Alcohol is my only friend. I hate everybody

Life IS full of selfish people. Only person you can depend on with 100% certainty is yourself. Never forget that.
Alcohol only masks the cold hard truth though. Don't drink, face the cold hard facts. Embrace the truth, for that truth is your only friend in this world besides yourself.
Become heartless or use your heart less.
Look into places where you can volunteer bro, that way the focus is off of yourself, you'll meet some postive people who are also there to help and get the warm feelings that come from helping out others.
Look into places where you can volunteer bro, that way the focus is off of yourself, you'll meet some postive people who are also there to help and get the warm feelings that come from helping out others.

I already volunteer my time to some kids for basketball. Them and they parents are some a holes too
that way of thinking is a road to ruin son 
Honestly I feel like I have no friends and life is full of selfish people. Everybody only cares about themselves. Beer/Liquor is always there for me errrr night tho.

I battled alcoholism for a while, but I would say, it's better to not commit a DUI like others. People talk about being an alcoholic, but the scary ones are like Jason Kidd and what not, driving under the influence. That's another thing in itself.
Get a girl that doesnt have any of the traits you hate
get $$$$$$$

after HS i cut off all my fake friends now my circle is small but im good with that :smokin
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Happiness comes from within yourself. No need to seek gratification from others. You should do things because they reflect the morals and beliefs you stand for. Every little step and positive action contributes to the big picture. Don't let others paint the picture that is YOUR life.
Not gonna disagree with you about ppl but I'd suggest you pick another vice. Cirrhosis of the liver aint no joke. It's pretty cliche to take your fall or withdraw from society with alcohol.
It sounds corny but alcohol doesn't make any situation better. Just think about it long and hard. I will spare any other bull **** advice, but just think for yourself for a moment how alcohol can make a situation better, and the ways it can make that same situation worse. Make a list or some ****, the pros will NEVER outweigh the cons
Your not gonna like the path your heading man, sooner or later your gonna have to face it. Stop hiding, stop running. Best of luck to you my brother one day you will see the light.
I feel that way sometimes, but there are good people everywhere, they are just harder to spot out. It's ok to have a drink every now and then, but don't drown your sorrows away in alcohol. Focus on you and weeding out the bad people in your life. You gotta love yourself first.
Life IS full of selfish people. Only person you can depend on with 100% certainty is yourself. Never forget that.
Alcohol only masks the cold hard truth though. Don't drink, face the cold hard facts. Embrace the truth, for that truth is your only friend in this world besides yourself.
Become heartless or use your heart less.

thumbs upped
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