Raised by Wolves HBO Max - Season 2

Apr 5, 2008
Focuses on two androids tasked with raising human children on a mysterious, virgin planet. As the colony of humans divides over religious differences, the androids learn controlling the beliefs of humans is a treacherous, difficult job.

He was geeked off the cheers in the arena.

He’s not really a combat android. It’s interesting the juxtaposition they do with genders. Interested in seeing the life he resurrects or creates.
Father will now want to be called Maximus. marcus now has superpowers so I can't hold it against Father for losing to him. Show likes to keep introducing more weird stuff. So now there's 2 giant flying snakes: the huge evil one that kills people and the smaller vegetarian one from Lamia. Also I think Father said the android he's fixing is from a million years ago, WTH.
I think that’s probably what I like about the show. The turns. The wacky. Marcus started out as an atheist and has become a religious wack job. Father used to be this docile feminine character. Now, he’s turning into a savage. Probably end up with mother, Marcus ex, one of the kids and a few other chicks on the show lol.

And then figuring out the metamorphosis of Campian.
Father is a beta and I hope he gets washed again.
He got washed by a super human religious zealot. Father becoming an alpha. He destroyed a chain saw and gun wielding android. A human would've died.

And if we're like well...mother. Mother with her eyes can fly, disintegrate things with a scream, etc. C'mon. She's a weapon of mass destruction.
I have to accept this show like I did with The OA. Stuff happens and we won't learn why or how. Just enjoy as long as it stays interesting and not turn totally stupid.
I actually like how the show is challenging me since I hate the idea of sentient life robots and am not down with religion.

Ain't really a single atheist human striving on this show :lol: Nothing but bitter religious zealots and robots with no real personality, even the children.

Keeps me watching to see how things end up.
I'm glad they took mothers eyes. She was overpowered :lol:

She was like even without my eyes I could easily kill that thing.
Father needs to reprogram da 0s and 1s to get more bass in his voice.
I need to go back and look. Was it functional prior to Mother getting her eyes back?

And there seems to be many story threads. The other snake. The new android. Paul. Mother leading the atheists now.
I totally forgot marcus swallowed necromancer eyes last season. Funny how decima bae isn't into him now that he lost the eyes.
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