Answer honestly vol. If you were a pro athlete...

Nov 5, 2006
Which way would you spend your off seasons?

Jerry Rice himself used to say that the only difference between himself and his teammate John Taylor was what they would each do in the offseason-  Rice's off season workouts are well known and the stuff of legend, while Taylor would go home, spend time with his family, go on vacations and all that.  and not seriously work out until training camp started again.  Rice meant it in the best way possible - Taylor had all the natural ability to be truly great, but instead wanted to relax and go on trips with his mother, etc, and not do the 4-5 hour workouts 6 days a week that made Jerry Rice Jerry Rice.

So I propose this question:  Given your own circumstances, would you be more of a Jerry Rice or a John Taylor?

I'd probably be a John Taylor tbh.  I'd probably want to do too many nice things for my mom every off season
  Shes older too so I guess thats a factor
at the end of the day both are retired. I'd rather be John Taylor, make the money and be able to enjoy it.
Good question. I would do the JT, because I know I would try to balance a bit more though, because I workout now.
But Jerry rice HAD to do that, he wasn't naturally gifted like that. You think moss gave up his summers?
Taylor, Theres 24 hours in a day... I'm sure you can fit a Work out in everyday before the season starts... Whether its running or weight training, These amenities are available everywhere
i would do a little of both routines. i would definitely have my family vacation planned for the immediate off season, but i would like to get in at least two weeks before OTA's with my own personal trainer. so for at least one week, i'd be able to run that mountain with the GOAT.
Workout every other day.

Intern somewhere (I'm a Business Management major)

Chill wit jumpoff's & the homies at night time.
ppl like Rice & Kobe enjoy stuff like that tho..
some people just love the hustle.. working their butts off 24/7 etc etc..

unfortunately, i would probably be like Taylor.. which is why i'm living the #unemployedlife 
I'd be like rice I don't have kids don't like to drink or smoke and I enjoy playing sports and keeping my self active so clubs really aren't my thing
Everybody wants to be the GOAT but nobody wants to put in the work.

Most people aren't mentally tough enough to do the things Jerry did. That's why he's not only the greatest WR of all time, but the greatest player the NFL has even seen.
I think I would have done it the Jerry Rice and John Taylor way with the Kobe Bryant mindset like he said on the Stephen A. Smith show:  Get in the gym by 4 a.m. , get the workout out of the way.  When the family starts to wakeup, you are already done and have the rest of the day to do whatever.  Hence his favorite term Carpe Diem.
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Everybody wants to be the GOAT but nobody wants to put in the work.

Most people aren't mentally tough enough to do the things Jerry did. That's why he's not only the greatest WR of all time, but the greatest player the NFL has even seen.
Word! I'd do a mix of both. The season is physically and mentally taxing... 
id be more like taylor. a season including workouts and preseason would be so taxing on me that i would just want to get away for a while once february came
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