Any Bama Heads???

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I wanted to see how many NTers live in Alabama? I am gonna be going to college down there (either Auburn or Huntsville-Alabama) and want to know of any goodspots down there. I'm actually gonna be visiting the campus' of both schools in 2 weeks and what to possible check out spots too. Are there alot ofspots or do you gotta go across the border to Atlanta? I'm mostly into collecting Jordans and any insight would be appreciated
there are a few of us on here...

... and all 5 of us usually respond to this kind of thread when it pops up every 3 months or so. lol.

huntsville is my hometown, but i live and work in birmingham now. superblytrife also lives (lived?) in huntsville.

there's maybe 2 or 3 other birmingham people on here that post regularly.

where are you from?
I'm from Leavenworth (home of Micheal Vick
). It's within 45mins from Kansas City. KC surprisingly only has 3 decent stores for shoes though so I'm not spoiled as far as stores are concerned. I actually have family(grandma & cousins) in Montgomery so I'm not completely unfamiliar with the state.

I actually talked with a guy from Huntsville and he went to Auburn for school. He said Huntsville is a more grown up town and majority of the students live athome so the campuses are not as busy and there aren't as many activities. He said Auburn is a college town and more activity oriented on campus.
^that's probably an accurate description. huntsville is by far a bigger city than auburn... similar in size to montgomery and mobile, actually. however,auburn is definitely a college town, while huntsville is not. so it might actually seem like there's more to do because you'll be constantly surroundedby thousands of people your own age. and uah isn't a huge school. huntsville has come a long way, though.
AL NTer #2 checking in.

Yeah, I'm still in Huntsville TimCity. Sometimes I ask myself why, but it's all good. As far as spots go, this isn't the place. I mean, thisplace is HEAVEN for picking up retros other than J's, since they just sit on shelves(currently waiting for the ZF96s to drop in price) at the local mallspots. If you are patient, you can ALWAYS find a nice deal at one of the many chain stores. But as far as more limited stuff, there isn't much. CityGear has an urban account I'm pretty sure, and they get the Jordan L'Style stuff. Same with Marty's.

As far as the city of Huntsville, it's okay. It is definitely on the comeup though. Hell, the growth in the last 2 or 3 years alone is amazing. I'mpretty sure it is the fastest growing city in Alabama, and maybe in the South. I think as time goes on, it will start to have that big city feel to it,although nothing like an Atlanta since the downtown is somewhat lacking.

And yeah, the city is NOT a college town, although college-educated folks make up the majority of it's tenants. I took some classes at UAH last semester,and after going to school in Michigan at a D1/35,000 student college, UAH seemed tiny. And there doesn't seem to be much school spirit or social life fromwhat I gathered. BUT, it is a good school and folks there go IN on the

One great thing about Huntsville imo, is that diversity is big here. With Redstone Arsenal here, you have different types of people everywhere, whichsometimes can be hard to find in the South. It amazes me how many people I meet are not from here originally, like myself.
yeah, I just got back from my trip and it looks like I'll be going to UAH. Actually, me & my friend will be. We both work at the post here so we willbe able to transfer to Redstone no problem (hopefully). And the dorms are nice are not too expensive. And the city life is way better than what we are around.We walked around the mall with some Oakwood students(his godsister & her sorority sister). It was cool.

I guess I'm gonna have to start getting into other kicks then
Yeah I'm originally from the Ville too. cosign superblyTRIFE and TimCity said. Alot of people sleep on retros round here and wear alot of fakes.... I sayagain ALOT of Fakes. Usually around A&M homecoming and football season when things get a little interesting. Beside that, its slow motion but a good slowmotion.

TimCity what high school you go to? I went to sparkman myself.
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