Abolish the Welfare System in America Vol. Mature Discussion

Dec 8, 2012
I've seen the topic of welfare come up in a lot threads on NT.

Discuss it.

I want it abolished because I'm tried of waking up every morning early to go to work, they are taking money out of my paycheck and taxing me...

to raise 5 kids from a lazy irresponsible mother

or a lazy person that is able dodied and doesn't want to work.

In order to prevent the welfare queens and welfare abuse...just end it completely. Stop it. Abolish it.

Sidenote: this has nothing to do with race. I just despise lazy people that don't want to work and want a free ride. If you are a tax paying law abiding citizen who is productive and works you feel my pain. Shell out money for lazy people who have kids and don't want to work?
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I don't think NT is the place to have this discussion.

just wondering, why not? this guy may very well be trolling but if he's not, why shouldn't he be allowed to talk about this?

we talk about everything on here.
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The poor are actually the third least helped people behind, the elderly with social secruity and upper middle class with major tax expenditure programs
You sound real foolish right now man.

Never been on welfare but I'm pretty sure being poor isn't a glamorous life.
just wondering, why not? this guy may very well be trolling but if he's not, why shouldn't he be allowed to talk about this?
we talk about everything on here.

I'm not suggesting people should be banned from discussing this topic, only that such a topic will degenerate quickly.
abolish it? nah, i am proud to help someone who needs my help and can't help themselves

the system should be changed though in order to stop people from taking advantage of it.
umm they did..in 94

you have to actually have a job to get foodstamps, or at least needy kids.
There are people who need it and there are people who abuse the system. For the latter, how do you (government) go about policing this?
umm they did..in 94

you have to actually have a job to get foodstamps, or at least needy kids.

Yup I think OP is still thinking of how welfare use to run under AFDC, now its TANF
Even if they abolished it the government would just tax you for something else you most likely disagree with and/or want no part of.

What is the percentage of mothers on welfare with more than one kid and they remain unemployed? Sounds like you're just painting broad strokes on anybody that's on welfare.

Believe it or not, some times working hard just isn't enough.
my thing is that they need to tax the rich people more... like the super rich white people, because they are the one ******g up this country they are greedy and dont care about the people from the bottom so thats why we dont care about yall white folks... really though .. OP you just a hater
50% of  people on welfare are millionaires.

This system gets abused so much it's disgusting.
Why am I being taxed and money taken out my paycheck for a being a responsible hard working productive member to society that contributes...

and the lazy, school drop outs, who dont get jobs and never work, have a bunch of kids....get a free ride?

the lazy welfare people should be kept away from the polls to vote!

how are you making decisions on my country? when you don't work?

im tired of looking after other people's snot noses....close your legs...dont work, don't have money, babydaddy not around...dont have kids
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I don't have a problem with "welfare". This is just a word for helping the less fortunate. However, despite Clinton's attempts at reform in 1994, it has started rearing its head back within the past 5-6 years. When unemployment pays more than taking a $10/hr. job, we have a problem. When you can get paid for not working 2 years, we have a problem. When EBT cards can be used at Pizza Hut, you have a problem. When the Department of Agriculture is actively soliciting people for food stamps, you have a problem.
my thing is that they need to tax the rich people more... like the super rich white people, because they are the one ******g up this country they are greedy and dont care about the people from the bottom so thats why we dont care about yall white folks... really though .. OP you just a hater
How much would you like to tax them? Why not a flat tax so everyone is pulling their own weight equally?

Can you please cite an article that shows the super white wealthy people are the ones screwing us and they don't care?
you are bold face lying right now

Don't try to insult me because you're too ignorant to know how the system works. 

I work with them 6 days out of the week and have been inside their mansions. You have no idea the loopholes rich people go through.

If you really think I'm lying, do your own research


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