Allergies!!!!! >:O!!!


Feb 6, 2010
 There are days where I totally forget I have them, and then days like this. I am in allergy hell today. Life is literally ruined until the medicine kicks in, then you get to feel nice and drowsy. Vicious cycle! Anyone else get some bad allergy action once in awhile? 
Damn homie I get them every other day at work, and almost every effin night at home. I hate them! I saw this other thread where some cat said something about echicea or something like that. Dude said it had him allergie free for like 3 years. Didn't get a chance to look it up yet, but I'm seriously about to look into it.
ive been taking my meds but forgetting to use the allergy eyedrops. Woke up today to the most itchy and bloodshot eyes ive ever had
I've never had allergies as a kid but in my mid 20's, they came with vengeance or something. Every year around this time of season, I get all jacked up like every day. Worse thing about it, nothing works for me aside from Benadryl, and that makes me so messed up with the whole drowsy thing and all.

It sucks cause my nose literally leaks all day whether I take meds or not. If there is a way to make this better surgically, I would invest in it and get it done.
Over the counter meds usually work well.

I get my usual allergies in the morning. Sneezing and itchy eyes.
bad shrimp had me brought to the hospital at 3am once,my throat was closing up and I couldn't breath.Funny thing was,some 12hrs prior I drove my grandfather to the same hospital for a checkup and at 3am he drove for me.
Allergies kick my %@% every year at this time,but once it's gone I don't have to worry about it until next year.I just got over mine so i'm good.
here's my cocktail:

1. Costco Brand Zyrtec (365 pills for 15 bucks!), 2. Nasonex (prescription only), and 3. "behind the counter" nasal decongestant (Sudafed) when necessary.

this is what my doctor prescribed to me. works like a champ. i was strugglin HARD CORE before. couldn't even open my eyes. lol
i've never had allergies until this semester, and it hits me like a train...idk what happened or if it's austin but man, im sneezin my #%% off the moment i step out the door
^^Fong I think anytime that Pollen count rises anywhere it's game over!DC has a ridiculous Pollen count so people who have it here SUFFER!
My bad Fong.I didn't even answer your question properly.I read that for Trees it's SUPPOSED to be from March - May,for Grass it's SUPPOSED to be from June - August and Weeds in September.
I've always had allergies but this season has been by far my worst experience. Apparently the pollen count is through the roof.
I went to an allergist a few weeks ago and got some Advair.. it's pretty good. Zyrtec is
Tree pollen messes me up something serious. I've been straight for the past several weeks. *knocks on wood*
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