Moving to Another State Advice

Sep 26, 2012
Born and raised in Austin. Sick of what it has become. Need a change, and the rest of Texas is garbage. I want to be somewhere that isn’t as red as Texas is. Colorado is one of our favorite places to visit.

Can’t remember seeing brown or black folks anywhere, except for Denver. Any tips?

As far as anywhere else; I’m a 39 year old, married, Mexican that prefers to not be in a white-washed city or town.
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California my man

There are some conservative areas here but all the major cities are pretty damn diverse
Come home. Cali sunshine is waiting for you :emoji_muscle: :emoji_sun_with_face:

This is my 5th year in Austin. I don't hate it or love it, just haven't thought about relocating. If you've only lived here, you definitely should check out something else before you feel like you're too old to move.
California is where it’s at.
Sunshine state, diverse, great food, lots of places to visit.
it’s more expensive but it comes with so much more to offer.
It just doesn't get better than coastal California in the US.

It's expensive but the weather and wages make up for it 10x.

Specific cities I'd recommend are Long Beach, Oakland, and Berkeley.
Born and raised in Austin. Sick of what it has become. Need a change, and the rest of Texas is garbage. I want to be somewhere that isn’t as red as Texas is. Colorado is one of our favorite places to visit.

Can’t remember seeing a ton of brown or black folks anywhere, except for Denver. Any tips?

As far as anywhere else; I’m a 39 year old, married, Mexican that prefers to not be in a white-washed city or town.
Im with u on colorado.
Im sick of Texas myself (dallas)
Cali, NY, Denver and Seattle seem like good places based on what you're looking for
Can’t remember seeing a ton of brown or black folks anywhere, except for Denver. Any tips?

That’s funny because when I first moved out to CO I stayed in Denver Tech Center and never saw any other black folk. Granted I moved there in the middle of winter right before quarantine. If you are looking for suburbia with more diversity then check Aurora. 30/40 min drive from Downtown Denver and has a top school district.
thought Austin was pretty liberal or at least more liberal than the rest of Texas

Austin is liberal but it ain't very diverse. It's mainly just whites and Mexicans with a little black sprinkled on top. It's also only gonna get more crowed and expensive in the future. Houston, if you only consider the city itself, is probably just as liberal and much more diverse.

Sounds like Denver would be a good spot for the OP though.
Born and raised in Austin. Sick of what it has become. Need a change, and the rest of Texas is garbage. I want to be somewhere that isn’t as red as Texas is. Colorado is one of our favorite places to visit.

Can’t remember seeing a ton of brown or black folks anywhere, except for Denver. Any tips?

As far as anywhere else; I’m a 39 year old, married, Mexican that prefers to not be in a white-washed city or town.
Phoenix AZ. Ex was from around your parts. Tex mex educated gal. She loves it here.
Born and raised in Austin. Sick of what it has become. Need a change, and the rest of Texas is garbage. I want to be somewhere that isn’t as red as Texas is. Colorado is one of our favorite places to visit.

Can’t remember seeing brown or black folks anywhere, except for Denver. Any tips?

As far as anywhere else; I’m a 39 year old, married, Mexican that prefers to not be in a white-washed city or town.

Huge Mexican community in the Phoenix area, and plenty of nice places to live in the suburbs. Good job market too.

However, if you can afford it, I don’t think you can beat Southern California.
Not that many Latinos in Seattle. I wouldn't recommend it for him.

My mom is heading to Seattle for the first time ever next month. I know she won’t like it just based off the weather, she hates the cold/rain :lol:
She’s from Nayarit Mexico so her thing is the sunshine and warm temps.
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You can't beat CA. After moving to VA for a couple of years, I missed CA.

But I'll be honest, I wouldn't mind moving away again.
Anyone stay in Charlotte? I’ve pretty much decided I’m going to try and move here when the pandemic slows down.
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