Justice for Jacob Blake

Aug 14, 2012

Twitter says he's in serious condition.

Hope he pulls through.

Shot that man point blank 7 times in the BACK!

COWARD *** ***** *** MUTHA****AS!

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Disgusting. Hope he recovers, I’m amazed he survived that attempted murder.
He survived 7 shots in the back at point blank range???

There has to be legislation passed nation wide that makes it clear to these illiterate, good for nothing, knuckle-dragging, Neanderthal cops that non-compliance from anyone is not justification to use lethal force!
These cops never learn. Defunding can't happen soon enough.

:emoji_pray: for Jacob.
How wiill they when people are more concerned about pulling down peices of metal than making there local and federal politicians feel that rage about substantial policy change.

are even more stepping to them at thier front door. Make that hostility reciprocal
could it be any clearer that this is who cops are at their core?
full on judges and jury while the state looks the other way because it's what they want
police are a state sanctioned criminal institution. there is no fixing this.
every police dept across the country should be torched
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I'm betting they are going to say he went to his car for a weapon, but this will be interesting to say the least.

You gotta be a dumb *** cop to do **** like this in 2020 when you've already seen how the nation at large feels about police brutality.

I really hope this guy pulls through. Enough is enough.
Has anyone checked on the condition of the brick? Do we know if the brick had any marijuana residue on it? Cop shoulda known better, he knows what goes on at these BLM "protests". If he would stayed at home he wouldnt have been in this situation smh....
Once again the user above is using a tragedy to try and incite other users. This is almost as tiring as hearing stories like this.

Anyway I hope the man survives and gets justice, there needs to be accountability for being ****** at your job, like every other career.
Disgusting, but unfortunately not surprising.

Hoping he survives and gets what’s owed to him and then some.
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