Am I wrong or is she just stupid??? Driving Related

Mar 7, 2003
So this morning I am on my way out, I have 2 friends in the car with me. I'm black(I feel you need to know this) and so are my friends, we are waiting antthe stop light to make a left turn from my complex. There is a white lady in a car in front of me, me and my boys are in the car bouncin around because thatGet at me Dog started playing from the ipod. So back to the point the lady in the car in front of us is just GRILLIN us through her rearview, I mean like nonstop for almost 1 1\12 minutes. So light turns grean and chick is still grillin us, mind you we have never said anything or done anything to her. So she pullsoff still looking at us, makes the left turn still looking at us through the rearview then because of this lovely ATL traffic she prceeds to plow into the carin front of her because the stopped kinda quickly. Now I didn't hit anything in this entire ordeal but I SAW everything, when I get out the car to see ifthey are cool the following happens.

Me: Is everyone ok? Does anyone need to use a cell phone or need the cops called?
"LADY" You damn right I need the cops its your fault I got into this accident.
ME: What?
"Lady": If you and your friend weren't in the car actin like immature fools I could have focused on what was infront of me instead of worryingabout the kids behind me.
ME: ??????

At this point I am lost and proceed back to my car to leave, all while the LADY is still blaming me for the accident(keep in mind I wasn't involved atall). Other witnesses say they see no way that I could be involved. SO I am wondering can she try to pull me into this when the cops arrive? Like can she saythat I was involved? I am just wondering what may happen, thanks for any help you guys give.
if it can be determined that you and your boys were being a distraction she can pull you in easily ... but the key is IF she can prove it which she probablycant ... but dont act like you are lost or have no idea what she is saying you said yourself you were jumping around and that is a distraction ...
She can't blame you for her stupidity. I wouldn't worry about it, as long as you weren't actually involved you should be good. How "wild"were yall acting? Anything out of the ordinary?

That fact that you offered help is good for you as well. Did you stick around for the cops, or give your information as a witness?
no its her fault. props on not getting heated. i woulda been tempted to say something back if she was trying to put it on me like that.
eff that.

she feels like a fool..................she wouldnt be pullin me in. real talk you a good dude, i woulda got out and laughed like damn you should keep ya eyeson the road ya dig lady?
No it is not your fault... The judge might get a good laugh out of this lol.

it would've been a legitimate accusation if you are in the front.. but in the back
. I would have slapped her silly.
sorry...but there's no way I'd even put up with that nonsense....and I can say I'm a pretty damn experienced driver (over 15 years).

distractions happen everyDAY when you're driving...and as a focus on the road and things that might affect anything in your drivingdirection....not the crap that's behind you while you're at a TRAFFIC LIGHT.

she's a moron

the only thing you did wrong was leaving the scene...I would have stayed to make sure the police got your side of the story. Because you left it upto her to give the police her side of the story and not yours.
Don't worry, you didnt do anything wrong so more than likely nothing will happen to you.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

if it can be determined that you and your boys were being a distraction she can pull you in easily ... but the key is IF she can prove it which she probably cant ... but dont act like you are lost or have no idea what she is saying you said yourself you were jumping around and that is a distraction ...
are you kiddin me?

I stay bouncin to some silver surfer in the whip i mean i be gettin real extra wavy sometimes. I never had nobody hit a car cuz of that. Thats all on that ladyfor real.
Wild probably wasn't the word I should have used, we were just bouncing up and down, ac was on so all windows were up which = no one hangin out the car. Weweren't blowing the horn or anything like that. To Marley I am not acting as if I am lost I am just wondering if anything can happen. To give a moredetailed example to cut out anyfurther questions, I'm in the drivers seat basically rocking from side to side and up and down but my butt is still in theseat, same for passenger, backseat guy is the more "amp" on who is actually moving from one seat to the next(still in the back NH), messing withstuff I have in the car and making these dumb faces. Now my boys didn't notice she was looking so its not as if they were blatantly trying to get herattention, I was the only on that noticed but I never said anything to them. Oh yeah I left before the cops got there because she kept screaming it was myfault. As I said earlier though there were 4 other witnesses (2 of which stay in my apt complex) who said/say I have nothing to do with the accident. Thanksagain for the help NT.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

are you kiddin me?

I stay bouncin to some silver surfer in the whip i mean i be gettin real extra wavy sometimes. I never had nobody hit a car cuz of that. Thats all on that lady for real.

Thanks man I needed that one, I'm feeling better now.
DMX, also thanks for those telling me I kept my cool. Yeah I really didn't see a need to blow up at her at all, especially since I wasn't even in anaccident.
She hit someone not you. It is her responsibility to pay attention to the traffic, not some people acting like fools behind her.
regardless if shes being stupid or not (which she is) like i said IF she can prove that you were being a distraction (which she probably cant) then you CAN beat fault ... anyone remmeber the thread about the VA law that was passed that sdoesnt allow you to hang those ballsacks from your ttrailer hitches? sameconcept
Honestly she's a moron. If you rear-end a person, no matter the cirumstances, you are held liable. Distractions or not. If the lady is making a turn, whywould she be STARING into her rearview the entire turn. It's hear fault she didn't take her eyes off and look forward. You have nothing to do with thisat all. Don't worry about it
She will say you was being a distraction and you will reply why cause Im black? END OF STORY .. LMAO

No matter what you can not be pulled in this .. You didnt hit anything and you didnt cause the accident, she didnt pay attention to what she was doing .. hintthats why they band talking on phone while driving ... its all her fault and nothing what so ever can happen to you ..
Yeah, next she'll be blaming the advertising at the side of the road for her not paying attention.

Nothing to do with you - she doesn't have a hope of making anything stick.
yea i think she just wants to pull u down with her...

and plus ur boys were just having fun..and since when is having fun a distraction...
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