbers some without my adviceis to memorize the ones with out the street numbers first then the one with the street number most frequently used in the category's.
I know it sounds confusing. If anybody is still interested in tips PM I stillhave the packet they sent me to prepare for it.

[table][tr][td]Test Unit[/td] [td]Number of Questions[/td] [td]Time Allowed[/td] [td]Covered Subjects[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Part A
Address Checking
[/td] [td]60[/td] [td]11 minutes[/td] [td]Determine if two addresses are identical[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Part B
Forms Completion
[/td] [td]30[/td] [td]15 minutes[/td] [td]information identification for completing forms correctly[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Part C
Section 1 - Coding
[/td] [td]36[/td] [td]6 minutes[/td] [td]Use the proper code to assign to addresses[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Part C
Section 2 - Memory
[/td] [td]36[/td] [td]7 minutes[/td] [td]Memorize assigned codes for addresses ranges[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Part D Inventory of Personal Experience and Characteristics[/td] [td]236[/td] [td]90 minutes[/td] [td]Experience and characteristics which are job-related[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Its about time I get a career ive been slackin my whole life, i have a good job makin $14 an hour but I cant see myself retiring from the place I work for. Ive been seriously thinking about becoming a mailman. Salary is great so are benefits and the longer you stay the greater the rewards. I just ordered my sample test booklet and study materials alot of the stuff in here seems pretty simple but some of it seems impossible. Has anybody ever taken the real test, if so how hard is it on a scale of 1-10. Im a fairly bright guy i averaged a 2.8 through out high school mostly the only stuff in the study materials it will look like I will have a problem with is the memory stuff, ive smoked alot of weed in my day. Anybody know what score you have to get to get hired? Any info is helpful thanx

I am by no means hating, I'm just curious: you say you are fairly bright but averaged a 2.8 through out high school....did you not apply yourself? (nohomework, no studying for tests, etc.?) I never thought that a 2.8 was anything to be proud of, but I suppose it's a hell of a lot better than half of NT.

I think that being a mail carrier would be a cool job, depending on where you live. In Southern California, the weather is great almost year round, but itwould suck in the Pacific Northwest or anywhere that has a high amount of annual precipitation.
one of my best friends is a full time postal service employee, he got upgraded to supervisor and is making about 24/hour with full benefits.
I'm trying to take that test real soon. I'm about to graduate from college next month and I might need this to carry me over until I find somethingcareer oriented.
thanx for all the help from everyone, ill will ill drop you a PM tomorrow with some more specific questions for tricks and tips and such if you dont mind

and to eealto honestly i never really planned on going to college I was the first in my family to even get passed 10th grade let alone graduate HS. In hs I wasmore worried about playing basketball and chasing girls so no not really I didnt apply myself and I rarely went to class, but when I did I picked up everythingpretty easy. I got by easy haha and my family was proud of the 2.8 and as long as i had the 2.0 required to hoop i didnt care much.
I am by no means hating, I'm just curious: you say you are fairly bright but averaged a 2.8 through out high school....did you not apply yourself? (no homework, no studying for tests, etc.?) I never thought that a 2.8 was anything to be proud of, but I suppose it's a hell of a lot better than half of NT.
I got a lower GPA in high school, and I'd say I'm smarter or as smart as a good number of people I know who got much higher GPA's. Icould have applied myself more I guess, but high school GPA isn't the only thing to base your smarts on. and a 2.8 isn't horrible, thats still going toget you into some pretty good colleges.
I'd be a great mailman (for the record, I have no desire to be one). I know this city like the back of my hand.
took the sample test in the back of the book and got a 61, not too bad since ive only been studying for a week. The memory section killed me Ill def have towork on that everything else is a breeze
Mailman is like last resort type career. Also just cuz you past the test......there is waiting list.
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